Walk into your house

>Walk into your house
>You find Taylor Swift standing there
Wat do???

I would tell her to piss her pants.


Sue her for breaking in to my house, she's loaded, buy whores.

Live stream fucking her

At this exact moment, i'd probably head towards my bathroom and take a dump. Then proceed to rape her.

Otherwise I'd rape her.

Ask for a $250,000,000 loan where I only have to repay $80,000,000

>call police
>tell them theres an intruder in my house
>sue the shit out of her
>spend money on cocaine and whores

Ask her to leave. She's not that good.

Have some fun.

>cum on her face
>tell her to shake it off
>just shake it off

Say this:

"hello Taylor, how are you? I'm fine, thanks. Did you know I grew up about 5 minutes from your hometown? Yep, right there in anonville. Small world, huh? Ha, yeah, I know.

So what made you switch to pop music? I gotta tell you, I was quite disappointed when I heard your new album. You have serious skills as a singer and songwriter, and these empty pop songs don't do your God given talent any favors. Any plans on switching back to a more respected genre of music? No? Oh I see, the money is too good. Well, I guess any of us might sacrifice our morals and integrity if presented with a paycheck that size I guess I can't really blame you, can I?

Well, I have to get moving. Please get yourself something to drink if your thirsty, and there is plenty of food in the fridge. Stay as long as you like, Taylor! Well, see ya around!"

Then I would rape her

I wanna feature in her new song. Can she break up with me?

All is well when it ends well.

Browse Sup Forums with her, shes a normal human.

Sup Forums and chill for sure.


Probably say "Hey Taylor what's up?" Then see if she's dtf before doing anything. I ain't going to jail for her.

Make her a bowl of eggs

Demand if she looked at my computer

You could take the loan and repair her instantly

>Do a 360
>Walk away

>this thread again

ask if she brought meredith with her
>because I wanna pet her pussy
then have a hardy laugh at the look I receive and offer her something to drink since she obv wants to hang

well I'll be damned, my first trips after all these years


Drop to the floor and proceed to start licking and sucking her feet


Ask her to pay off my car.


I heard her demographic is teenage girls so I'd call the cops on that pedo

I'm not seeking reactions Elle

tell her to give me 10 thousand dollars or let me fuck her in the butt or i call the police on her for trespassing

Why have one whore, when you can have cocaine and many whores?

>walk away
wouldnt you just walk further into your house

newfag get out reeeeeeeeeeee

Grab her by the pussy

>not understanding when a joke is a joke
Explain yourself user

Tell her to sit next to me, lurk Sup Forums and shitpost all night long.

jesus christ those newfags