This tumblr dyke gets triggered every time a guy hits on her and complains about it. give her a good roasting, anons

this tumblr dyke gets triggered every time a guy hits on her and complains about it. give her a good roasting, anons.

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>This is a perfectly good complaint

OP is the 65y/o mad who buys out little girls from their boyfriends.

What's her snapchat

Old men need to know their fucking place. They had their chance with young pussy, now it's time to rest and tie up loose ends before death. Bothering girls just leads to more cancerous feminism.


Nothing to roast. She's fine af tbqh.
9/10 would smash

Is that how she rolled her eyes while taking old man dick?

OP is a 65 year old faggot who missed young pussy.

her ears sucked into her skull because they're nothing to push them out

lmao some day you're gonna be an old horny man getting rejected

She's really cute, It must be strange to be a woman, but it does say something about her personality that she chooses to complain rather than take the compliment.
It's so easy to take in negativity but it's never beneficial.

I wouldn't want to get hit on my 65 y/o men either.

>implying she looks like someone that wouldn't be bothered by any human being with a dick asking her any info about an item that they sell at Target.

So getting asked these things turns her on to the point of ahegao?

People like this fear human sexuality because they are uncomfortable with their own sexuality. The 65 year old man is most likely made up.
>hey I'm 65, lets get coffee
No. She hates herself and redirects that hate toward others. People hit on eachother. Yes, some of them are disgusting, but this is normal behavior for adults regardless of age difference. A well adjusted person would simply decline and enjoy the little ego massage. Her response was to denigrate the person and attention whore about it on the internet. She is a broken person.

lol that image was being reposted everywhere on tumblr over a year ago. broad was angry because she's a lesbian and men trigger her.

Ugly fuck who got rejected detected.