Post nudes of girls with some info so I can contact them and get more for Sup Forums!

Post nudes of girls with some info so I can contact them and get more for Sup Forums!

fuck off with this cringe you lonely teenage sperg

Post screenshots please

Got nudes with her face in it?

ITT: Socially-awkward boy is shocked to discover that the girls in random selfies from the internet have names and live in houses, JUST LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO!!!

SPOILER: You're still sitting at home alone, jerking off to pictures of people you don't know and will never meet, kid.

Only girl dumb enough to send me her face (that im willing to expose) post screenshots

Her twitter


Bump for interest; anything?

I'm trying to get her to follow me for dm

I'm not even sure about this but here we go, make sure you post results!!


alexisnc on fb

(860) 428-1268


So, who is she?


Alexis Cooper?


Some slut named Morgan bourdeau

that's right

Whats he porn name???

Yes I do but want more 1st

I need nudes to get you more lol


what's her fb?

Steph grauer

got any with face?

No but you can match her Facebook pics with background

>Steph grauer
what's her fb?


The grand plan is that he uses the nudes to blackmail more nudes.

The plan fails because by the time the pics are on chan, she's already been blackmailed, her pics are already all over the fucking place, everyone knows, and she's probably anheroed already.

Fucked up plan...


So??? did you contact her?? post screenshot please

Renee bousquet RI

You guys, need to wait, if the thread dies before I get any nudes, I'll make a new thread when I get nudes.

I'm a good OP, will deliver ;)

her fb?

Not public since I last made contact. There is an old twitter




gmail?... you want me to get a chick to send nudes over gmail?

no plz ignore

any reactions?

looks fake af

not yet

yeath, strange no friends or pics..private profile or fake profile..

ignore this?
[email protected]?
Okay. I'll ignore that disgusting skank.

No, she's real, I'm getting her to send some now, will post ASAP bois


sweet , lets seen some wins!


the bitch is stubborn and retarded, she thinks the cops will do something for her xD she's saying she won't send shit but will go tell the cops.

I can post screenshots if you think I'm lying xD

I'll try to convince her still, not quitting

post bitch



this her?

send her some nude pics to scare her!

or this?





haha awesome!

She just said "enjoy your life in prison!" xDDDDD I'm dying


an attempt was made


who's she?

haha dumb slut

Nice do you have more?

fb link?

See if you can scare this bitch into some pussy pics. She's trying for a career in music. Maybe it will scare her to send.


will do now

Yeah that's her

10000000% this.


Name is Mica, chilean, IG mcpz666. Good luck.


did she delivered nudes already?



nope, stubborn slut

Damn, Giada's forehead has really grown since the early '90's



This one may be stubborn, but if it works, would be great. She's got a great body and one meaty pussy.


allah akbar!

Fb /finallyhappy1221

Any luck op?



bonnie lee mcalpin


Devon Darby


Fb /stephanie.airen
Insta stephanie.airen

damn bitch!

can't do shit without nudes lol