Hey Sup Forumsros Whats been the most shity movie you ever seen and wouldnt give it any stars

Hey Sup Forumsros Whats been the most shity movie you ever seen and wouldnt give it any stars.
>alien3 made me laugh for all the wrong reasons

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Green Hornet

Alien 3 sucked a lot...

was it that one with the china dude who made coffe

I bought the Alien Complete BluRay set like 4 years ago. Jealous?

ik, the xenomorph was a downgrade from the first 2 movies.
not so much, i just torrented em and watchd from home theater

Have you not seen Alien 4?

check em, and no not yet im in doubt that do i want to even see it.

>Alien 3 sucked a lot...

In the original script it was apparently a monastery that she crashed at, not a prison. Makes sorta more sense.

The ending, however, made zero sense apart from "might as well use Lance for another scene." And while nobody wanted Newt to hang around, having her just die and be forgotten basically ignores how critical she was to Ripley's character development literally mere hours beforehand (from her perspective). It also dragged on.

That said, it brought back a great deal of the tension of the original Alien film.

Good choice. It has zero reason to exist. They gave the filmmakers too much budget for one, so the shots were way overproduced for a proper tension/horror film. Second, there was zero plot-relevant reason to bring Ripley back -- the film would have been 100 times stronger without her, regardless of how much we all love her. Third, it was stupid anyway.

There's a new one coming out. Can't remember what it's called though.

it would have made more sence if they had fallen to a normal research colony in a random planet, that has no weapons in it. the prison was just bad. maybe a research place with majority bishop bots.

Alien Covenant.

Alien: covenant,

Manos: The Hands Of Fate
I've tried watching this THREE times. Even with the heckling from the usually hilarious MST3K crew this film put me to sleep in the same place all three times.

>the xenomorph was a downgrade from the first 2 movies.
well it did come from a dog, not a human.
>nobody wanted Newt to hang around, having her just die
The little girl that played her died.

lol this movie had 19000usd budjet xD

Haha, sometimes it helps to watch the worst mst3k/rifftrax films with friends to keep from dozing off, or if you're alone, to do something else like crosswords or games or homework at the same time.

they used a dog to act the CGI?

'Forest Gump'

It wasn't as bad as Resurrection

The Karate Kid 3

Literally the worst movie I've ever seen

Should i watch matrix 2 or 3 or not, some say they are fine and some dont like

They're shit

Wut? Carrie Henn is still alive

i didnt hate Resurrection, but its still notgreat.
Alien 3 was shit.
Aliens was great
Alien is the best film ever made.
Prometheus was ok

>Dumb And Dumber Too.
>Ghostbusters (2016).

I watch films like 2 Lava 2 Lantula, Sharknado 4, and loads of absolutely awful wank... but I still manage to finish these films with a smile on my face because they're entertainingly terrible.
Ghostbusters and Dumb And Dumber Too are the only films I've ever watched that I've turned off before the end of the film and never gone back to them.

Not worst but realy bad: Terminator3

Zoolander II ofc

Just introduced pinay wife to ALIEN/PREDATOR franchises, she has seen Predators and liked it
She liked it
> Alien
Was too slow for her, I apperciate it for its time I guess
Watching now, Personal Fav
>Predator 2
We skipped it because I know how shit it is
>Alien 3
We will be watching just for stories sake
>then on to the AVP movies
Silly concept, enjoyable action

The Revenant. Most overrated bullshit movie ever

how did you like the full female cast, great wasnt it

Prometheus was shit

>alien 3 shitty movie


Just watched The great wall, what a big piece of horseshit nonsense

Its 2017 and you haven't seen them? Just got out of prison?

All the resident evil franchise, Paul w. Anderson is an imbecil, also the total recall remake.

life in the prometheus series

AVP wasnt that good, it had good alien models and some realy cool stuff, but ending was just bad,

Matrix 2 is not as good as the first one but still a great film. Third is a bollocks m8.


Oh god that is the only movie I was ever ready to walk out of the theater in. I almost walked out of Matrix 3, but I was literally twisting in my seat to keep from walking out of AVP, and struggling not to start heckling the screen otherwise -- the only reason I did not was that I was there with a friend who had read the comics and genuinely wanted to see that film.

Cloverfield was the worst by far.

tell me what was good in this pile of shit. if nothing then go back to scat thread.

Difference between Alien3 and Resurrection was that I didn't turn 3 off 10 minutes in because I was already pissed off with the shit premise and edgy matrix feel to it.

99% of remakes are shit

You can get a better avp movie by playing them on mkx

kinda yes.

Watching alien 3 how many years after it came out its easy to say it was shit. Actually watching the shit as they came out, Shit wasnt bad. You guys are fucking retarded bunch of little fagget kids on this website, go jack off to the bee movie and actually believe in slender man or some shit u little fucks. the alien movies were some of the best scifi movies of all time. FUCK YOU

forced to watch

Predator 2 shit? the fuck is wrong with you, it was better than the first.

Dude i watchd Alien 1 first time a week ago, and it was gold without hype, and i went on to watch 2 and it was very watchable and they are fucking old, and then the 3 and it was just dogshit and lookd worse and didnt give any thrilling feels while watching it. i laughd at how the alien lookd in 3 and the acting form those prisioners was weard,

It was fun to watch all the whiny entitled little bitches die

Alien 3 was shit and David Fincher would be the first to agree

well isnt it always fun. Alien was full of those pepes.

Cloverfield took that to a new level. I can't think of a movie where I disliked the protagonists more.

maybe i should watch it for the sake of killing the cast

> best moment in the entire movie


Almost. The first scene of the chest-burster running quickly across the screen was actually a dog in a costume.
The aliens borrow genetic information from the host they gestate in, which allows them to adapt to a new environment in a single generation. The aliens in the first two films were gestated inside the human colonists of LV-426 with the possible exception of the Queen and Royal Guard maybe being from Space Jockeys. The alien in 3 gestated in a dog, so it was somewhat smaller and moved differently than a human alien (a man in a rubber suit) would.

Like totally brah!

There's a Rifftrax version, though it won't keep you from getting nauseous from the camera. I recommend having something else to look at while watching.

The concept had potential, but I think the guaranteed financial success of the project damaged its artistic viability.

It was shit, but it was early enough in the whole shitty vampire/werewolf movie craze that it could at least claim to be somewhat original


nigger spotted

but wasnt it a cow that the alien came out from in the 3rd one

lol k

Oops. I was thinking of the girl who played Carol Ann in Poltergeist. Newt didn't appear in Alien 3 because it was filmed six years after Aliens. Sigourney Weaver didn't look much different, but Newt would have suddenly been 16.

No, it was that one guy's dog.
The bull alien, rhino alien, and all that other stuff came from that cartoon that never got made but still had action figures.

newt was in 3rd one but she was dead from the begining, ripley even wanted to open her up and see if she was infected

Forced to fuck.
Something women usually hate.

New ghostbusters was indeed dismal. I watched it in 20 minute intervals thinking...nah,I'll give it another go, it MUST get better. So. So bad.
A film called nemesis from 1992. Obviously everyone was trying to make terminator or robocock. Shit as fuck. Lasted 10 minutes. Dialogue, direction, choreography. How it got green lit is beyond me.

i think that i watchd a diferend cut than you, i dont remember any dogs in 3, youtube.com/watch?v=rDrF9LFn_cc in this scene i didnt see a dog

>Newt didn't appear in Alien 3 because

She would appear in the original draft of the script. They made many many completely different versions of the script before deciding on one -- it was totally in the air. The choice of whether or not to have it include Newt had less to do with getting a new actress than just the (bad) luck of the draw as far as the final script choice.

would explane the dog and the cow alien being a dog alien

Alien 3 was shit.

People will hate me for this, but for me it's the first Harry Potter film. Everything about it was utter trash. Chris Columbus is fucking garbage. I will admit, the film franchise did get better.

Norbit, that thing is what happens when you try to base you your new shitty comedy movie on a bunch of other already shitty movies and try to take it to the next level, Norbit is a fucking abomination.

Funny thing is that my ex-gf wanted really bad to see it, so i went through the trouble of getting it, after watching it she wanted to have a "talk", long story short, she made watch the worst movie of my life and later broke up with me... I already got over the "being dumped" part, but damn, that movie sucked balls, till today i'm not sure if it was a coincidence or if she wanted to torture me before breaking up.


(By the way, Alien 3 extended version is not as bad the original one, don't get me wrong, it doesn't come close to the first two, but it sucks less.)

i didnt like how the start went like, this is harry... poof harry ur an autist, and then they go to scool and nothing realy spesial happens that would move the story forward

that movie sucks so hard that your ex went dry and broke up. xD

Godzilla (2014)
pile of wank and I like kaiju movies, usually

i think i watchd a realy realy cut version of 3 and didnt get what i came for, how long is the extended