ITT: Movies that LITERALLY only you've watched

ITT: Movies that LITERALLY only you've watched.

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i saw that, wasn't that bad

This !

>post yfw precious based on the novel push by sapphire didn't use the title because this already existed


A homemovie by my dad before he left the family and killed himself. No one else in my family has wanted to watch it. He was a pretty interesting guy.

I watch it I thought it was okay. Wasn't it supposed to be connected to that movie jumper but both fail so they drop it?

ive seen people reference this movie all the time. Its a classic like Jumper.



How was it? Is it about space?


Loved this movie ever since I saw it, but I never see anyony talk about it

am I doing it right?

I can't remember anything about it aside from thinking it was just average. Might give it another re-watch.


Alone in the theater as well



For reals.. i'm still waiting

I'm not even a Mormon

[spoilers] you didn't say good movies[/spoilers]

Its pretty good. Its not about space though, the movie takes place under ground, because the air outside is toxic.


>3 Feet tall 2 inch fangs!

Good God I watched about fifteen minutes of this on TMN and turned it off.
Did you really sit through the whole thing?

seen both of these


surprisingly good werewolf movie.

Also the girl from the Halloweentown movies is in it and is hot chubby tomboy so theres that

checked and keked

you lie no one seen that movie not even the actors

I know its not that obscure but I rarely see it being discussed here, this is absolutely in the top of stealth kino and I wish more anons would see it because it is a rare movie in the sense that it has none romance angle and it focus on realistic stealth techniques.

Its been years and I havent seen any other movie come close to this one where it just focus on survival and stealth.

Just go and watch it if you like stealth trust me.

Here is just one scene of MANY.

seen it.

That looks incredible.

Just found out critics apparently hated it. Can't agree, loved it as a kid.

Used to watch this every day. It's comfy as fuck has Ferrell and McBride on a short leash and it's a perfect tribute to the og series.


that's kinda the one seen it...

seen these, both on FX


ultra hard mode

Trainspotting is like an addiction glorification film compared to this

Used to come on scifi channel rarely in the early 2000's, don't think its ever even had a dvd release

This was fun. Did you see Down Terrace? I think it's from the same director

Nope, doesn't seem to be the same director though.

Didn't realize it's the same guy who made Frank and Room.

I unironically enjoyed Push. It was complete schlock, but we so rarely get something that is so unapologetically so.

I've seen literally every movie with Rob Schneider


my senior thesis film.... :(

top waifu. that scene where she controlled those gunman into being her bodyguards was cool as fuck.

I know I'm not even close to the only one who's seen this film, but I don't know where else to post this.

Am I the only one who watched this shit as a kid and loved the fuck out of it, then years later found out that they made sequels to it that didn't live up to this shit, possibly due to nostalgia?

Fuck I love Pitch Black. The Riddick series seems like they wanted to go from scifi horror to super neato action hero shit.

I loved the concept so much
I feel it wasn't executed perfectly but I still like parts of it

Gonna make a thread about this brb

Seen it and Thankskilling 3
>implying anyone has seen 2

>ctrl+f "Harsh Times"

confirmed for only me?


The girl sidekick plot twist was good, i liked pitch black for what it was

Okay I don't remember the name of this movie, but I'll describe it:

It took place in the future because there were a bunch of weird mechanical props and stuff. It was filmed in the late 80's or early 90's.

In the movie, people are put through some sort of obstacle course where they can be killed (it is NOT Arnold's Running Man). They show some people trying to get through it, and dying. The only death I remember is some no-name dude is walking along a narrow pole/a tight rope and falls down in some shallow water that's filled with spikes and horizontal blades moving back and forth like a blender (they don't spin all the way).

The main antagonist is some white dude with robot stuff all over him and a giant claw for a hand (I think). At one point he grabs the female love interest and lifts her up. They both ascend up what looks like a massive elevator.

I have no idea what this movie is, but I remember the obstacle course scared the ever loving crap out of me.

Anyone remember the name of this movie? I can't be the only person whose seen it!

I liked the first and second, haven't seen them in years though.

Because it's not good, it has some interesting ideas and took place in modern China (Shanghai?) but it doesn't do anything new or exciting, the movie has no audience


I really liked Vin Diesel in all of the Riddick movies. Even that shitty one where the invaders pretty much kill everyone on this planet in an afternoon.

This movie has a special place in my heart.

fuck you im the audience

Was it any good? Like did it have anything redeemable? Or was it comedic nonsense and boring?


After half a decade, not one soul has mentioned this.

It's decent. Not worth paying to see, but I good way to kill 2 hours. Chris Hemsworth is great. If your a Ghostbusters fan, you should check it out cause its cool to see the song/uniforms/logo and whatnot.

Yeah right dude. Seen countless threads about the wire scene alone in the however many wasted years I've been here. The less talked about and far more terrifying scene is the diving dude getting crushed in the gears

that wire scene really fucked me up as a kid.

what happened to that shitposting? it was pretty fun

Sounds rad. Would like this info as well

did you uploaded it to internet?

7 years later I have never seen anyone mention this. I also saw The Perfet Getaway the same night, which is also never mentioned.

it's dogshit
>that fucking faux cyrillic font


Na nigga, I've seen that shit and it is still one my favorite spoopy movies.

>I really liked Vin Diesel in all of the Riddick movies.
Vin Diesel himself is actually a pretty cool fucking dude. He self funded the Riddick video games just so he had sole artistic freedom in how they were directed. He didn't even give a shit if they did well and he could profit, he just didn't want the Riddick name fucked up by some stupid kikes at EA or Activision or whatever else trying to squeeze the maximum amount of shekels out of the series even if it fucked the canon up.

I bought them on GOG months ago, I should probably install them... (inb4 gog shill; I swear I'm not, just typing myself up a storm before reheating some buffalo wings here)

Please clap

Can't call yourself a true Perlman fan unless you've seen him shoot/beat/explode/stab/fistfight the shit out of an army of vicious mutant baboons for an hour and a half

no idea where Slimerhat came from

Seen it
Was good



I've seen that.
It was fucking gay.

Holy shit, I love that movie! So underrated.

I saw Chronicles of Riddick first actually. My bro had mentioned Pitch Black was cool but he didn't really sell it so I had no idea until years later when I caught Chronicles on cable and then sought out the original. I may be blinded by having seen the sequel first but I think it's cool the direction they went with the follow up and overall it's a pretty good two part series. I still haven't watched the third movie so I can't say anything about it besides I didn't like that they casted Katee Sackhoff as the "sexy" lady.
Kek, are you memeing?

No, for real I loved it.


I really liked it

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone

It sucks.

It was a pretty fun movie t b h

Loved Anonymous. They had some really great sets.

I like your analysis from a different standpoint. I still think the second one went a different direction than I initially enjoyed the first one for, but I respect your opinion.

I just liked Pitch Black's dark scifi feel. I think it should have stayed a one movie wonder, not a series. The following movies just seemed like cash grabs to me; even though I'm pretty sure they had more critical acclaim each one and garnered more money.

Just my opinion.


Would watch just for this qt

He's a big guy.

reminds me of one of those movies from the intro to tropic thunder

>Sam L Jackson

Is there a role he wont take?

Everyone has seen that. It's not obscure, just shitty.


>entire movie about 2 gooks in a starring contest
would watch

You should, it might get the taste of capeshit out of your mouth.


they were both pretty good movies. I have Perfect Getaway on dvd.