Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
So in less than 2 hours I'm going to my exs girlfriends house. Ive only dated her for 2 weeks in high school as a freshman and she was a sophomore. (I never dated anyone else)
- She's Chubby
- Mexican
- Older
- Weird
Now we're going to go to her house. No one is home and Sup Forums should I continue with this? She's not a 10 more like a 2 to me. No butterface also.
So Sup Forums what can I expect ? What are your predictions?
Also Fat Thread ?

Picture of her. Can't judge

So 1) she's a 2 to you 2) she's fat 3) she's Mexican. I think you know what to do, or not do. Don't fuck the whale, it sounds like it could only end badly

Don't have pic, she never liked sharing pics.

Yeah I had like thoughts about fucking her since I can have at least some experience in sex. She already had sex with this black guy. She wants to cuddle and watch Netflix.
I should post results soon


That's kinda what she looks like just a tad thinner

She wants to cuddle ?
Just fuck her op why wouldn't you ... It will be better than fapping

Yes seems it would be but I think my dick is small and she won't feel it, my dick is 5.5 inches and she's fat. It's not gonna feel right to her... i think

Who cares it's about you not her
If u want her to cum run her Pussy finger it a bit or something
Eat her out if it's clean and not gross

I got less than 35 min and I have to go to her house. She's alone
She's 20 and I'm just 19

If she wants to fuck user just do it

Ehhh I'll post videos and pics soon. I'll keep you guys updated

U got this user

Fucking a whale is literal suicide


cause you'll be ded? fking newfag

I'd personally never have sex with an obese person, cause they're sik

Fuck her, take pics, share w/ Sup Forums. Don't forget timestamp faggot

No it's not ...Better than fapping

>No... it's not better than fapping
fixed that for you

Just go home she's chubby fuck her go masturbate over some porn

Cheese pixxa?

I will definitely will! I will time stamp

Op just fuck her don't listen to virgin neck beards living in mom's basement

Lol I hope I fuck her. She seems to want it bad but keeps teasing me.
She's such a fat fuck lol

This is good ...How is she teasing you?

Saying "no sex or blow jobs"
But this is a lie

Nice u got pics of her?

How the fuck would you be dead you autist

Come on op pictures now

You'd be dead in the inside you retarded dickhead

You should try it. Feels better than fucking a twig


Not even with clothes? Post a FB or instagram pic.

No pics at all, i can't find her Facebook or instagram. Shits pissing me off but once we hang out I'll go ahead and post pics

I'd rather die a thousand times


Bump op is bouncing some big boobies around right now

OP please don't do it, you will asphyxiate

Bump, op better fucking deliver.