Times Sup Forums was wrong


>movie is actually a solid 9/10

I loved it. Some feminist undertones but they were typical ones that weren't bashing you over the head.

It's almost like... And bare with me, here... It's almost like Sup Forums is contrarian and/or makes opinions based on the most innate facts

furiosa was awesome. she's pretty much a female max. so Sup Forums calls her a mary sue, but max is acceptable for some reason.

>actually a solid 9/10

Ah to be a redditor.

>$0.02 were deposited to your account

She's also not a Mary Sue at all, she's only shown to be skilled in areas that would make sense and gets beaten by Max early on.

I agree.

I'd say it's one of the best action films ever created and overall it contributed to the genre allot by showing how wonderful a practical mix of reall effects mixed with cgi can be. Most of the Sup Forums children on this board will throw a hissy over any female charecter that isn't two dimensional.

Though it was a great film, in the grand scope of film, it is not a 9/10. More like an 8 or 7.5. But that's in the grand scope. People are far too loose rating films these days because they compare them with what is emerging currently as opposed to placing it in the context of film history, a much harder task.

Female characters does not mean feminism ffs, I do think max needed a bit of a bigger role but the movie is fucking awesome, extra credit for the amazing surround sound track

just ONE question, why does he wear the mask, and would it kill him if he took it off


Sup Forums puts feelz before reelz


Never actually saw anyone claiming this. It's just bullshit they made up to complain about men.

Clearly you were not here April 2015- August 2015 because that's all that was posted

>furiosa mary sue
>gets beaten in the first minutes of the movie
>her plan blows up
>everything goes wrong and if wasn't for max's help and some luck, she would have been raped and killed
>the thing's she belived in ended up all being lies and fantasies.
>has to go all the way back, making most of her escape a failure

Mad Max Fury Road is garbage.

Mad Max is strapped to a truck in the first scene of the film. Fuck that shit. Didn't even finish the movie how shit it was.

>Some feminist undertones but they were typical ones that weren't bashing you over the head.
You should have a zero tolerance policy to feminism in your movies. Even a lot of the people here who (rightfully) shit on Fury Road are actually unknowing cucks who praise shit like Terminator 2 and Aliens.

Put any woman in front of me and I'd beat her face until she was unrecognizable. Just a mass of swollen bloodied flesh.

>feminist undertones

What the fuck were those?

That the women in the movie were actually capable of doing stuff to save their asses, but not capable of doing everything? That the salty grannies were a bunch of killers and hypocrites, who failed to keep themselves together after they had to leave their land? That Furiosa almost got killed and was only saved because Max was willing to give her his blood?

>Put any woman in front of me

Good thing this has probably never happened.

w-what?? can it be?



Besides, the females in Road Warrior were just as kickass as the ones in Fury Road. I dont hear anybody complaining about that.

Sup Forums was right about Ghostbusters 2016, but they were wrong as shit when it came to Fury Road.

To be fair, most feminists that watched the movie weren't comenting about this at all. They were all about "MUH STRONK WYMYN" and "ALL MEN ARE EBIL".

The women destroyed the society of the world they lived in. It was truly feminist.

so what what was the story.

I liked the movie but I wanted more Max 2bh senpai, I went to see it for Max, not for Charlize. That being said, I enjoyed it.

First post. Best post.

man made a thriving colony in the harsh deserts of the apocalypse

women are trying to ruin it

it's like poetry

>Times Sup Forumseddit MRA's were wrong

Fixed that for you user

Also the new Ghostbusters was 7/10

>$0.05 has been deposited into your account

>film's 9/11
>highest grossing domestic movie ever made


I'd agree with you but Ghostbusters was a legit 5/10


>it's going to be fucking shit guys!


I don't think you actually saw any of it.

Sup Forumsermins and Sup Forumstards getting their shit forced down their throats, majestic

truth check'd

Weren't most of the women in the film weak or starving scavengers?

This is


This is


That's because the feminists who claim this movie is a """"feminist"""" movie are as dumb and obnoxious as the retards who claim this movie is a """"feminist"""" movie.

>post yfw DC fanboys

Sup Forums is a big place

For most of the movies I enjoy, I'm sure there's somebody on here that hates them.

Hell, for most of the movies I enjoy, I'm sure there's somebody here who will shit on it without ever having seen it. I know I do it all the time.

>Sup Forums thinks any of these are bad


>m-muh plot holes!!
>muh rebbit BOOGEYMAN
>muh quips



I don't care about the supposed feminist shit, it was just a pretty boring and mediocre (no meme) film.


It was good, great even. But a 9/10? C'mon...

It's a 10/10.

name a better action movie this decade?

Sometimes insecurity keeps us from enjoying genuinely good movies. Especially once they become popular.

I went them out and my board back

oh wow get a load of this pleb baby

If you want to discuss capeshit or video game trash then fuck off back to Sup Forums or reddit. Whining that we don't like your mouthbreather flicks isn't going to miraculously make us discuss them with you.

Can't neccessarily think of one. But when someone says a film is a 9/10, I assume they mean compared to all films ever, not just actions films released recently. For a recent action film? Yeah it's definitely a 9/10.

Not even recent then

What, in your mind, keeps Fury Road from being one of the best action films ever?

I really strongly dislike Fury Road. I watched it twice, hated it even more the second time. I won't try again. I just don't get how George Miller can no longer understand a character that he created and made 2 and 1/2 great movies out of.

>What, in your mind, keeps Fury Road from being one of the best action films ever?
Nothing, really. Though I'd say I preferred drive. But like I said, when someone says a 9/10, I think compared to all cinema ever.

tell us all about Mad Max's character and how Fury Road fucked it up

Not that guy, but Drive is about as far from an action movie you can get. You fucking dipshit.

Star Wars TFA was still pretty fucking terrible

not my fault most people are fucking stupid and paid to see that shit four or more times in theaters. I knew fucks that went to see it 8 times. 8 TIMES.

I won't whine anymore about it but I don't really see why you'd go see that shitty, pandering, rehash of a film 8 times.

It has action, a lot of it is a commentary on action.
Just because it isn't schlock doesn't mean it can't be an action film.

Edge of Tomorrow
Rise/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Fury Road is about on par with most capeshit for me. Sure, its action is much more impressive than most stuff that comes out but it somehow manages to make even that boring and tedious. I mean I'm watching amazing practical stunts and I just can't give a shit. Also the writing and acting are genuine low tier capeshit tripe.

hello letterboxd cancer.

>a lot of it is a commentary on action
jesus christ, user

Whatever you say buddy.

wtf I love fury road now

It wasn't terrible, it was accessible and serviceable and bordered on mediocre

You can't separate your opinion from the popularity and the hype surrounding the movie. You're like a child.

It would be extremely painful, but depending on his size ofc.

>women are sex slaves and breeding cattle
>Furiosa pulls off a desperate escape that fails spectacularly when Max kicks her ass eight ways from Sunday
>almost leaves them to die in the sand
>grudgingly allows them to come with him
>Max almost singlehandedly gets them to the green place
>turns out Furiosa was completely wrong the whole time
>Furiosa is about to lead the rest of the survivors into the dried up ocean bed (and certain death)
>Max chases them down and convinces the women that their plan fucking sucks
>almost singlehandedly gets them back to the Citadel
>Nux, the other man, sacrifices himself which allows the others to escape
>Furiosa is on death's door, until Max saves her life with his own blood
>fat, neckbearded, pathetic virgins actually think that any female character who isn't a helpless, retarded women means the movie is feminist propaganda

You sad faggots are actually just as bad as the feminists. I'm glad you'll never get a chance to breed.

In Mad Max 1, Max is struggling to keep his sanity in an insane world, and in the end he ends up embracing the violence around him and becoming the hardest motherfucker out there.

In Road Warrior, Max is again the only sane man in an insane world. Even if the apocalypse hadn't happened, his world would be a wasteland. He lives for himself, for no reason other than because he is alive. Everyone he meets is trying and struggling to make something matter, but he knows better. And in the end he continues as before, with perhaps a touch of humanity restored but nonetheless alone.

In Fury Road, though, Max is genuinely insane and sees hallucinations, things like that. Totally wrong for Max, he's never actually been crazy. Don't get me wrong, there are some good moments of classic Max behavior, the ending in particular and when he holds the girls up with the shotgun come to mind. But Tom Hardy just plays him like an animal, a total mad bastard who's real sad about stuff. I don't like it, I don't think it works for the character or for the movie. He becomes too human in the film, to think that someone like Max could even be entertaining a romance is absurd. Yes, I know I'm projecting.

No one thinks that. It has a borderline message of gender equality, which would be a nice thing to see if done well, but the way it's thrown in is stupid and the movie isn't good.

If that's not the message or theme though, then please tell me what it because I swear there is no art or substance in the whole film.

>RT actually mattering
>He actually screencapped and made this image thinking he's making a great point

I hate coming to this board. It's like Sup Forums really. They have metacritc. You fucks have RT. It's incessant and moronic.

I personally found the movie to be all flash and no substance. Boring Protagonist, weak antagonist, mediocre fight scenes, a 2nd death star, the movie begins with a lost droid the list goes on and on and on and on.

The movie sucks and you people are fucking idiots for handing Disney all that money, but you know, ROTTON TOMATOES proves me otherwise. Right.

It's not that hard to think that Max became more and more crazy between Road Warrior and Fury Road.

I kind of subscribe to the idea that Max is more of a mythical figure from the wasteland, and the movies are the stories that people tell about him. It would explain why he has the interceptor in Fury Road, when it was destroyed in Road Warrior.

I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy it

I hope you don't feel invalidated just because I did.


This, the entire feminist discussion has become some kind of conspiracy boogieman. Women barely needs to have 2 lines of dialouge before Sup Forums calls it sjw and feminist. How do you people even enjoy a movie anymore?

it was an absolutely great movie

It's George Miller making the movie he wanted the ending of Road Warrior to be. He finally had the budget, the stunt team, and the effects capabilities. If retarded fucks are going to bitch about "feminist overtones" in Fury Road, those same fat faggots better hate Alien/Aliens and Ripley with an identical slobbering fervour.

Is Sup Forums the most pathetic userbase on Sup Forums? The contrarian mental gymnastics regarding Star Wars: TFA is incredible and at the same time absolutely loathsome.

The constant denial, backtracking and moving the goalposts.

>"TFA will be shit! Fucking Jew Jew Abrams, fucking nigger main character, fucking SJWs! People won't accept this! It will be worse than the prequels and a total flop!"
>Trailer drops. Record pre-sales, screenings booked out months in advance. Hype incredibly high.
>"I-i-t'll still be a flop! Guaranteed to be shit! Phantom Menace sold well too before people realised it was shit! N-nigger character!"
>TFA releases. 5 star reviews, record opening day. People love based Johnny B's performance, and he's very well received.
>"o-ok it might not be as bad as we thought, but it's still not going to beat Jurassic World! Disney are finished!"
>Beats Jurassic World, despite being released in off-season and no Chinese release.
>"J-just wait until based RLM eviscerates it for being A New Hope ripoff in a Mr Plinkett review! You'll f-fucking see then Starfags!"
>Mike loves it. RLM approve and think it has saved the Star Wars franchise from the prequels.

The mouthbreathing basement dwellers who strive to be contrarian have been backed into a corner really, they started so verbose. So confident that the film would be a flop, not break any records and would be panned by critics. Slowly as TFA has BTFO them on every conceivable level, they've been reduced to adopting some bizarre contrarian attitude to the prequels, proclaiming them as underrated gems, and trying to push some kind of narrative where if TFA doesn't beat Avatar, it's somehow failed, despite already being a record breaking movie and saving Star Wars.

I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

It's the same as with GB and WW. "No anti-feminist rhetoric here at all, it's just the crazy sjews that spins an anti-men narrative."

>listening to spergles around here

If you're going against the consensus of something, you better be ready to back up your claims.

All you did is say TFA is terrible and then became butthurt that I didn't take your shitty opinion as fact.

How about this: the films are in chronological order. The world depicted in the films gets worse every instalment, Max gets older. Max started out normal, became hardened, and then eventually became actually insane after years of isolation, losing important people (including his daughter, implied in the hallucinations). To me, going from sane to insane in that kind of harsh environment is not unreasonable at all.

Sorry man, but I think that whole idea is really dumb. I don't buy it at all. I just think Fury Road is a huge letdown, could have been great but it's not what a modern Mad Max should be. Glad you like it though.

I'm telling you, no one cares about the alleged feminist overtones. You're making those complaints up. I, and any other rational user, simply do not like the film because it is bad. Nothing to do with girls. Actually Furiosa was a great character until they made it to the old ladies and she started screaming in the desert for no reason and became a weak bitch.

Yes. As strange as it might seem, a movie in which the women are capable, but flawed and realistic, is such a rare occurrence that its existence gets labeled as feminist.

blame the Goobergate Sup Forumsirgins

Back up my claims? What the fuck are you talking about you idiot? All I said was that the movie was terrible. I don't need to encapsulate my posts with a JUST MY OPINION image. Use your brain and figure out that of course I'm just stating my opinion.

As far as being butthurt goes, hardly dude. I pointed out how stupid it is to use Rotten Tomatoes as some sort of holy scripture though, so if you're referring to that as me being butthurt be my fucking guest.

I have no idea what you're talking about dude. I steered clear of all Star Wars threads until the beginning of December when I finally saw it in theaters, and anyone claiming the prequels were amazing are fucking retarded.

George Lucas was ambitious in trying to expand his Star Wars universe but the nigga had way too much control and shit hit the fan. Sad story but its how it goes.

This new movie was just playing it safe every step of the way and had boring characters. Yeah its cool to see Han and Chewie again, great, but they couldn't carry that film.

>not what a modern Mad Max should be
Pretty presumptuous, considering the man who created the character and series also made Fury Road.

Since both posts you quoted were me, please explain why it's a bad movie, aside from "Max isn't the same character from the first two movies". Because to me, it sounds like you're mad that Max's character has tangible development though three movies (we won't speak of Thunderdome).

then why didn't they just get mel to do it

The actual movie isn't feminist. What happened is feminist-alligned blogs used the fact that Miller consulted with feminist writer Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues) as evidence for asserting there was pro-feminist intent in the upcoming movie. All he did was consult on how female victims of rape and human trafficking behave so his characters could be more complex and realistic. Media pushed the "it's a feminist movie" myth, twitter, reddit and Sup Forums reacted to it. This was all even before the movie was released.


Fury Road has some brettygood cinematography tbqh tho


I like thunderdome. Anyway the script is bad, like really bad. Some of the dialogue is absurd and it all feels very forced. The acting is not very good either, and Tom Hardy still sounds exactly like fucking Bane. The action is alright but it gets repetitive and all blurs together, so none of it is memorable. I can't recall a single stunt honestly. The story structure is nonsensical and there are far too many sequences tacked on just to pad the film and show more of the same stunts over and over again. The color pallet gets really boring fast, only so much orange and blue one can take. Also, there literally is no theme or substance to the film. It's not about anything. The wasteland is just there for "muh lore" and worldbuilding and shit, should have just made a DnD world or something. Because the wasteland means something in Mad Max 1 and 2, this could be set anywhere. It may as well be a medieval movie with wagon chases. Also too many guns. The only guns in Road Warrior are owned by the 2 most badass guys in the film, but here everyone has like a million guns. Also the bullet farmer and the blind justice part is insanely dumb, like genuinely I have never been more embarrassed for a filmmaker than in that scene (similar feelings about the flame guitar guy)

its always the medias fault

Goobergate, redpill, rabid puppies, Sup Forums - they are all the same insecure little shits, pissing in the sand because they can't deal with the fact that others use the playground as well.

>but they couldn't carry that film

Except that most people agree that they did and the new characters were great.

Furiosa and Rey are basically the same character

It's just that Charlize Theron is a much better actress so she pulls it off better

Prove to me that TFA is a bad movie because I don't buy it.