Nigger hate thread!

Nigger hate thread!
>Get in here and tell everyone why you hate niggers!

Other urls found in this thread:

The bad behaviour of niggers is so prolific that merely saying niggers will imply the worst.
They also smell bad and talk like uncivilized people

I'm jealous they have such good skin tone.

They are black its black all over. Skin tone standards are different when you're black.
Its far harder to keep a consistent porcelain white compared to a nigger black

They smoke crack.

why do they always claim we steal culture?

It's their conscious. They steal so much that they have to accuse others of stealing in order to rationalize their bad behavior.


All of their success in america is based on the entitled debt of whitefags that's why they always got that nigger quality feeling like everyone owes them even if you aren't white they'll shake their hand or gun out at you why? Cuz they're stupid niggers


quads of truth


you mad boi?

You can't even spell...


Their music is shit and Kool-Aid sucks ass.

stay mad cucks

He's probably waiting for his nut to bust so he can "pop a cap" in those white girls and take their money

You jelly for the black COCK


yea cause i want std's


this is rage inducing

Not really. I myself am kinda dark. You can see me in the dark, but you'd have to look a bit

Ignore nigger and kike posts. Just post content.


i rage quit after he told them the answer and he said, "NO!"

They give us biggie. they r cool bunch i like em




Fuck I love these threads...

Hate em cause:
-They can't talk properly
-They can't spell properly
-They're irrationally aggressive
>'dindu nuffin'
>'We wuz kangz n shiet'
>'Where da white wimmen at'
-Uneducated as fuck
-Can't even develop a decent civilisation after apparently being the first homosapiens for more than 200,000 years
-Their whole continent is one big chimp out
-Claim they still need reparations after hundreds of years yet all other enslaved races are forgotten
-They loot stores and set shit on fire in 'peaceful' blm protests
-Pubic hair from every gaping pore on their body
-They don't even respect themselves

Remember, it's about enacting political change and justice!





Fucked a nigger once

Got the clap

Not even once lads dont even once

Only whites and yellows

The noisome vapors they put off are absurd

Yellow love you long time?

Niggers are just a bunch of nut jobs. Look at Africa. Niggers are killing each other everyday! I know same shit happens in America but in Africa it's in a much larger scale.

Do you think if they had brains they'd use their dark skin to do stealth missions in the night-time?

I'm white and saying this. There are low level trash in all races. There is a difference between black trash and a black man, just like white trash and a white man.

You people that honestly take the time to hate on either are ignorant, half-brained, weeaboo garbage and need to work out your own damn life problems before you judge others.

I know right. We should all just fuck each outer like our daddy's do. Ya heee.

but at least white trash has the capacity to work and be productive. id rather live in a white trash trailer park then a ghetto full of black people, why? because im less likely to get robbed or shot and at least white people understand respect.

Nice argument you have there ;^)

user is kinda right tho... Sub-Saharan Africans are killing each other in increasing numbers. For 200 000 years they fought each other with spears but now that White man introduced firearms for them the death toll has gone up every year...

Don't reply to me you ignorant, half-brained, weeaboo piece of garbage.

wow. at no point did i insult you, it's obvious that you are a millenial who cant handle when someone is against you opinions or ideas. if you think i'm that wrong..then go live in detroit?

That's pretty unbelievable achievement by black people. 200 000 years and practically now written history or even writing system.

It's not that you insulted me, you just insulted an entire race.

I am done here before I waste any more of my precious time trying to talk to more ignorant, half-brained, weeaboo pieces of garbage.


and look at you taking advantage of written word with such eloquence

you didnt answer my question, are you willing to live in detroit?

But yo dady and uncle?

This entire vid will tell you.

Black lives matter is a terror group.

Cucks? Try finding out what words mean before attempting to use them.

let me explain something to you, my statement was just an opinion. i do not live in a trailer park, nor am i uneducated. but unlike you i did grow up in the bad pats of the city and i saw with my own two eyes the difference between a black man and a nigger. black men are law abiding and productive men of respect and a nigger is a low life piece of trash that leeches off everything. they have no morals, respect and are severely uneducated by choice because "thug life". as i have already stated, white people have low lifes as well. the difference is white people are much more humble and understand humility.

thanks for posting grandpa

Will you 2 faggots kiss and make up. Sooner you dumb fucks start to understand race is irrelevant the better. What matters is the species not the fucking races that make it up, get over yourselves.

You want change in the world, stop talking about racism. The more of a deal you make out of it the more of an issue the world makes it.

That said however blacks have no right to be screaming they are discriminated against any more. Especially with police shootings, when blacks kill more blacks by far.


one time i went to a kmart late at night. in front were four niggers sitting together on the edge of the sidewalk. as i approached--a boring looking white guy--they all started laughing. maybe they were laughing that i might be afraid of them as a group or something but they were all just dumbasses--probably stocking employees--and skinny and silly retards.

what's funny is that in nearly 40 years i've lived in this city--tucson, arizona--i've never seen four black guys together. the black population percentage is 3% in arizona and um, their "murder" (group of crows) was so rare it's not even funny.

>race is irrelevant

art thou retarded?

But it is, it only holds relevance because made it have relevance.

nucking figgers

not him but stupid questions are rightfully ignored.


>what is a pun

I hate niggers! Be they back OR white, yes a nigger can be white!

how is that a pun?

Check'd your SS dubs!

You got us there...

Except you didn't get us and this argument fails in the brain development phase of evolutions. What you do is take a look at history and how civilizations from races were developed. Thousands of years and look at the wondrous accomplishments of the continents of euro-america and asia. Egypt aside and they aren't niggers, they're egyptians, you can't even put africa and accomplishment in the same sentence.

What else would you like to make a point of? Or are you just going to remain ignorant to facts like the liberal reddit scum that you are? :^)


Cuz they not reel nigg4z


Got the same name for a file but since the chink got here, cannot upload it, too "heavy".
Cannot be fucked resizing.
Fucking twat is killing Sup Forums softly

> Shilling for the system this hard

> Lol wypipo thinking they superior

I hate that I can't say Nigger to them to their fucking Nigger face

> PoC riot for justice
> White people riot cause they can't even deal with sports


>Imagine feeling so insecure that you have to dehumanise non-white people

> All you losers have is pride in being born white, that ain't shit just a genetic lottery

> Muh pseudo-science

This was a fair fight and race meant nothing

I bet the two are still friends

Anyone who is intelligent enough to neutrally observe niggers can only conclude they're dumb, loud and primal as fuck. Underdeveloped humans

I've still never seen one of these, "safe spaces"





niggers tongue my anus





I'm indian and i hate niggers too

