How come white people have no culture?

How come white people have no culture?
White people, how does it feel to be cultureless?

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Those are trump supporters. They're a special kind of stupid.

well then go back to africa

dubs of truth

Our culture is everything the other cultures dont have


lel u mad?

I dont get it??? Isnt western culture qhite culture?

Why are you generalizing an entire race in an attempt to start a flame war? Is that really interesting to you? It's kinda overdone and boring now, try something else.


Come to think of it, music wise white people have been lacking. Jazz and blues originated out of African and Caribbean folk music which is now probably the largest foundation blocks in rock and pop. Hip hop is also the most popular genre of music in us, mostly populated and in large part manged by black people.

Jazz, blues and gospel were black American doings. White people had classical music, say what you want about it now being good. But had just as much of an impact on music and its construction as the others. But white people have lots of culture, I mean there's a huge difference between a person from Italy and one from Norway.


they kind of look like the albino blacks

We do, but it's racist to enjoy it so we pretend not to.

You mean AMERICANS have no culture.

And yet who is the president?

White people ARE culture.

Without white people the world would be populated by starving hairless apes throwing turds at eachother.

Before we showed up and purchased these Africans they were playing bongos and dancing like monkeys to attract a mate.

The males would then disperse their seed in the female primitive, leaving the female to care for the offspring alone.

This process of natural selection produced what we call today "black privilege".

So niggers got a culture ?
If being uneducated and acting like a primitive monkey is culture then I can agree.
And dont forget the culture of building huts from shit and clay, that is the essence of African culture. The only thing they even invented.

But what about asians?

We do, It's just that white culture is so overwhelmingly prevalent that you don't notice it.

It's because we have to spend all our time keeping you niggers controlled



Black Americans have the most imitated culture in the world.

I would argue wearing clothes and using utensils to eat are more imitated then anything blacks have come up with.


I saw that episode of Chapelle's Show too.

Utensils and clothes are not an exclusively white thing?

Having no culture is our culture.

Check mate, atheists.

Well, we did take shouting and banging on pots and pans from the black.

White people in europe have a pretty rich culture because we've spent 3000 years making countries, breaking them up, trading, migrating back and forth from asia to africa and generally soaking up parts of North african and middle eastern culture. white americans though have so little culture they try and claim literally every other countries and races cultures as their own and circlejerk over some retarded isolationist european dream

Also describing a culture you live in is hard because you never think about it. It just seems normal to you.

"we've spent 3000 years making countries"

And yet here you are about to jerk off for the 3rd time today using an American invention you spend all your time on.


America was settled by Europeans you shitbag

Define culture right now please