ITT soundtracks

Name a franchise with a better OST than pic related. Go on, I'll wait you actually can't.

Consider, before trying, that you'll have to find something better than

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It's not even the best fantasy OST.

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone 10/10
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 10/10
Harry Potter and the Prisoner od Azkaban 11/10
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 11/10
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 11/10
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 12/10
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 10/10

HP had mediocre soundtracks, pham

No they didn't and I've won a musical competition at the hollywood bowl before. Lotr is mediocre. I have 90+ hp songs in my playlist that's why I didn't post any there's honestly too many

explain then what's so great about Harry Potter, if you're so great

Dollars trilogy

Conan is great, but nah LotR's still beats it
pick one

GOAT tracks:

There's way more, but that's really the tip of the iceberg.

What are you talking about the music is very well composed. Williams Doyle and Hooper did amazing jobs and the soundtracks are great. Tchaikovskyesque. I like suites lotrs soundtrack is like wagner which is fine but I dont prefer to listen to that all the time

Lotr is mediocre you faggot.

Conan the barbarian (1982).

No matter how shit you think the movies are, Transformers fucking nailed the OST

I said I had 90+ hp tracks in my playlist. Listen to the soundtracks by themselves not in the movies.

The first 3 HP movies had amazing soundtracks, but they kind of lost their touch towards the end, IMO. I remember that when I saw Deathly Hallows part 2, and they played the original Sorcerer's Stone them in the credits, I was amazed at how much better it was than anything else in the movie.

Kind of hard to explain listen to the soundtracks they are all good

Biches don't know about my videogames

No half blood prince has a goat soundtrack. And doyle did great work on goblet of fire. I don't really like desplat. But hooper and doyle were very good. Theres your problem youre listening to them in the film. Just listen to the soundtracks.

Excellent response, my friend.
I have, I enjoy them. Just not as much as LotR.

but one of the reasons why LOTR is goat is because of how well the themes work in the movies themselves, it's not just a symphony, it supplements the on-screen action perfectly. that's definitely an element to consider when judging a soundtrack -- how good they sound when watching the films themselves

To add I never thougt this originally either when watching. But I gave the soundtracks a relisten a few month ago.

Listen you got me wrong
The soundtracks work well in the first 6 films. Really well in emotional moments particularly the climaxes of 3 4 5 6. I'm just saying you can hear the entire score that was written. At least the way it was composed to be listened to.

So soundtracks I would say were goat like lotr that work in the films are 2 3 4 5 6. 5 is more subtle tho

the REAL question is which franchise adapted their source material better:

Lord of the Rings (not including the Hobbit movies)


Harry Potter

LotR easily, Fellowship especially.

Ok pal. If it were up to me I wouldn't have to pick. They are different and both work well

>neglecting Tom Bombadil
>good adaptation

Everyone is going to say lotr

But HP did a great job with the adaptation. Not particularly the scripts but with the camera work, tone, directing and atmosphere. I honestly liked 2 3 6 7.1 7.2 better than the books. For different reasons

your a faggot the lotr trilogy as a whole is the greatest movie ever maybe not the most artsy or whatever but it sure as hell is epic and entertaining

I hated how they ditched the visual effects of the spells, the wizard robe uniforms, the school life, etc. in the 3rd movie beyond. Those wizard duels were meant to be goddamn magic firework shows. Call me autistic, but I feel that that dealt a major blow to the "immersive" feel of the adaptation. Not ONLY those things, mind, but they gradually stopped including a lot of the little details that Rowling had made very sure to consistently made omnipresent in her setting. It made them feel more like cliff's notes summaries as opposed to adaptations.

>your a faggot
>greatest movie ever
>not the mosr artsy or whatever
>sure as hell is epic and entertaining
Top kek only the first one is good and its very very good. It becomes a drag and peter couldn't spice it up frodo was cringe

There's your problrm I love it. They shouldn't have to be like the books and will never be. Also harry wear adidas and jeans on the cover of azkaban book. It was cuarons decision to make the actors more laxed and make time seem like its progressed. Its a meme though. They wear their uniforms loads of times in 3 4 5 6. You bring along directors for a reason. To me yates and cuaron had great direction. The books had lot to be cut. Considering witchcraft is inherently dark I like how the series went. I like all the films they are all different though.

I thought that Sup Forums had agreed that LOTR was a shit adaptation

The entire point is as they grow up the magicial world is stripped and resembles the corrupted real world just like muggles. At least that's how I felt connected to the films more. They had an orwellian brazilian feel

They wont accept it

I thought that Deathly Hallows part 1 did an excellent job of portraying this -- that subtle ringing noise that played when they let the Horcrux gain influence over them was genius

Definitely....I noticed harry hears the ringing for the first time after touching or almost touching dumbledores cursed ring in hald bloos prince.

But deathly hallows part 1 is one of my favorites for reasons like you said it has a great brooding atmosphere. You feel the weight on the characters. And hald blood prince has a dreary dreamlike atmosphere I appreciated.

It already won best soundtrack of all-time, why is this even a debate?

I was pretty butthurt when Deathly Hallows p2 had Voldemort get a special snowflake death by dissolving into mist -- the whole "he fell to the ground with a thud" line was extremely important, and the filmmakers kind of missed the whole point on that one.

Deathly Hallows 1 >>> Deathly Hallows 2

>including Tom Bombadil
All respect to the original book, but FotR was written when he was still thinking of it like a Hobbit sequel. The danger hadn't yet really dawned upon them, and Frodo and company still considered it an exciting adventure.

Would have liked the Barrow-Wights though.

>LOTR triumphed again over Gladiator
holy fuck, talk about overrated. Why do people keep pretending that Gladiator is a serious contender for goat ost? I honestly don't get it, it's not tha special

Yea DH2 isn't one of my favorites at all. Plebs like it especially compared to DH1. DH1 is pleb filter.

I like him thudding on the ground more too but I guess they were going for the angle that he was devoid and didn't even deserve that

Nah LotR is one of the few things that most of Sup Forums can agree is good, minus a few shitposters. Probably like the ones who are going to respond to this comment.

Erador is practically a peaceful paradise without the barrow-wights or the walking trees.

I generally loved them but I don't think besides fellowship they are great. I felt based viggo and serkis carried the filmmaking

steve jablonsky is the only consistenly thing good in these movies

Where the fuck did you come to that conclusion

Viggo IS Aragorn, there's simply no way around this fact

all the shitposting and sperging out, mostly

everything this guy does sounds virtually identical to Gears of War, he's got the same problem as Hans Zimmer