We love Trump! Why don't you, you beta-fags?

We love Trump! Why don't you, you beta-fags?

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Lobs insult into abyss of internet, where literally anyone can be the receipient of your message"
>"Thinks that beta-fags live here"

ok lol

because i dont even live in shithole


More of the one on the right. She looks like a satisfying little slut.

because I'm a wealthy privileged white person with an insatiable urge to relieve myself of guilt by virtue signalling


>taking anything a 16-year old girl says seriously

The only people who love him are those who don't care enough to pay attention.

He's a spastic who fucks kids, so I'm not really a fan.


Nothing against Trump himself. I just hate seeing women smile. They forgot their biblical place as servants of men.


This is fake I saw this pic on another thread.

ITT retards thinking these girls weren't in fact taking the piss
Hello Aspies x









Where the fuck are those boobs going??

I started chatting with this lesbian online during the election. She was very liberal and a feminist and all that, and no surprise was very much into humiliation and degradation and submission stuff like that. She wasn't interested sexually in guys, but admitted a few times that she thought about getting dominated by a guy since she saw it as a huge humiliation for her. After the election, she was a freaking wreck and after some time I convinced her to meet and fuck, wrote MAGA on her chest and just degraded her as much as possible. Best fuck I ever had


Oh lawd - I'd eat the red head's ass in a heartbeat!!!









i would rape the one on the right with my pic related

He so sexy





no you wouldnt cuck






Awwww. She's got her Dads nipples


because he's a shabbos goy
not that hillary is any better though



She looks like an astute student of governance.


>ITT: ass-damaged fascist liberals who think no women vote for trump because muh media told me so

Because I love America more, cuck.

>make America great again
>purchases/uses Austrian made fire arm
>Muh freedoms
>doesn't see the conflict of interest
>posts stupid picture cause Murcia

Op is a cuck


I don't live in Cancerland

i would rape your 4 year old sister till she bleed you pussy

Dont like him because of the whole fucking up my healthcare and dumping our tax dollars into a dumb fucking wall that will serve no purpose other than giving euroshits another valid reason to laugh at us


The i vote for who daddy votes for look





Heil baby




I guarantee that did not happen


Cuz' i don't wanna get nuked






such pathetic bait

As someone very involved in my local kink scene I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I've seen stuff like that happen a lot before.


>buh-but women hate trump
>muh mass media said he'd grab women by the pussy
>and muh facebook told me thats a mean thing to say
>and muh media told me to get mad
>and muh media polarized me against an enemy that doesnt exist
>and muh media tells me russia did it



That's fantastic. here is a slut who got wasted the night of the election on b and got bullied into posting this. she really regrets having posted it kek





>says shit
>doesnt back it up with any source
You must work for CNN.

>CNN: We fact-check every broadcast with politifact.



Go back where? The hospital I was born in? Which was constructed on this land that is made for you and I? America?

There is a land made for you; it's called Europe.
AKA the Third Caliphate.
AKA Fortress Cuckopa.




Good thing the picture of a random, no-name and faceless slut you posted...and the picture of a faced, asian girl I posted appeared in the same thread, thus confirming your tin-foil hat conspiracy that women who support Trump are drunk, drugged or psychotic and can't possibly support him via reason and logic.

See, how that little theory of yours just fits a *little* bit too neatly into your belief structure? That's called a...



>thus confirming your tin-foil hat conspiracy that women who support Trump are drunk, drugged or psychotic and can't possibly support him via reason and logic.

I don't believe that at all, you're getting things mixed up.

I said I liked your picture. And then separately I was posting a picture of a liberal slut who got drunk and wrote pro-trump stuff on her.

It's funny you picked on me, because I pointed out a stupid twat was firing an Austrian made firearm with a make America great again hat.

You're ducking dense to not able to see how you're not making America great by purchasing foreign arms. You blanket that by using the 2nd amendment right to cover the fact that it is indeed American to bear arms, but let us forget the fact we did not support our fire arms industry.

You see how hypocritical that is?
