Greatest of all time thread GO

Greatest of all time thread GO

>Done more in 8 weeks than Obama in 8 years
>Prevented 5 domestic terrorist attacks
>Cracking down on pedophilia around the globe
>Dow higher than it ever was under Obama
>Unemployment at historic lows
>Car companies bringing factories back to US
>Traditional family values being put at front and center
>Progress towards privatizing education
>Getting rid of failed Obamacare
>Exposing liberal fake news outlets such as CNN

I literally can't understand why the libcucks are so upset. We're more respected as a country now than we've ever been... and all the cucks can do is whine and cry. It's like they hate winning.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump could literally establish world peace, cure cancer and end poverty and the crybaby snowflakes would still find a reason to hate him.

>Done more in 8 weeks than Obama in 8 years

That wouldn't be hard in all honesty, Obama was the worst president in US history by an absolute country mile.







I love the guy cause he will eventually throw out all dirty liberal cunts and we can make America Great again.

Trump could literally cause global nuclear war and snowflakes would still find a reason to support him.

wrong, snowflakes hate him with a passion, it's hilarious watching them lose their shit lol

I'm not even an american and i love how the guy triggers my country's liberal faggots. Truly the Aryan Messiah of our generation

This is the fantasy Breitbart shills you? Holy shit you are brainwashed!

Trumptards are snowflakes too.

>t. asshurt hillary voter

That's hot


>We're more respected as a country now than we've ever been
Haha oh wow, the level of delusion is baffling. You know nothing about the world. Hell, you likely barely know anything about America beyond whatever parts of America that sanitised, propaganda-spewing media outlets show you.

The opinion of the world is more or less:

-40% think that he's an amusing clown that basically embodies all the unfortunate traits that America is often portrayed with in unflattering caricatures and political cartoons.
-30% think that he's disgusting, petty and child-like.
-20% think that he's an incompetent and irrelevant buffoon that simply doesn't matter.
-5% Admire him and agree with him and wish they were born redneck and lived under the reign of the 'God Emperor'.
-And finally, a last 5% of people fear him. Not as in respect, like you suggest, but as in "let's get rid of this dangerous idiot and the people who elected him."

Trump supporters are all American patriots, crybaby libshits are the delicate snowflakes, aka cupcakes lol

>i am totally not an sjw guys but don't you think anti-sjw's are much worse

>The opinion of the world is more or less:

>made up shit

Gonna need a source on that bro

you're using the snowflakes term incorrectly.
It is used to describe liberals, and their 275 genders, and 14,000 feelings..

It doesn't really work on conservatives. You just sound confused.


>Breitbart is bad

Found the CNN viewer lol

Right, but i dont know why people thought he was so good. He bankrupt the country

>no commas
Not even quality shoop nigger

hahhahhaha you must be trippin he preventend 5 attacks he did? wow let me leave it at that.


Going to need citations


It's used to describe someone who feels fragile and unique and needs a safespace or they sperg out which sounds a lot like Trump supporters.


Take photos when the slavs are squating while fucking your women.

No, the term was more general until Trumptards started using it for liberals.

It defines people who are emotionally vulnerable against views that challenge their own, can't take offense and aren't very resilient.

This sounds just as much as Trumptards as it does liberals.

after this 4 years all trump voters will be fucked enjoy this 4 years after that it will be like 40 years again before you get power

Gr8 b8 m8. Ever heard of citing your sources?

he could be the devil and you will still love him thats the other side

>Still cares about a failed presidential candidate

Wow that Walter Mondale sure had some good ideas

This thread is the American public in a convenient nutshell. So politically polarized that the only thing they have is screaming obscenities and name calling. No active thinking.

The truth is this: your politicians, left or right, don't give a shit about the common man. As long as there is profit to be me from wealthy capitalists they will choose them over you every time. The left, the right, they do not care about you. They care about who writes the paycheck for their next campaign contribution.

Luckily the 1% are outnumbered. Throw off the shackles of you capitalist masters. Drag them off of their golden thrones and execute them in the streets if they do not bow their heads to the will of the people. We need Revolution to end them.

America. Cast off your old ways with the coming of age of the new generation. Make way for glorious socialism. It is the only way to save yourselves from the destruction of your country, your environment, your economy, and your citizens wellbeing.

Pray its 8 years 2 TERMS BABY, en mass liberal suicide lmao :^))))

>Unemployment at historic lows
Aint that Obama accomplishment?


I refuse to acknowledge that there is any way even the staunchest Trump supporter believes he is getting a second term

>s-stop m-mentioning Hillarys defeat!!!

lmfao :^)

Hahaha. 439k people? From the whole world? The sample size is so comparatively tiny as to be laughable.

Besides, I'm ready to admit this freely: Trump being a vociferous and controversially entertaining populist tend to make more loyal and fervent followers. i.e. the kind of people that would jump at participating in an inane poll such as this one.

I do like the 92% approval from Russia, though. That's definitely an achievement you can chalk to Trump.

hahahhahahahahah messiah stay of the drugs fag throwing words around just because. he had millions and never helped you but now he will hahahahhaa

I'd say more Bush's

Not liberal and not American but troll harder

Nice emoticons fag

Every Goddam election they say the same thing about the next one. you newfags wouldn't remember that anyway...

Well he can't be as bad as Obama and he got two terms, we shall see

>Traditional family values being put at front and center
>posts on Sup Forums

Let's check the polls

Okay, son.

that's hardly an accolade though, a log of shit would be better than obama

i think the 20 % and the last 2 5% r on the low side

>unemployment at historic lows
You know, in soviet Russia there was no "unemployment". Was it good for the country? Decide for yourself

This shit is still funny.

>Hillary sells uranium

Allow the selling of uranium while at the Stete Department is more accurate.

>mfw that image is from last week

Doesn't make you any less of a faggot

pffft of course there are no sources, it is hyperbole, c'mon.

The point is: Trump is not well liked outside of America, in general. I can tell you that he's very despised in Australia, UK, most of Europe, most of South and Central America. Asia is pretty much split between not giving a crap about him and making fun of the whole thing. No data on Africa, sorry.

a snowflake is someone who thinks they're special. Trump supporters think they're special, just look at how they talk down on anyone who doesnt agree with them. They have the same mannerisms as an uptight bitchy SJW. And if you tell them about Trumps shit healthcare plan, his constant wishwashing of beliefs, all they do is call you a "libtarded obama loving cuck" or some other dumb shit. Doesnt matter if you've always been republican and hate obama its the only thing these dumbasses can do considering using actual facts is beyond them

did some research, You're right bush got the lowest.


>forgetting those numbers are actually accurate for the popular vote


Still salty?

This is what happens when you make stupidity a desirable trait.

Goodnight America, you had a good run. Who would have guessed that white culture would be your downfall?

>Exposing liberal fake news outlets such as CNN
He doesn't care about fake news or not is all about who makes him look good. he's playing you fools into division.

you underestimate the stupidity of trump voters. The rich ones will blame the evil baby jesus hating liberals and the poor ones will eat it up like always and vote against their own best interest, like always.

What are you trying to achieve here?

>despised in UK

Absolutely not, we are ditching the EU and it's multicultural dogshit to align ourselves more with the Trump administration and US trade deals. The only people here in the UK who are anti-Trump are dumb libtards and muslim trash. Can't speak for other countries.

Comrade Trump the greatest!

i bet you my life if it will not be more then 4 just because people like on this thread if trumpvoters were nice and talk normal you would have a small chance but now nope. Wilders lost in the netherlands because trump is fucking up in the usa. If he would give a good example wilders would have won. Evry law he makes they send it back he dont get politcs only bisnes

yes. I'll be salty for the next 4 years.
6 months of trump then 3 years of president pence

...and earth is flat...

One of the first things he did was knock the TPP on the head, he gets my thanks for that.

You don't speak for the UK either

>The only people here in the UK who are anti-Trump are dumb libtards and muslim trash.
Speak for yourself m8

Wow that is a big blue pill you swallowed, or was it a suppository?

Those are US polls on the EC voting system, not popular vote, it doesn't work like that in the 'States

Well that's clearly not true, the working and lower middle classes are the main driving force behind leaving Europe and they REALLY don't like billionaires.

Trump is either a joke or a villain to the people of the UK. The tiny minority that might admire him are exclusively Sup Forums users.

Trumps a faggot and all trump supporters are faggots. Die in a fire snowflake cuck faggot.




You do realise that he had a really turd sandwich as opponent? As a foreigner I would have voted for him instead of her *because* I think that he's an amusing clown.

McDonald's is good now?


Trump is the snowflake. His feeling get hurt if you say his crowds were small. He complains that news organizations aren't fair to him. Trump is a thin-skinned little bitch who actually hasn't done anything.

This. The only people I know who are anti-Trump are literal hand wringing left wing luvvies, nobody cares what those safe space assholes think

Trump 1 for 1. Hillary still 0 for 2.

Say it with me. L-O-L

Never seen such worship of a cuck before. His alpha Putin got him the job making him the beta. What does that make his followers? I'm thinking sissy fagots.

Yeah not happening. Keep lying to yourself you might be happy one day.

but trump love us ahahahahahah trump loves money

>As a foreigner I would have voted for him

You sound like a patriot then, post election surveys here all indicated that the only people who voted for Clinton were illegals and hippy left wing retards, taxing paying patriots all voted for Trump.



They are motivated organized and growing in numbers. The conservative liberal pendulum will continue to swing. Remember this country went from the McCarthy trials to free love.


Your a faggot and your mothers a male stripper

ITT: People who think anti-Trump means pro-Hillary