How do i get a girl with this acne problem Sup Forums?

how do i get a girl with this acne problem Sup Forums?

all my friends have girlfriends and the make out with them in front of me and then go out with them to the movies and shit, and I just stay here at home playing PS3 and posting here.

I am tired of being lonely Sup Forums... how do i gf?

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Have your parents get you some motherfucking acne medication goddamn

Step 1: You need a big dick.

my parents are poor. we dont have insurance. we used to have it but my dad lost his job.

Did you try going to the dermatologist?

Buy some fucking accutane you faggot.

Have you ever considered washing your face at least once a day?
And by washing i don't mean rubbing pizza on it, which is apparently what you do now.

stop washing your face in the shower, do it after with warm or cold water and noxema and try not to scrub. and heres the thing that will cure it, use Differin Gel untill the acne is gone. I had bad acne and this is the only product i tried that kept me acne free for over 15 years

stop eating sugar, that's the key

Surprised you haven't got a surplus amount of pussy yet with those killer looks

If you can't pay it try searching in Internet some homemade methods

"my parents are poor. we dont have insurance. we used to have it but my dad lost his job."

I love you Murica

I would suggest YouTube. There's people with acne stories that started off just as bad as your situation. You could get some advice instead of browsing all the gay threads here.

its has nothing to do with nutrition, this is external problem and topical medication is what cured me

Found the newfag.

>I love you Murica

melt some chocolate then smear it on your face

go vegan, theres a alot of hormones in dairy and meat that promote acne, not to mention all the Oestrogen. try rubbing coconunt oil on them too while going changing diet.

make sure you wear new clothes, new bedsheets, also check what you wash your clothes in.

Get ontop of it user, control it, dont let it control you.

Peace Sup Forumsro

Wanna clear it quick? You need 2 things, a scotch scrubbing pad (the abrasive kind) and aloe germ-x. The aloe keeps your skin moisturized. Get in hot shower, put germx on pad, and scrub. Yes, this will hurt like motherfucker, but it will start clearing it up in a day or two.

Wallah habibi

Straight razor
Peel face off
Pick relationship

Girls ADORE guys with big self-esteem no mater how they look. Believe it or not.
Your look is not your 'handycap' it's your low self-esteem.

Keep it positive, ALWAYS ;)

Honestly dude, what helped me was just cut sugar. I had bad acne (not as bad as this), but I quit with the sugary drinks, desserts etc and started drinking more water.

Safe to say that helped my problem. I also started exercising. Give it a shot and if it doesn't improve in a month, seek a dermatologist

try a mask. preferably a white cone with two eyeholes

haha yeah free

Make yourself worth something, be someone people want to be around. And eat some vegetables you child.

not having insurance in 2017 is nonsense! your state has the affordable care act and everyone is accepted. if you dont bother getting insurance then out of pocket you're looking at least $60 dermatologist visit and depending on prescription, it will be under $150

Accutane buddy

Worked for me many years ago. Gotta get your blood drawn every month to check your liver but it shrinks your sebaceous glands.

Why would you want a girl with that acne problem? Odd fetish, but to each their own, I guess.

>i deserve someone to get a job in the medical field and take care of me for free

yeah fuck off commie, no one deserves shit, you earn it.

Go to dermatologist and ask for isotretinoin. Treatment lasts 6 months then your face will look great.

You were born free, you got fucked out of half of it and you wave a flag celebrating it. Fucking love Doug.

Drink fuckloads of water every day.
Google what foods to eat, you'd be surprised what you can and can't eat, tomatoes for example can cause acne, though you probably should cut out sugar and wheat and shit like that.

Stop being self conscious about it, I know its easy to say but confidence is really the key to women.

Chicks would fuck Jabba the Hutt if he were confident as fuck.

It doesnt matter how u look like it all depens on ur character just accept it

Anyone not living in afrika/russia/few other 3rd world countries have those freedoms. Usa has even more censorship than some of eu countries

Do a lot of exercise

depends how old you are i would start a prescription therapy asap cause if you wait too long, you will end up with craters.


Try cutting out milk from your diet. Mine used to be that bad and I read that milk may cause it. So I cut it out and cleared up completely in a month.


u fucking dont

Avoid greasy foods at all cost. By greasy foods I mean ANY food that contains fat. Eat lots of salad and fruit, and wash your face every morning and evening.
That will help reduce the acne on your face enough to get a girl.
No for the real hard part: if you're fucking poor, where will you get the money to take you girl out and make out?

stop replying to this stupid bait.


Character is important but no self confidence will override face fucking bleeding from acne. Get it atleast under control so that theres no actual open wounds

Why would you want a girl with acne problems.. thats some weird ass fetish you fucking cunt

Multistep process:
1. Refrain from fatty foods (chokolate, pork, chips, etc etc etc). Eat you goddam vegetables without drowning them in butter - And I mean it.
2. if you cannot find/afford medical help please at least go to the pharmacy yourself and ask which soap can help.
3. do some workout or fighting sports routine atleast 2 weekly. it can even be done at home.
this is not because the women dig the physique so much but much more about the confidence and presistency that your behaviour displays
4. live from less that you earn, save some money.
5. talk to banking/housing specialists about credit for real estate. With positive cashflow at your hand your creditworthyness is incredible important. You have decades ahead of you where other peoples money can work for you
6. Do your homework, get an education jadajada jada.
7. Know already: Acne is temporary, scars are a form of distinguishment. Man are not to be models. Models are to be models.
8. Sell the PS3! You now can afford some soap.
9. Since you have now time on your hand you can begin the exercise and do some walking around in your community to find the real estate places that will potentially make you a mulitmillioner.
10. You have achieved a positive outlook on live, yourself, etc and will begin to have that as mystical secret aura of Sup Forums. That is the powersource to all true pussy magnetics

Summary: Clean your life, make money, fuck bitches, yea!

fuck off yuropoor. go back to sucking muslim dick.

Take a few steps back from the mirror so you can barely make out your facial features. If then you find yourself repulsive then so will every girl you talk to. If thats the case then forget about having a gf. I can tell you that from experience.

>be 22
>had bad acne since 14?
>accutance cured it somewhat (still a few spots here and there every few months but mostly just scares on my face)
>been 'clean' since I was 20
>still trying to find courage to talk to girls
and I'm a somewhat likable person, girls generally like me when they get to know me. Unless you're stupid confident then accutane is your only friend

Sell that ps3. Get a job with some benifits. Work out. Go to dermatologist. Profit. You will feel 100% better about life.

I had sever acne and a vegan diet got rid of it, and vegan food is really good tasting, you just have to learn how to make it. This is coming from a guy that thought could never live without meat and cheese.


this. plus drink lots and lots of water.

just lost my lunch thanks autist

I'd rather die than be vegan

your acne was most likely your own fault. Looks like OP's acne is genetic, no diet can ever help that.
>all my family had severe acne
>brother been on strict diet + gym for the past 6 years
>still has acne, its better than it was but still noticeable

Nothing herbal is proven to work but, but what modern science is proving to me is that modern science is crap not to say that all scientists are bad(just some institutions), id look into burdock root tea it can takeup to 6months to work i know people who swear by it, besides that eating healthy like whole, non-gmo, organic foods and avoiding fast, fried, overprocessed, and junks foods may drastically reduce toxins enter into one's body, from my understanding acme is the result of your body trying to rid itself of toxins. So products labeled that they "cure" acme are cons that work as a quick fix remedy but with no long term results. You wont see real change unless you appy practice, research, & dedication to your issue, then you can understand &fix your problem, enjoy your day,=)

take zinc bro. not joking.
Go to the store and get 50mg zinc tablets. They are like $3 for several months worth.
Take half a pill in the morning and half at night and wash you face and shit you filthy nigger

Look for a girl with the same problem.
Don't make babies...


Ps3? Are u kidding God damn it get yourself a ps4 at least

found the vegan


change your pillow case daily or place a towel on it and change that daily

wash face with soap and cold water 3 times a day (no lotion or shampoo bullshit, plain good old soap, it's cheap)

stop eating sugar

dring at least 2 liters of water per (look up how much that is in potato units, ~11 cups)

i am poor.

Accutane. Shit might make you crazy, but will fix that shit. Or pop them all.


Wash your pillow case. Keep everything as clean as your possibly can.

cold showers and stay out of sun helped me

Don't keep picking or squeezing the spots either they will keep spreading through germs and bacteria on your hands

Don't drink anything except water
Don't eat oily or sugary foods
Wash your face everyday preferably before you go to sleep
Either wash your pillow case everyday or lay a clean soft towel over your pillow each night and wash your bedding weekly

This should help clear it up a bit

"potato units"
Found the euro poor.
Hope your cultural enrichment has been going well cuck boi


Get your parents to buy u one or get a job or hustle some drugs you need to upgrade your ps3 to ps4 asap

>Reverse image search
>0 results

Jesus fucking Christ. Accutane, and asap. At the stage you've let it get to though, it's already too late and you'll be scarred for life.

Have fun Ray Liotta

Forgot to say don't ever touch your face unless your hands are clean as in just washed
Wash your hair frequently as well


No u can't keep picking or squeezing they will keep spreading God dang it and get out in the sun tye sun helps loads u get vitamin d from the sun


I thought my temples were bad when I was 13/14, but holy shit, do you not know what a face cloth is?

you need to hit on fat girls and ugly bitches OP. thats the only way.

step 1: be sexually attractive

step 2: talk to women

step 3: thats it

People actually have somehthing like this?

Wash your fucking face bitch!

All these people talking about acne are great and all, but if you really want a gf, here's the actual secret: stay in your league. I'm a fucking loser, but I almost always have a gf. Just go for a girl equal or lower than you on the social ladder. Gl

You mud bru

first of all you should stop posting copypasta

holy fuck youre disgusting


I read this ^ years ago on Sup Forums, and it's probably the only advice ive ever taken from Sup Forums
and it actually works.. your acne clears up, make sure the towel is clean, don't use the same towel for more than 2-3 nights, maybe flip it over .. i don't know how it works but it makes my face clear as fuck. there's literally a towel on my pillow as im typing this lol


Those face cleansing masks seem to work

no all of that is irrelevant, you just have to be hot, thats it

.... or wash your fucking pillow cases wtf

Looks more like a bot fly infection or rare disease.


yup, me too, its cuz the bacteria of your pillows and bed are giving you acne while you sleep, the clean towel is the same as washing your entire bed

Eat low carb/low sugar and drink at least 64oz of water daily.

Your acne will lessen and possibly go away.

okay cuck boi
Enjoy brexit ;)

what if you can't afford a fucking towel for every night

buy a deep fryer and rub all the oil on bottm of frier on face. make sure you wait for oil to cool because are hot

Roacutan will solve your problems, but it will take about 8 months