All I wanted was to sing to God. He gave me that longing... and then made me mute. Why? Tell me that...

All I wanted was to sing to God. He gave me that longing... and then made me mute. Why? Tell me that. If He didn't want me to praise him with music, why implant the desire? Like a lust in my body! And then deny me the talent?

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Play Salieri

It wasn't like Salieri was THAT bad compared to Beethoven. I don't get why he was so obsessed.

It was more like Ringo compared to Lennon

Amadeus is one of my favorite movies. Why is it so comfy?

>It wasn't like Salieri was THAT bad compared to Beethoven.
kys retard


Amadeus shows how cruel God really is. Its not abut talent but mediocrity, Everybody could sit down and write a fugue, symphony but chances are that its going to be mediocre. Now imagine having a degenerate prick creating the most beautiful music. You have to destroy him. You have to destroy he who es talented. You have to destroy GOD who laughs at your mediocrity.

>Start with the grass. Van in first. Masketta in driving seat.

On the flight plan it looked nothing. The beginning simple, he wasn't alone. Just a charge for them. Loyalty and wondering, like a hired gun. And then suddenly, high above it, a plane. A single aircraft, flying there, unwavering. Until a masked man took over and sweetened it into a master plan of such delight! This was no composition by any survivors! This was a wreckage I'd never heard. Fire with such rising, such unfulfillable rising, it had me trembling. It seemed to me that I was hearing the voice of CIA.

I saw content of sheer brilliance filling the thread, conferring on all who browsed it, pure humour. God was singing through this cum-stained user to all the world, unstoppable, making my defeat more bitter with every passing greentext


What was Mozart's endgame?

>Astounding! It was actually, it was beyond belief. But it showed no retakes of any kind. Not one. He had simply directed a scene already finished in his head! Shot after shot of it as if he were just taking dictation. And a scene, finished as no scene is ever finished. Displace one meme and there would be diminishment. Displace one phrase and the structure would fall.

Wait, you mean these are original Pepes?

the comfy narrator


well that's the thing

he was given everything he needed and more

his own vanity blinded him

yfw Salieri got cucked by Chadadeus Thunderzart

Not only that but he died a virgin.


>Ringo compared to Lennon

you just answered your own question, dumbass

Did you watch the movie?
He gave his purity to God.
That's the reason why he's always eating fancy things, he doesn't have sex or any vices since he lives a devout life, so he only has food to fill the void of his dick.

>bane is a big guy for you
>do you have it?

tfw no costanze gf

God damn that scene hit me hard.

That was some prime jacking material as a kid.

Play CIA


>Go on, mock me, crash my plane!... That was not Bane crashing my plane, it was Nolan! That was Nolan crashing my plane through that obscene mask... Go on big guy, crash, crash!


Christ I never realized how absolutely cucked salieri was

u wot m8?



>ywn open your bedroom at 10am to find her waiting for you