Greg, if you're reading this, go to bed: It's too late

Greg, if you're reading this, go to bed: It's too late.

up yours. I'm going to drink some coffee and stay up even longer.

Zozzle my nozzle.

its 11:56am


>apparently it's late



Wot, its 13:18

23:32 over here

its 9:19am newfag

Where do you all live?

with my gf

stfu lol le newfag xd rawr;)


So funny m8

that fucking hairline what the fuck

Seriously... from what country you all are!

Fuck my english

I liked this thread

It's 6:26PM wth

5:26 you cuck

I swear If this is Ancap leak over again... So help me Chris Korda.

It's 11:30 in the morning here Britfags!!!!1! AMERICA FOR THE WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN

Mc donalds m8


You mean Maccas right? Not a 4am Hungry Jacks run but a Maccas run?