I want to die, everyone in my life is garbage to me and i just dont want to be alive anymore...

I want to die, everyone in my life is garbage to me and i just dont want to be alive anymore, i sometimes think maybe i should just almost kill myself just to make everyone feel bad, any tips on this? All help is appreciated

You are depressed. Get help.

I dont know how to go about doing that

Do it now you useless faggot, noone will miss you, you know im right

Are you here for reasons to live, or efficient ways to kys?

you are probably right, i dont see why anyone would miss me, im just useless, a waste of space, how should i do it though, im really scared and dont know how

any way you can help me is nice, i dont care if i live or die at this point

Did hangman chit he pants ?

Do not kill yourself, no matter how shitty things may seem at the moment things will always get better, just give it time and have faith in yourself, it'd be a waste of time and a shame to end all that you are.

Bullshit. Killing yourself is easy, it just comes down to whether or not you are willing to pull the trigger (figuratively/literally).

killin urself bc u want to make others feel bad? im sure ur personallity is so bad that u can make them feel worse just by hanging out with them.

thats really nice of you to say, thank you

Imagine life is a dark comedy, learn to laugh at the rediculously awful everything is. Crack a smile and quit being so serious. In that, you will find a little comfort and a lot of sanity. Irony, people will think you lost a bit of your sanity. Screw them too, that just makes it funnier.

Ah, I see.

Go hunt for attention elsewhere.

i just kinda wish someone would be good to me, i know its a stupid thing to do

thats a fair point, thank you

Get a gun or jump off a bridge, do it now you dipshit

im sorry, i just have no one to talk to

die nigger.

You're welcome. My work is done here. Lotsa' loves and may your future be filled with laughter.

Noone will be good to you, punish them, kill yourself

do it
stream it
go fuck yourself

Man up and kill yourself

I was in the same place you were in not too long ago. I wanted to die. I know how you feel right now, and everything seems pointless. But if I've learned anything, I can't tell you this:

Kill yourself lol

>I want to kill myself so they will feel bad
You are a terrible person and I have no sympathy for you, based on this you are a completely petty faggot and those people most likely have a reason to hate you. If you really don't care what happens to you, join the peace corps and do hard labor to help those in need, that way you will help others. Or at least keys in a way that will allow your organs to be preserved for possible donations

Sorry autocorrect changed keys into keys

dang... i lost.

Just die OP, the world would be a better place

OP before you go prince can you buy me rising storm 2, user jettrooper55 thanks

i know, i am absolute garbage, i think i will make it so my organs can be donated

If you're fat, lose weight.

U fucked up twice :)

Eww no, keep them, noone wants your stupid organs

I'm fucking serious.

Buy me some water


I could end your suffering. I offer a painless and obscure death. No one will even know you are gone. Though Im guessing they wouldnt care anyway.

who fuckin needs other human beings when you can still eat fantastic fuckin food and watch really great porn idfk mannn do your own thing, get a pet, fuck everyone else.

this sounds like a nice option

It is a nice and very real option. I provide my services all across the northern hemisphere.

Fuck off OP the fact that you have access to the Internet shows that you are better off than 80% of the world. Right now two Palestinian children are fighting to death over a piece of bread, a Chinese toddler is working 18 hours a day in a factory, and an African mother lost her children to AIDS. On the other hand people are rude to you, boo fucking hoo, stop playing the victim and realize how good you have it. Why don't you try to help those in need rather then sitting in your room and crying about your feewings being hurt.

Make radical changes. Even if you're terrified. Get a totally different job, move to a different state, go to a bar / club by yourself. Confidence is built by putting yourself in uncomfortable scenarios. When I accepted this, it changed my life.

i would like some details

Stop being a bitch OP, get a gun put it to your head and pull the trigger

If rising storm 2 and my chicken tendies aren't cooking in the next ten minutes OP they'll be hell to pay

Why kill yourself? Why not just disappear, run away and start a new life somewhere new.

Unless youre an underage fag, in which case stop being so emo, you'll be old enough soon.

You don't, youll just waste peoples time. Kill yourself now.

I come to your home, we talk for a while, I document your reasons and commitment to suicide, I put you to sleep when you are ready to go, and then I release you in your chosen method as you sleep.

For real though. After a certain point its just your own bad attitude thats making your life shitty

Do actions before you off yourself, I tried it, don't wanna do it anymore

wow... that sounds nice. can u help me clean up my porn collection? i dont need my family to know that even though i hate them im really into incest porn.

Lol buy me rising storm 2 on his computer when he's ded my steam name is jettrooper55, also OP is underage kek

>All help is appreciated

Everything on every device you own will be wiped and on its way to another country before your heart stops beating. Also, we've all got kinks, nothing to be ashamed of.

He's prob gonna make sure you say goodbye make it look like you killed your self then keep you locked up and torture you for Bitcoin etc the usual bit, do you have any common sense OP?Obvi not cause I haven't received anything in steam

Assuming you're still here OP. Correct. Professional help makes a difference.
Call your local resource number, use your phonebook, google your local shit if you have to.
No not really. When one of us is gone we all miss out on the bright light that could've been. TL;DR if you take a shit someone wants to know about it.
>answering a question with a question
Is it okay to ask the latter or provide info on the answer?
Don't even try to throw away your gift of life. Ever.
Seeking help is a reason to care.
Everything I'm trying to say in a nutshell, without the autism.
It's real easy to take anything for granted.
We are who we are. Are we all compatible? No. Are some less fortunate than others? Yes. Should we all strive to help those in need? Yes.
See, not such a bad person at all, eh?
Also an unhealthy state of mind but with great qualities.
You seem to forget that we're on a board which sports feels threads all day long.
We all wish for it, deep down. We'll get there eventually.
>Not as simple as we'd like it to be.
Mistakes happen, the foremost is thinking we have no reason to be here.
Talk to your localities. Find some semblance of socializing out of that. Move on to meeting people and expressing ideals/interests together.
>Here's your (you's)

Don't worry so much OP, one step at a time.

Didn't respond to mine OP because we all know your asking 4 attention rn, someone who is truly sucicidal wouldn't care about money and would see this as doing one last good thing before turning out the lights

I think you need to stop projecting sir. What I do is a serious business, not your make-believe fantasies you like to think about.
