Im scared my ex might leak my nudes. i got him arrested etc but stilll scared

im scared my ex might leak my nudes. i got him arrested etc but stilll scared

Other urls found in this thread:

im new to Sup Forums and discovered he had posted a nude here before.

Leak them first, show him who's boss.

Tits or GTFO

no but is there a way to see if your picture has been posted

If dubs, this.


whats dubs


Name him, I will stop him leaking with my 4hack skillz


>new to Sup Forums
how do you feel about this picture

welcome t--

Shouldn't have been a slut then, should you?

reaally can you do that

shut up you virgin.

That's a pretty damn high res lion

>That's a pretty damn high res lion
ik :) i like liions

I really like this picture

Are you both retarded or am I being a retard?


idk how Sup Forums works

Lions galore

i don't understand online slang


Name to find out.......

There is a way to see if your pics have been posted. Type >desu in the subject line of the post, which hides it from everyone but you, then attach the photo and post. If it has ever been on Sup Forums it'll tell you.

That lion is eating a fish

can i like private message you

Nice marmot.

thank you so much

ha ha

No prob

goood night everyone

It's 12 pm

Do this, when replying use this super code
b/hide-type message here hide\b