What do pussies smell/taste like?

what do pussies smell/taste like?

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milk and salty coins

Depends on her diet and how hygienic she is. I had a health freak ex awhile back and I would spend hours down there because she tasted great from all the fruit and clean eating she did.

it doesn't smell anything if it's clean and it's a bit salty

that's hot

a bag of sand

Salty bags and milky coins.

Rusty nails and yakult(the probiotic)

Clam sweat

my ex pussy tasted and smelled like a wet towel

Depends on the girl. They all usually are a bit salty with at least a hint of mineral flavor (coins, metal etc.)

I dated a Mexican girl who's pussy actually smelled like onions cooking.

Escargot with a hint of expired sour cream

Changes depending on time of month and how clean the chick is. Usually doesn't smell like anything. Smell is worst in the two weeks following childbirth, at which point it smells like a fucking corpse or rotting garbage or some shit. Tastes metallic, like licking a penny.

>smelled like onions cooking.
I'm hard

They remind me of the smell trail that leaves behind itself the garbage truck

Sweaty armpits

It smells like eggs and tastes like bourbon whiskey


Every pussy I ever tried tasted like cum

the smell and taste are hard to describe, but they should be pleasing on a primal, animalistic level. if it smells fishy or "fermented", the bitch needs to visit the local clinic


eat her out first, so you're not snowballing yourself, faggot

You might be a cuck.

sweaty and acidic
sometimes reminds me of seafood but it might be the texture

Tastes like the smell of burnt red oak

My ex gf's pussy had a smell that was hard to describe, i found it pleasant though even after we walked all day. She had good hygiene.

I don't remember. Haven't eaten her out in a while. All the anons here saying "Milk and salty coins" are fucking virgins. I heard that rumor back when I was one too. It's not bad, but it's not a flavor I'd go to the store and pay money to consume.

Body odor

They taste a bit like a salty 9 volt battery...


Quit fucking traps


honestly most accurate depiction hur

Don't wash your helmet far a week, then rub it all over your palm and smell n lick that shit straight off yo hand.

it's tasty just like them pussy

A 2003 Australian study published in BJU International linked frequent ejaculation early in life with reduced risk for prostate cancer later on. But in a 2004 study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, a researcher reported that "ejaculation frequency is not related to increased risk of prostate cancer." In both these studies, ejaculation frequency included sexual intercourse and masturbation.
In a later study published in BJU International, researchers found that frequent masturbation in young men raised the risk for prostate cancer but that frequent masturbation in older men lowered the risk. Sexual intercourse did not affect prostate cancer risk.

Fish smell is evidence of a bacterial infection or even an STD
Cheesy - musty - smell a yeast infection

Coins -metals smell is menses

Bleach smell means your girl brought you home a cream pie.

You obviously do not understand that reference.
Kill yourself for repeating things you don't understand

newfag here. what's the reference?

I've eaten about 6 pussies in my lifetime inb4 noob I fucked a lot more. 5 smelled like the girl herself smelled, tasted like oysters or clams or nothing. 1 smelled like piss and tasted like piss. She was British. I don't want to remember that part of my life.

This is advice from a faggot that has never touched tongue to pussy.

True answer is not great when you start, but it gets better with time.
More you lick the wetter and cleaner it gets (brace yourself) because your tongue is wiping all the crud away.

The deeper you go the more crud you get...
But the deeper you.go the more they squirm.

Clot licking is enough for a one nighter, for an on going thing you gotta dig deep with that tongue.

Another retard repeating something he doesn't understand

If you've never eaten a pussy and you want to know what it feels like you could try passionately kiss your sister without her moving her lips and tongue at all. It's pretty much the same thing.


smells and tastes like honey, straight from the hive.

Something you'll likely never see so soldering you're a newfag today.

15 years ago newfags got what you want without asking

1/3 of them smell like fishy coppery shit.

the rest of them are like honey, flowers & pheromones and will trigger your brain to do what you need to cum inside the girl repeatedly

I'd rather piss taster than oysters or clams.

Ocean food is for sickos you disgusting water mutant

15 years ago you were almost swallowed but your mum decided she couldn't choke down another one of your dad's loads.

Incest autism pls go.
There is a WWYD thread for you to express your autism in...
They embrace autism there.

11 year old confirmed


Indescribably delicious. It varies day by day and by her diet. Same with a girls asshole. For my birthday my gf didn't shower for a week then let me tongue fuck her ass before giving me a prostate massage blowjob. Her anus tasted sweaty, salty, musky, kind of bitter and absolutely arousing as fuck. As she pushed it open and I spread it I could taste her rectum a little bit and her intestinal mucus actually tasted kind of sweet.

>almost swallowed
>spat out
>still somehow born

Fuck user, you're retarded.

Also born 83.
No matter how retardedly cool you think you are...

You can't beat beat 80's cool


shoenice the goat

Only 90's kids will get this


>the pedophile gayman
>also ran over another soldier during the gulf war and killed him

White and Latina pussy tastes great. Asian pussy like thier diet, strait kimchi or Thai food no joke ;do they are Americanized thier puss will taste normal. Black girls just smell different entirely, thier hair and skin have a smell to it. Thier puss taste gamey, not bad or anything just muskier.

think of savory meat sauces with just a twinge of something tangy like vinegar. Depending on their diet, that tangy flavor will be bigger or sweeter. I hear that if you eat the same fruit or drink the same soda and only eat that fruit or soda that you'll start to taste like them.


smells like sweaty crotch. You get the same smell if you run your hand down the sides of your balls and smell it.

You think that covers the point you were trying to make?

Download a movie called "pretty baby"
Not the USAsian censored restricted version.

You'll get what you want from that movie.
Pretentious posting wise, and keep eroticism wise.

Have fun with naked 12 year old Brooke Shields


I love that smell. I would have wifed her.

Surely this sketchy link has quides for pussy taste/smell

Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you are talking about. Each pussy tastes different.

Okay, Trent Reznor.

kek I think the obvious answer is that you just pull nasty tang. probably fatties to. no shame bro someone has to do the dirty work

This tbh, but amplified because of her additional juices and secretions

The sweat in between your ballsack and crotch

Musky heaven!

These guys know. OT may not sound appealing at first but once you experience it... there's something g intoxicating about it that makes it actually taste good

What does pussy juice taste like?

Imagine a McDouble from McDonald's, but with instead of ketchup and mustard, with the Big Mac sauce on it.

Now imagine taking a curly fry from Arby's and sandwiching it between the two patties on the McDouble, so it's crispy and you can taste it, but the sauce from the Big Mac is not touching the curly fry. Now take the top bun off and move it to the bottom so it looks like an open-face sandwich. Ok, got that image in your head?

It tastes nothing like that.

jesus christ you sound like such a faggot. go throw on your slatted black shades that go with your greasy iron maiden tshirt and backwards cap and fuck off back to the fag0's. fuck beating 80's cool, the only thing you'll ever beat in your life is your dick. youre just mad because you don't know the answer to op's question because the only time you ever got some pussy was back in the 80's when your mother shat you out


And I take it that you're an expert on what cum tastes like?

Noone got this reference. Clearly too many newfags here now

>Clot licking

Gross, dude.

fresh mint, when it is a loli

Like warm apple pie

fucking fish. gross.. and it tastes like alchohol..

No, just Sup Forumsros who didn't feel the need to namedrop "Vicky!" to prove their oldfags.

Exactly. Dead on.

Why don't you go visit s,n.a,p,c.h,a.t,y(.)me to share local sluts nudes.


Protip: Do it after she takes a shower, or in a hot tub.

Lick the back of your hand. That's what it's like when squeaky clean.

Rub two fingers between your balls and anus. That's what it's like before she showers.

Any questions?

If you're uncircumcised then you would have a good chance of knowing how pussy tastes like. But since you sound like an American based on your question you're out of luck

What if you just showered and the put the finger between anus and balls?

It smells like your cum smells

it is, "sour milk and old coins" ........and her boobs felt like bags of sand.

Why is taste the only part if that reply you are focusing on?

All vaginas taste identical.
There is certain variations, that comes from digging deeper.

When you accuse someone of not knowing what they're talking about...
You better be sure they don't or else you end up in this ridiculous situation.

>he licks the hole
are you actually retarded?

>the obvious answer
Nobody asked a question you faggot.
Do whatever you want from this point on, I'm out of here.

Have fun faggot

This, one girl I ate out had a coffee and meat heavy diet, also wine on our date, she tasted kinda sour and not good, smell was slightly sweaty and not really good, hard to pinpoint.

Current girlfriend also eats a lot of meat, but no coffee and alcohol and in general not much sugar, she tastes really great, somewhere between neutral and a bit sweet/fruity, absoluty awesome, smell is great too.
Unless she went to pee seconds earlier and didn't clean properly, which is solved by thoroughly washing the pussy with water

You spent a half hour setting that shit up and posting it?

How special do you feel now that nobody gave a fuck?

Get with the program faggot.

> ridiculed you in 3 lines.
Types out a paragraph about how much you don't care.
That's not how it works you stupid faggot.

No... it seems you are.
What are you talking about when you say
>he licks the hole

My ex was unshaved
Smelt like clothes + hair + urine
Tasted salty metallic

like pee, like pee

it is Saturday, you could just not fap and go outside to find out.