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Azor anyone but Sweetrobin

Azor Meera

Azor Ahaisaac

Azor Maisie

He deserved a nomination to be honest

I stann with Bran

Azor Stannis

Bran is King

azor reddit


No shit.


Honestly, the only actor that deserves a nod, and he hardly has any screen time. Show is so fucked

kang of da norf


Azor Bran

good thread everyone.

>the only actor that deserves a nod
What about Alfie?

>muh Alfie
he deserves a nod for being the most overrated

You realize that by posting this you people are actually validating the Jontard swede? This was his goal.

When did Reddit show up? All this Theon hate recently...

branfags are eternally salty that people prefer other characters over their faggot.

Alfie has been good, but this season was just a little bit more of the same with less compelling stories.

What? Alfie allen is reddit's guy moreso than anyone else


>Chivalry, the dominant political ideal of the ruling class, left as great a gap between ideal and practice as religion. The ideal was a vision of order maintained by the warrior class and formulated in the image of the Round Table, nature's perfect shape. King Arthur's knights adventured for the right against dragons, enchanters, and wicked men, establishing order in a wild world. So their living counterparts were supposed, in theory, to serve as defenders of the Faith, upholders of justice, champions of the oppressed. In practice, they were themselves the oppressors, and by the 14th century the violence and lawlessness of men of the sword had become a major agency of disorder. When the gap between ideal and real becomes too wide, the system breaks down. Legend and story have always reflected this; in the Arthurian romances the Round Table is shattered from within. The sword is returned to the lake; the effort begins anew. Violent, destructive, greedy, fallible as he may be, man retains his vision of order and resumes his search.


how is it edgy?

Calling it.

Cersei starts burning the Riverlands to lure Sansa and Littlefinger South

For maximum pottery gives the duty to Gregor Clegane

Hound joins the Brotherhood and fights him.


Has the show hurt itself by structuring every season the same?

Ep 1-7 nothing
Ep 8 something to set up episode 9
Ep 9 Battle/Major Event (Ned's Head)
Ep 10 Aftermath

The only season that broke from this at all was season 4 with Joffrey dying in episode 2.

The first few seasons didn't seem like so much nothing in the 1-7 episodes as seasons 5 and 6. Especially when having seen 4-5 seasons the formula has just been run into the ground.

>What? Alfie allen is reddit's guy moreso than anyone else
I have no idea which actor is 'reddit', I've always thought Theon as being Sup Forums though.

>“That’s probably top of my list, is Arya and Sansa getting back together,” she said. “I feel like it has to happen, but at the same time, if it did happen, would it be too obvious? Would it be too much of a good thing? Nothing that satisfactory happens on the show, because it’s ‘Game of Thrones,’ they want to make it dark and depressing and that’s what makes it amazing.”

Told you Sophie just likes edgy exciting shit

>le crying = good acting maymay
This is why acting will never be taken seriously as an art form.

>Alfie has been good, but this season was just a little bit more of the same with less compelling stories.
Well I have to say I was amazed at how little he was actually in it. It really seems like Theon having a compelling storyline again is unlikely.

Have you completely forgotten Season 2? Theon was at his best there and I don't recall much crying.

He was mediocre then and he is mediocre now.

Objectively incorrect opinion. How the fuck is your taste so awful?


At 2:24, you see her stop, look away and realize she's feeding into jonsa and the gears turning in her head telling her to veer away from implicating it

Septa Nutella of the Most Devout is blessing this thread

Yup he was the best. Now it is airing to late next year to be eligible for 2017 Emmys and he will probably die but by 2018 no one will remember him.

Sucks for Davos.

Books are canon
Stannis wins battle of ice and marches toward kingslanding along with his trusted newly appointed warden of the north Jon.
Together they deposit lanifuckingshits, slay danny dragons and let cersei and danny get blacked by based Salladhor Saan

I'll have peace on those terms with the addition that Jon gets Meera, Sansa, Arya, Sam's sister and Arianne as his wives and broodmares



Where's my Jonbros and Stannermen at?



>mom there was no war or deaths this week nothing happened !!!!

Post Iwan reaction faces pls


What is your favorite snack to eat while you are chilling and watching your favorite character's scenes?

When I'm watching Sansa scenes I like to eat Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli which I call "beef rav"

he has big ears

Iwan Rheon is one of my favorite actors nowadays. I first saw him in Misfits before I even watched GoT and thought he was great then, playing that beta introvert turned superhero dude. Then when I started watching GoT and saw him play Ramsay, an outright psychopath, I really appreciated his wide range of acting skills. The nigga knows how to act tee bee aytch. I hope to see him act in many more things in the future.

For you.

he has a look of the actors they chose to play Hobbits in LOTR

Hoping bran Will go back in time to the smiling knight fighting Arthur dayne and Jamie

I eat steak when I watch Stannis scenes.

I just slap some snacks together. Ate a lot of home meals during Season 4. Tywin scenes were great to watch and munch.


I miss the comfy Dragonstone scenes from Season 2 - 4 bros.

So behead himself?

Take the ketchup away and that looks like some decent turtle food...


RIP Davos's character arc

here, friend

>"hurr she killd muh jonsa hurr muh feminine penis"


What's up with the black oily stone, lads?

it poops your butt

I always eat pizza when watching GoT, for years and years

is this the captain's daughter final form?

It's memory stone, read The Farseer

Azor Rams

he is preety

I personally enjoy some black licorice and a glass of Châteauneuf-du-Pape while watching /Sweetrobin/.


Just human made obsidian? Not as pure so george thinks it should slowly "oil" away as he enters the end game?


is Tyrion a villain ?

>supports the tyrant Joffrey in the war against Stannis the rightful king
>kills his father, the most competent leader in Westeros, who restored the peace with minimum casualties
>betrays his house and the kingdom to join a mad queen and her savage army ready to lay waste on Westeros

>Amazon.com: Do you have a favorite character?
>Martin: I've got to admit I kind of like Tyrion Lannister. He's the villain of course, but hey, there's nothing like a good villain.


so, yeah, he is. He's a charming villain though.

Of course. Sweetrobin should have made him fly when he had the chance.

>Will Sansa be a better ruler of the North than Jon?

>I think so but I think I'm a bit biased but I truly believe that she would be, um I mean I kinda wanted them to rule as a double act. Queen in the North and King in the North. I mean in terms of like his military knowledge and all of that kinda stuff, he is so clued up and he knows exactly what to do, I mean we saw him at the Battle of the Bastards. Sansa has insight, I mean she's kinda been all over the place and she knows how pretty much all of the families work in the Seven Kingdoms, so she has that kind of knowledge and that insight. And so I always thought that the two of them together would be a wonderful team. I don't think Jon is capable of ruling on his own and I'm not really sure that Sansa is capable of ruling on her own. I think together they'd be the strongest. But that's the case with all of the Starks.

Why did Sophie's mind change again? This time during the same interview in the same sentence?

She is mentally retarded, there's no other way to explain it.

I imagine Sweetrobin always smells like piss

You're not far off. I met her once a few years ago. Nice enough girl, but not too bright.

How does this make you feel /got/

are the images very slow to open/bugged?
or is it just me?


3 of the 4 are dead and the fourth is gonna get betrayed by his sister cousin

obsolete poopery

Didn't he mean Egg?

No. Robin smells like a proprietary blend of citrusy bergamot and mandarin, blended with spicy green tea and black currant.


why does Jon have blue hair ??? is he the real Daario ?

Everyone knows the true prince who was promised was Lord Beric Dondarrion.

How bad does Daario feel?

doesn't make me feel anything

Daario is a foreigner sellsword, and his only REAL purpose is giving Dany sex

Jorah is an advisor, and from a noble House in Westeros. He has a place there. Doesn't mean Dany's going to let him fuck her.

And honestly, I don't think Daario would feel too bad. He controls a city. He's basically King of Meereen, he can fuck those Red Priestesses all day every day.

Holy shit, I never actually noticed this. That's really touching.

Ever heard of non-restrictive sentences?

Are Res Priestesses sworn to celibacy or not? This is important

>Jorah is an advisor, and from a noble House in Westeros.

He's also a slaver who fled justice. And he better not try and take on Lyanna as head of House Mormont

>He controls a city. He's basically King of Meereen,

He's only keeping the peace until the people choose their own leaders. He's not really a king, at least not for long

No, sexuality is a large part of their religious doctrine. They give their bodies to the Lord and the Temple. Red Temples have Temple Prostitutes.

Melly fucked stannis

>actually believing DAARIO NAHARIS will bring democracy to Meereen

>doesn't bring democracy
>Dany sails her ships right back to take out his 2000 Second Sons

I don't think he's chancing it