Should the human race stop the technological and scientific progression in the sake of mother nature and our eco...

Should the human race stop the technological and scientific progression in the sake of mother nature and our eco environments?

Lets debate!

Will be using most of what is said here for work related inquiries.

Fuck off



No cause then our fag asses can't go to this shit website


Humans are of no superior moral or philosophical value than any other creature. We need to stop thinking of the Earth's resources as endless income and start understanding that we live on a 'spaceship Earth' with finite resources.

Check out Erich Fromm, E.F. Schumacher, Peter Singer, and Arne Naess.

We ought to practice sustainable industrialism. It's in our long-term interest to not fuck up the planet we live on.

Whether or not we 'should', it's simply not pragmatic because of human nature.

Unless you could change the structure of society to small, rural communities which live off the land. But short of an atomic bomb dropping, people won't give up their materialist lifestyle.

Then we could finally be free...

>the sake of mother nature and our eco environments
No, we must stop it in case we offend a precious snowflake

We are more superior philosophically

Prove it

>inb4 'we're smarter'

Is life of a dolphin worth more than a cat? Is the life of a rabbit worth more than a pigeon? Is the life of a snail worth more than a gnat?

Or were you just going to base their moral worth off of how useful they are to us, and thus commit the anthropocentric fallacy?

Quote from one of my favorite films Interstellar, 'This world's a treasure, it's been telling us to leave for a while now.'

Instead of saving this planet, we should invest our remaining resources in space exploration.

>we should invest our remaining resources in space exploration
By we, you mean white people, right?
Because we, the white people, don't want to live on this planet with the rest of you.

No but we have a wider sense of our surroundings and beliefs we arent so distant in terms of philosophical thinking but we are more advanced, there is a experiment done to prove if animals are aware of who they are, it consists in painting a dot on their forhead and showing them a mirror, if they notice this dot and try to clean it it is proven they are aware that the image they see in the mirror is tbem, but very little animals pass this test...

No? You're an idiot. It's further progression that will REDUCE our impact... It's the archaic shit oil companies pay billions of dollars a year corrupting governments to defend that's doing the damage

It's use dumping millions and millions of pounds of food and medicine on places that have massively overpopulated to "Save" them from natural population pressure doing the damage

Which civilisation practiced unabated industrialisation and fucked over the planet?

Oh yeah, the whites.

Better to leave them behind and rebuild society without the planet-killing disease.

Nigga what? No you fucking twat. Race doesn't matter when it comes to surviving as a species.

How does being self-aware enhance moral worth?

Humans have far greater capabilities than other animals, that is a fact. That doesn't mean that their lives are worth more than other animals.

This isn't even the stance I hold, I'm just playing devil's advocate. But your arguments are shit and you're not thinking about the real underlying philosophy.


Their societies were environmentally friendly until the whites infected them.

Define philosophy

Yes. White people taught indians how to shit in their own water supply. Dumbass.

>this fucking guy

You realize that there are prolly hundreds of people in each one of those country's smarter than your dumb ass? Yet here you are arguing that everyone who isn't white are worthless. Get off you high horse. It's people like you who make us whites look like shit hats.

>implying you're correct
No. I'd say "good try, though", but I'd be lying.

>guaranteed replies

I dont give a fuck. I just want to die


Last bump

I think we could wing this. We know how we could be more sustainable and continue to industrialize. We need to find a suitable planet candidate to live on before time expires. Unfortunately i think we have passed the window in which we could practically implement long-term sustainability and would be better off begin implementing long-term sustainability on a new planet

Shitting in their water supply isn't the problem. Rampant industrialism that sucks the Earth dry and ultimately kills us and it through pollution is the problem, and that problem was started by whites and spread to others by whites.


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