I understand this is expensive to get into, but is it still profitable?

I understand this is expensive to get into, but is it still profitable?
Anybody have any knowledge on this who could give a beginner a few tips on what wallet, rig, and pools to join for maximum profit?

If you have to ask on b you don't have the skills or budget to make it profitable


Well I'm willing to learn
I have $2000 saved up and not that much obviously but it's a start

Forget about mining and daytrading.

Mining is an industrial endeavor comparable to gold mining. If you don't have access to large capital and exclusive deals on energy, forget about it.

The best way to make money with bitcoin is buying and holding long term (> 2 years) and hoping the trend is upwards. So far, over any 2 year period, you would have had a nice return.

If you want help, you can e-mail me at [email protected].

That's no match for the chink mining factories , now days with 2k of hardware you can make idk like 10 euros a month of profit

If you're looking to mine with A SHA256 ASIC,don't bother mining Bitcoin. It's mining difficulty is out of the range for you to solo mine. I would suggest Peercoin as its the most profitable SHA256 coin to mine. Use coinwarz.com to check out what's currently profitable.

wait till the dust is settled regarding the fork.
Better buy mETH

>I understand this is expensive to get into, but is it still profitable?
>Anybody have any knowledge on this who could give a beginner a few tips on what wallet, rig, and pools to join for maximum profit?

Start with Coinbase, its the simplest.

Dunno about mining the stuff

Whoever is spamming me with gay horse porn can fuck off.

I wouldn't buy DASH or ETH at these prices.

You're the retard posting your email on b

That's some other dude. Nobody actually sent me anything.

Mah bad fam

>That's some other dude. Nobody actually sent me anything.
aww. guys lets cheer him up

[email protected]

Please stop

it is profitable, but only if your willing to put $500 into it. bitcoin is much like the stock market in which you can make HUGE profit when you buy coin when its low, and sell coin when its high

>in which you can make HUGE profit when you buy coin when its low, and sell coin when its high
And in which you can lose everything.

Posting an email here is stupid so I advice not to take this stupid man advice.

I've posted it in several guest books. Expect the spam to start in a day or so.

Regard your inbox as a learning experience and the opportunity to get to grips with filters and rules

there are few things you need to learn, in order to understand how the buying and selling works. things like Candle stick charts, using the buy and sell order books, understand market volume. and most important of all... follow the news on cryptocurrently closely

coinbase is tooo expensive. for btc use bitstamp.net instaed. but I would actually advice to look at the field of cryptocurrencies more widely then bitcoint. also look at ETH and DASH, ZCASH etc.. so use an exchange which supports more then just bitcoin(BTC) I personally use Poloniex. and have some 4k $ in BTC and 4k in ETH

It's a throwaway spam-e-mail address anyway. This is not the first time, I've posted it on Sup Forums. Thanks for the concern, tough.

Divide your 2000 into thirds. 666 into BTC 666 into Gold/precious metals and 666 into a hedgefund managing property or art. The last phase may be hard as a lot of hedge funds have larger initial investments so you may just have to wait and save to meet the minimum.