That's right, Slytherin. Gryffindor wins...

That's right, Slytherin. Gryffindor wins. All your hard work and studying to get points during class along with training to be the best quidditch team amounted to nothing because these first-year students broke all the rules in order to get a stone they were told multiple times not to go after and to stop asking about. I guess you should've expressly gone against the wishes of the administration in order to get extra points for your house. No wonder you're all evil fucks. The whole school hates you and wants to see you fail. I'd go off and join Voldemort too. Now go fuck yourselves.

Why do people care so much about Harry Potter, it's literally a book for children, seriously, even when I was fuckign 11 I thought the first book was kinda childish (though i loved the rest), why won't people grow up?

Why defend Slytherin? They're the bad guys. They're like the Republicans of Hogwarts

top kek

I like that. The making of worthy adversaries to us, good guys, to defeat or destroy. Fuck them and their rules. They are bad people, no matter what they do. Cousin fuckers.

Snape was always taking points off for retarded reasons. Potter, 10 points from Gryffindor for being a cunt.

fucking rowling

J.K. Rowling pls

Sounds fair enough desu.

Why are all slytherins blonde and blue-eyed

Yes, yes well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin


10 trillion points to that ginger fuck in gryffindor
yes that's right, go fuck yourselves.

what are the rules at hogwarts? surely the headmaster cant just hand out points to any house he feels like.

also what kind of award is "best game of chess" or "award for intellect"? who determines how many points these awards are worth?

it just seems very unfair since gryffindor were in last place and took over every other house based on some last minute points,
no other student from any other house did anything deserving of points?

and are we really supposed to believe the last minute awards that put gryffindor ahead by barely a few points was just a coincidence?

if i was at hogwarts i would definitely file a complaint against dumbledick and his completely biased favoritism. and get his ass fired before the next school year.


Republicans are not the bad guys.

>They're like the Republicans of Hogwarts
He said as he shilled for the Hill



Couldn't Snape just stand up and randomly start awarding points as well?

Damn now I am picturing that scene going on forever with Dumbledore and Snape just one upping each other awarding and taking away points.

Make sure to deposit that dime from Correct the Record wisely.

>griffindor gets cup
>only slythering is unhappy

Fuck these Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff nosebrowners, next year I'll buy a shit ton of love potion and lock these fucks in festral stables.

Maybe, but he never would because he was Dumbly's bottom boi for almost 20 years.

Republicans aren't evil you dummy. Both the right and the left have valid point of views.

That said if you seriously consider Trump someonethat will improve America, you're very sad man.

Snape has a secret crush on Potter, he wouldn't dare.

fun fact: throughout the book snape gives off points against the griffindors unfairly and if you add them all up the amount of points dumbledore gives back is the exact same amount


>griffindor has a sword
>ravenclaw has a diadem
>hufflepuff has a cup
>slythering has a giant murderous beast from the deepest nightmares

What an encouraging fact.

>Republicans are not Bad



watch out user, Sup Forumsacks see any Democrats as Hillary shills

fucking kek

>this is the pinnacle of comedy to Democrats
Slanted political comedy really does go to shit once your side isn't the underdog anymore.

>tfw Dumbledore now has Alzheimer's and had to retire from acting

I can't look at him without feeling sad... he didn't deserve this fate

And Harry Potter, and all his Wizard friends went straight to hell for practicing Witchcraft.

They also have a ring

>implying he didn't just get hit with the obliviate curse
Also that's one of my favorite images on the internet.

This summer:
Harry potter meets the crusaders in Wizard hunt the torture chamber

The Dumbledore from the first movie wasn't even the same as the rest of the movies. He died after making the second one.

And the other actor is still acting.

What are you talking about?

Was Helga Hufflepuff a wizarding pimp?

Democrats are worse tho.

>Couldn't Snape just stand up and randomly start awarding points as well?

That's what he did for the entirety of the book though, along with taking points off of Gryffindor for bullshit reasons.

Sup Forums takes this scene out of context, in the story up until this point the whole system has been rigged against Gryffindor for unfair reasons. The point of this scene is that even though the system was rigged against Gryffindor in the end courage and character were more important than power and money. It didn't matter that the Slytherins had friends in high places and wealth and connections; the fact that Harry, Ron, Hermione and Nevil did the right things for the rights reasons were more important than any of that.

Though having Dumbledore fuck with the points to counterbalance Snape is kind of a weird message to send to kids, but it's a god damn children's book whose point is to tell kids that being a good person is more important than having good things, not some deep exploration of justice in modern society.

Why did they only care about points in the first movie/book anyway?

I vaguely remember points and even the winning houses sometimes being mentioned in the other books. But why did they make such a big deal about it in the first book only for it to become background fluff in all the other ones?

>Dumbledore's second actor asked JK if she went with the whole Dumbledore = gay slant because of something he did

Apparently he wasn't too happy with the decision. Considering the deep end JK has gone off of it would be really hilarious if he secretly hates fags.

Who even cares about winning some stupid cup for a year

it's not like it comes with a scholarship or something

In the later books I remember Harry reminiscing about how what seemed so important when he first came to Hogwards seemed so irrelevant in light of the war and such

Micheal Gambon my dude
>On 8 February 2015 he announced that at the age of 74 he was retiring from stage acting because long-standing problems with his memory were making it increasingly difficult for him to remember his lines. For several years before that he had relied on an earpiece over which he could be prompted if he forgot his lines.

But they're not, in fact apart from Draco I can't think of any who were

Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson all had black/brown hair

Blaise Zabini was black, for god's sake

>until this point the whole system has been rigged against Gryffindor for unfair reasons

Bullshit, Gryffindor was bottom of the pile because Harry and his dumbfuck friends lost them a ton of points sneaking Norbert out of the castle at night, and also because they got assraped in the final Quidditch match

Slytherin's the one with the ring, the one that destroyed Dumbledore's hand when he put it on

They took 150 points from gryffindor for visiting hagri
Dumbledore gave it back becsuse they actually tried to help the school in hus absense.

Also snape took five points from gryffindor everyday just becuase Hermione wanted to answer his questions

And slytherin won the house cup six years in a row prior. Stay salty slytherin


Edgy kid.

>the book
Books don't matter when it comes to film lad. If the movie doesn't explain something properly, the book doing so isn't an excuse. Movies need to stand on their own.

>troll in the dungeon
>dumbledork tells everyone to go to their dorms
>slytherin dorms are in in the dungeon


>stage acting... remember his lines

Maybe he will continue to act in films but pull a Brando and sticky tape his lines all over the set

excellent bait, managed to hook some dumb fucking redditors in here