Greentext thread

>greentext thread

>There was a time when gf was working away from home. At the end of the weekends I used to drive her to her rented room then drive back to our flat.
>Driving gf to her room from weekend at parents
>no sex all weekend - both of us are itching for it
>on these occasions we'd fuck in the car in quiet area round the corner from the house she rooms in
>stop, park up, start kissing
>I move both driver and passenger seats fully back to give room
>she removes jeans and underwear
>I'm in passenger seat
>she's kneeling facing me, straddling transmission tunnel
>I open her shirt (she was braless) fondle and kiss her
>I'm fingering her and rubbing clit; she's breathing heavy and very wet; I'm diamonds
>she unzips my jeans, moves back to give herself some room
>stops suddenly, little gasp, eyes go wide
>car was manual with tallish gearlever - she accidentally sat back onto cold gear knob
>look of shock gives way to wicked grin
>starts gyrating hips; hips start to inch lower
>she starts rocking her hips, rising and falling a little, smiling eyes locked onto mine - gearlever starts to slowly vanish from view
>I watch, fascinated, as she gently works the gearlever into herself, biting her lip and softly moaning - best floorshow ever
>eventually she's virtually sitting on her haunches, gearlever fully home
>smiles at me wickedly, softly breathes "mmmm, well this will do for me, now for you" and begins to stroke my rock-hard dick
>After a show like that I come in seconds, and she then proceeds to steadily and methodically fuck herself to two orgasms on my gear lever.
>when she's finished and has her breath back she slowly rises and disengages from my car
>She kisses me and with a grin says "I've always liked this car"
>she puts on her jeans, pockets her underwear, picks up her overnight bags
>leans in through window, smiles and says "Careful you don't lose your grip when you change gear" then skips off to her rooms

heh heh keep going

Nice dubs but sorry, not OC


also, here are some I've saved

background: wife only tolerates anal occasionally and always at my initiation, but when we do she enjoys it. I'm pretty girthy so it requires time and lots of lube
>we’re lying in bed one weekend morning, getting ready to start the day
>wife goes into shower first
>she comes out, dries herself, gets back into bed and starts making out with me
>things getting frisky and I'm now all set for some pre-breakfast nookie
>wife gives me a cheeky grin, goes into spoon position (she small spoon)
>she turns head and carries on kissing me
>I’m nibbling the side of her neck, fondling her tits and stroking her pussy
>she’s appreciatively rocking and moving her hips

>her asshole ends up on the tip of my rock-hard cock
>she stops moving, raises an eyebrow and softly goes “ooooh” and starts gently gyrating
>smiles at me as she starts to work herself on the tip of my cock
>I’m surprised as I feel the tip start to inch into her ass, so I reach down and hold my cock steady
>her smile gets wider and she looks at me, saying nothing, and starts gently working her ass against my now-stable cock
>she starts moving her hips round in circles, with a little pull forward and push back at the end of each circle
>with a look of deep concentration on her face she carries on with this routine
>each time she pushes back a little more than she pulled forward
>I can feel my dick move a little deeper into her ass each time she pushes back
>In a while I’m far enough in that I can release my cock, so I reach round and start stroking her pussy and clit
>she keeps moving her hips: circle, pull-push; circle, pull-push
>when I’m about two thirds into her ass she stops, grins again and says “Well I think that’ll do, don’t you?”
>without waiting for a response she kisses me and begins to thrust and gyrate her hips
>she’s now moaning and starting to move a little more urgently
>I’m just lying there, keeping my hips still, letting her do the work
>she starts cumming hard and it's all I could do not to slam the rest of my dick home
>orgasm over, she stops moving and gets her breath back
>I'm still half-buried in her ass
>mischievous grin, she says “Your turn” kisses me passionately and starts more hip gyrations and thrusts
>I soon come buckets into her ass – glorious orgasm
>she kisses end of my nose and says "Now look what you've done – I need to clean up again"
>she gently disengages from my rapidly-shrinking cock and heads back into the shower
>best anal ever, totally unexpected and initiated by her
to this day I still don't know how she did that without lube


that's some pretty quick typing. Also: nice

>that's some pretty quick typing.
posted it before and, because I can't type for shit I did it in Notepad first before posting and just saved the draft
>Also: nice
Thanks. Both are true tales

A third, which is a little longer? or enough?

I might get called away as supper is currently being prepared by the starlet of my two greentexts

yeees, yeeees. That would please us. Good idea with notepad

This is in 6 sections; character limit and my attempt to tell a story
>Wife was in her 20’s
>she never believed she was hot and fuckable
>Sex life was good; anal, outdoors, light bdsm, bondage: usual stuff
>I was her first, she wasn’t mine
>I always wondered if she was curious about what it would be like with another guy
>Once asked her whilst in bed if she ever thought about it; she said “Maybe, but I’m happy with you”
>I detected some insecurity
>I told her she was hot, guys find her attractive and I wasn’t jealous as I trust her
>used it as part of fantasy play in the bedroom – got her hot (mind you, fantasy is fantasy)
>kept reassuring her that I wasn’t jealous that she got turned on at the thought of another guy
>(In fact, I got the benefit of sex-crazed fuck)
>time passes
>one day, after sex, she says “user, did you mean what you said about not minding if other guys find me hot?”
>”No, of course not. I know plenty of men find you hot” and I gave her a list of guys who I knew loved her tits/ass/legs
>a week or so later, in bed, in after-sex glow “user?” look at her, she’s not meeting my eye, “remember when you said you didn’t mind if other men find me attractive?”
>Long pause. I can see she’s thinking hard about what to say
>“Well user ...... there’s this guy at work that’s hitting on me”
>”Oh, really? I told you that you are attractive. Is he bothering you?”
>She immediately thinks I’m going to go mediaeval on him
>She goes “Oh no,, no....nothing like that. It’s OK. He’s fine. It’s only little...hints”
>I ask: ”And how do you feel about that?”.
>She looks away and replies “Actually, it’s quite flattering. He’s a bit younger than me and he’s not bad looking”
>“OK” I say “Just let me know if he becomes a pest and I’ll have a little word”

>a few days, in bed after sex
>”Would you mind if I found other guys attractive?
>”Of course not. It’s normal”
>”Well, remember that guy I told you about?”
>She’s gauging my reaction: “Yes, I do. Is he still dropping hints?”
>”Yes he is” ....pause.... “Would you mind if I hinted that I find him attractive too?”
>”Why woud you want to do that?” (but having a good idea)
>Pause...”I don’t know.... just see if he’s serious, I suppose”
>”What will you do if he responds by wanting to take it further and tries kiss you?”
>”Would you mind?”
>”No, not if you wanted to. I’ve told you that”
>”It might be fun – furtive necking in the office. Maybe in the stationary cupboard like a movie cliché” she says with a grin. “Anyway, he’s probably just flirting and will run away if I respond”
>I can see she’s now trying to make a joke of this
>I say “You go ahead if you want. I trust you. Just remember, no secrets”
>“Thanks” she said; plants a kiss on my nose.
>A few days later. “user, remember the guy at work? Well when he flirted today when we were alone waiting for a meeting to start, I flirted back....”
>“and you were right - he tried to kiss me”
>"I told you he would. What happened?"
>"We were just flirting back and forth and he leaned in, made a joke and suddenly gave me a little kiss on the cheek"
>"That's it? A kiss on the cheek?"
>"I was a bit surprised and turned my head to look at him, then he gave me a little peck on the lips."
>"So what did you do?"
>"Well, without thinking, I sort of pecked him back. He looked at me, started to kiss me properly when we heard someone coming so we sort of jumped apart"
>"And then?"
>"And then the office door opened......we both must have been looking guilty as the person coming in gave us an odd look as she sat down for the meeting"
>"That's the way rumours get started" I said

>"You're not angry"
>"What, at some flirting, a peck on the lips and an interruprted kiss? Hardly"
>She smiled, obviously relieved "Well if we hadn't been interrupted...."
>"Oh, so now the truth is out" I joked "Are you going to do it again?"
>"I might, if he tries again" she looks up at me with an impish grin "it's sort of unfinished business"
>Over the next few days she says they have become quite frindly and eat lunch together in the canteen but nothing happens; she reckoned he must have been frightened off by the interruption
>Then one day we were washing up after supper and she just says "Business concluded"
>"What?" I say, as I had no idea what she was on about
>"That unfinished business I told you about. It got finished today"
>The penny dropped "Oh, you mean you and..."
>"So what happened?"
>"Sort of the same as last time. Except no interruption"
>"Oh, reallY? How convenient"
>"Yes. He pecked, me, so again I pecked back again to see what would happen and the next thing I know he's kissing me properly.
>”I suppose you kissed him back?”
>”You don’t mind? You’re not angry with me?”
>much reassurance that no, I wasn’t angry, I'd said it was OK and she'd just taken me up on my offer
>“Yes....yes I did. He’s quite a good kisser. After a while, tongues were involved”
>"So you liked it?"
>“Yes I did. It was quite...nice. Exciting, even. A bit like being a schoolgirl kissing boys on dates again”
>"Then he had to go to another meeting - he said he'd just come into the room as he'd seen me go in"
>I can see she's gotten quite a thrill out of this, and I guess she's flattered someone finds her married ass attractive
Fucking captcha. And I can hear plates

>A few days later, again in bed (she knows how to choose the right time), she says to me "Something happened at work today .....with that guy"
>"She hesitates "I got an Outlook invite from him to a meeting in one of the small meeting rooms we rarely use"
>"So when I get there's only him and he tells me there's no other invitees....and we have 30 minutes"
>"Cunning swine"
>"So we start making out won't be mad?"
>"You've told me this before. Why would I get mad?"
>"Well as he's kissing me suddenly I feel a hand on my thigh..... so I pull away"
>She looks at me
>"He keeps kissing me and this time when he puts his hand back I didn't move away, I didn't want to....I just kept kissing see what would happen"
>"The next I know he's slid his hand up my thigh and he's cupping my pussy in his hand"
>”He’s a fast worker. How did you feel about that?”
>”You won’t be mad?”
>”No, I won’t be mad”
>"God it was so hot....I was getting so turned on, so wet. I just had to stop him"
>"It was becoming panties were felt so good but so wrong getting so turned on by another man"
>"Hardly surprising when you're kissing a man with his hand on your pussy"
>I lean over, kiss her and cup her pussy with my hand
>She smiles, kisses back and wild sex ensues. She's really turned on.
>After, she looks at me "If you're angry or upset then you'd tell me, wouldn't you?"
>"Yes I would. And I'm not"
>She shyly looks up at me: ”He says he’d like to meet up, outside work. So we have more time and privacy”
>"You didn't tell me that before"
>Grin "It might have stopped you doing what we just did"
>”"Well" I say, “you know what that means, don’t you?”
>long pause
>”Yes.....I think I do”
Sorry guys, supper called. Another day

>I did it in Notepad first before posting
You, sir, are a hero.
This board, and the world in general, would be greatly improved if there were more people like you.

The writer of this story got cucked by a car

My sides


Thanks user, great to have a good laugh first thing in the morning

We need moar!
Have some more

All cuckolds must hang you degenerate sickening excuse of a cockless faggot

also, keeping thread alive while Mr. user is having supper

more greentext

and so on

Guaranteed you either have a super tiny cock or you have a big dick but you've never been able to please anyone with it.

and so forth

I'm getting pretty good at these captchas

I just had one with flowers

I hope that's a good supper

Any lurkers? I'm getting bored all alone.


>8 minutes per hour


I'm here nigga. Nothing to contribute like a good welfare nigger tho

psychochub's a neat nickname


well you just save those greentext's like a good african-american boy receiving welfare and give to the next greentext thread. After all, sharing is caring

however, back to the task at hand



I believe the ancient saying "Doesn't matter, had sex" applies
also, more of my saves


no it doesn't


and furthermore

you might think that, but you'd be wrong

studies have shown

watching something with subtitles and doing something else simultaneously is difficult

has there been a continuation? pretty please?

also, I hope that the reason it's taking this long is either that he's getting his ninth helping of that delicious supper or he's physically finishing parts 5 and 6 of that story

of the don? not that I know of

but here's some others

El bumpo

and we're back after a short break

please, Mr. user, I'm waiting!

