Hello Sup Forums. I might have fucked up

Hello Sup Forums. I might have fucked up...
>Sexy time
>Horny as fuck, both of us
>Slip in for a few seconds condomless to see how it feels like
>no ejaculation
>peed multiple times after the last ejaculation
>wiped dick before entering
In the event that she might have gotten pregnant from one fucking god of war sperm cell, what do? Surgical abortions are out of the question. Coat hanger and stairs too.

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Kys is out of the question as well. I need to either kill that thing or prevent it from forming

Wait, you sure she's pregnant or is it all in your mind?

I know everyone in your life gives you the impression that they are, but aids and pregnancy are not immediate, unavoidable consequences of unprotected sex.

Underages Sup Forums

Just my mind, mate. I want solutions just in case. This would be so so fucking bad.

Banned for underage

Mate, the chance is basically less than getting hit by a meteorite, i know. But that shit happened to some people. If fucking rocks from space did it, so can a possible sperm...

>no fucking proof

Relax chances are it didn't happen so stop stressing about it until you know it did. Like cross that bridge when you come to it otherwise you are stressing yourself out for the next 9 months minimum over literally nothing. Even if she gets preggo miscarriages are a saving grace and more common than you think.

To be honest man, the best solution right now is not to think about it or it'll get just worse.
Just putting the dip of yo' dick inside a woman's vagina won't make her pregnant.


i know i'm a random guy on the internet but i just can tell that i'd have a three-kids-family right now with your thinking

You're right, mate... Still, it would be more reassuring for me if I was certain we could cause a miscarriage... Like vitamin c nuking and unripe papayas combo or some shit... Sorry for being such a fucking fag, but this shit's scary as fuck.

day-after pill? Too late?

Plan B dumbfuck


Thank you for the encouragement, mate... Sorry for being a little bitch. Will try not to stress over it.

kill yourself then her

My mind got back together too late. I had that "ain't gonna happen" mentality, I was a horny and retarded piece of shit

I think I might stub my toe really bad on my door frame later today.
It might not happen, but I'm not wearing socks and sometimes when I don't wear socks I stub my toe.

What do?

Is healthcare not a thing in your country?, go to a doctor and get a perscription for a so called day after pill if youre that scared. Jesus.

Also theres no fucking chance she is pregnant from a small dip so please calm down before you shove a cucumber up in her trying to beat that one sperm to death.

Top kek
Also too late for that pill now
But thank you for encouragement

punch her as hard as you can in the stomach, only solution

Does baseball bat work?

yes but only at high speeds

Will fire it from cannon then. Also gonna attach nails for dramatic effect