Waifu thread

Waifu thread
Previous: The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and other's choices
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Insult Dio

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Someone analyze my dreams pls

Euhm, where are you from then? Because now I'm confused.

Ich weis ja nicht mal was strap on und cbt heißt.

USA, how could you have missed those memes

Komisch, ich auch nich :o


i really need to learn how to cook...

im working and watching anime recently! also im reading free to choose. it's pretty cool.

simple nice and filling!

Claiming best girl

Welcome back

Wir beide also. Wir sind uns sehr ähnlich.

another pretty okay piano improv for Holo, who asked for it.

also, I love Kumiko!


its hard cooking in a wheelchair ;-;

There you go

im sure it's probably hard to reach and see like that but it's all right. hey want to read something creepy?

I generally keep my political proclivities to myself, but i can't say i'm overly worried about anybody not liking Merkel.
In my opinion, she's nearly singlehandedly made Europe an unstable hot zone of terrorism.

it is hard to reach the spices sometimes ;-;

Come on Discord you slag

Ach ja, so ähnlich. Wir sollten die Blutsbruderschaft vollziehn! Wann kommst du mich besuchen? :o

I mostly view memes on Russian websites and the Dutch media didn't report on this so I didn't even know that Trump and Merkel met.

Trying since forever actually, can't send dms, can't go into a channel, it's hopeless

piano holo?? WHERE!?

Ah so you only get pro-putin memes

Discord is down but its good now I think. Because I'm in

I've seen you in so I tried to join but nono, only got worse afterwards

okay here goes...you were the last person i talked to before work so you were on my mind all day!

soon i want to learn more about you but before i go to sleep can i get a name to call you by?

I'm making a discord account.

Cooking is super easy my dude. Just get some chicken, olive oil, cherry tomatoes and dash some salt and pepper on that bitch and you have a professional dinner

Are the servers done being screwy?


Nah, mainly corruption and anti western memes. They're not bad though

That's nice


well the girl is named yuri so you can call me that i guess
>you were on my mind all day
r-really? do you like me that much?

DM is down too fucking hell fuck discord. I knew it would go to the shitter just like skype and Raidcall

kissu kissu~

No. It says I'm online, but I can't seem to send messages.


My lucky day

Ach, wir sehen uns ja beim nationalen Pedotreff im Herbst.

Can you feel your legs?
Oh well. Its fine I wasnt really going to message anyone anyways.

i want to know a lot of dishes by memory! anyway i have to sleep soon. message me on steam sometime u dip!!!!!!! byebye

righteous. you are interesting to me and i think you are swell. ttyl yuri

sleep well miss Nameless!

i don't think that's possible.

Welcome back.

So they dont feel pain or anything?

hello hello my c key is stuck! it sometimes activates when I hit backspace, and I barely have to touch it to actually count the stroke! I need to fix this!

i can't feel anything below my waist, so yes.

Ach ne, die Pedocon lass ich mal aus
Komm doch so auf nen Kaffee vorbei

Thank you for answering my question.

update: I fixed it by prying it out with a knife!
today is a good day for ingenuity



discord seems to be running fine now. the question of whether it'll stay up and running still remains.



>refrain from posting porn

Thats good I guess. Now to just decide what to play.





Klar, gib Adresse und ich komm morgen rüber.


Kill yourself

I already said WHOOPS.

Österreichstrasse 1 :o
wann kommste



what was it about?





That's actually what i was going to suggest, depending on the type of keyboard. Glad you got it fixed.

Sorry for the slow response. Was making food and socializing a little.






Stadt wär net schlecht sonst irgendwann zwischen moren um zwei und dienstag in 3 jahren.


Well they tend to vary but in almost all of my dreams I find myself back at this apartment complex at the end of it.

I then go and wander around the apartment complex aimlessly until I realize that it is the same place I always end up in and wake up. Even if I wake up early and go back to bed, I end up in the apartment complex

Österstadt natürlich
Klingt okay, ich wart dann mal


I had the same sort of dream in highschool.


do you like apartments that much?



It is like a mix of a condo and an apartment and I have never thought about housing units while awake in my entire life. This shit has been going on for 4 months now

What do you think it was??


who's there?!

I dont know really. It happened for about 3 months and then just kinda stopped. Havent really had dreams since.
You home now?

mhm i home meow

Are we experiencing dream demons??

Going to have something to eat?
I dont know what that is but its probably not a thing.

That's odd.
The locations of the few dreams I ever have are always very weird and incoherent.
Same thing with people involved.
They're usually a mix of acquaintance.

can you give me a hand? what will work best?
don't worry

I ate on the way home ^^
>it's 8:20 now

What did you have. Yeah its 3 hours later in New York. Wonder if Saya is still around for your art.

Could be a succubus

There aren't really people in my dream. It is more just like me going through all of these places for no particular reason.

I have had a few dreams with people,bu tnot recently