What's been bothering you user?

What's been bothering you user?

General shit life, plus my ex just started dating my friend. Don't wanna be alone again, with only my own thoughts and no coping mechanisms because therapy organizations haven't contacted me back for months.

I try too hard to be nice and people end up pushing me around because I dont stand up for myself.

I keep wishing I was wealthy and often compare myself to wealthy people It's a real downer.

I've been shiting and coughing blood

I'm thinking about sending a dick pic to my girlfriend to spice things up.

That's what you faggots get


How fucked the world is

I'm worried that I'll never know what love feels like. It's all I really want out of life and I don't think it's going to happen.

illegal immigrants that can walk in my country legally like borders don't exist

I Like my girlfriend, And she gives good head yet it's so boring and there is never time to have a break, I'm always talking to the same person 24/7 and it's borrrinngg. Advice?

Don't be too worried mate, It's over rated.

Legit? I'm feeling good so, quick advice one meal a day. Learn what calories are, look at the package every time.

This stupid Brit Lit test, it's not even hard I just hate having to go back and reread old stuff we did months ago.

Same here....
Not coughing blood.

But ive had dozens of hemmroids form and burst along with constipated diarrhea of pure bile. Also hacking up black shot from quitting smoking and mold at my friends house. Shits growing on top of the bleach we soaked it in. Also throwing up almost daily. My thighs are filled with boils but its been better lately. My job is shit pay and i do all the work while the boss watches tv. Im tired all the time and now takes naps after i eat since i cant keep my eyes open. Im drinking 6X the amoint of energy drinks recommended each day just to get through work and get home. My back teeth are fucked due to a birth defect. My dick is small im 25 and never even seen boobs in real life i cant stop drinking my car is a flood damaged reject from katrina and i cant afford a new one.......sigh. probably alot more but im too tired to think of them.

My fucking ex won't leave me alone

The more I see of my friends' relationships, the less of an enjoyable thing they seem to be. Maybe I just want a different kind of thing than what my friends do, I really don't know. I guess I'm just lonely.

Yeah, legit I guess. Not sure what prompted the bit about meals, but I don't think I can do one a day.

That life in general is pretty fucking pathetic.
That my life should have been taken instead of my sister's. I slowly start to find out I'm mediocre, even less than mediocre in nearly everything and fall behind my sister on nearly everything.
It is like my life is like a heap of sand i hold and the grains of it are seeping through my hand. There is nothing i can do to stop it, and with every grain that seeps through my hand makes the world seems to become more grey and dull. My sleeping disorder gotten out of hand it has been 3 months since i've seen daylight, I've helped my dad through his stroke, i've helped my mother through her alcoholism. I've went out and made so-called friends, but i haven't heard from them for half a year, It is always me that has to sustain fucking everything and i'm getting sick of it. I'm sick of being confined to my own house, it's like the god fucking house of lies from zoroastrian myths. I've lost interests in nearly everything. I wonder how much fucking sand i have left in my hand because I'm really tempted to throw it in someone's face.

Everything and everyone is superficial, and the worst bit is that that includes myself. I do not know why i keep up with the charade.

The worst bit is, is that my parents are proud of me. I did absolutely nothing. I just want it all to end, but I do not want my parents to go through all of it once again.

Your probably heavy It'll take time.

Getting annoyed by this fat bitch who needs to learn her place after saying some disgusting things to my bf.

If you helped your parents through a stroke and alcoholism, they have very solid reasons to be proud of you, man. Hell, you have reasons to be proud of yourself, but I know how it feels to be unable to feel proud of yourself.

A life time of seriously fucked up things I've done. People I've harmed. Lives I've screwed up. Families broken. Used to be, I could steal a man's last dollar and use it to buy a beer, and I'd sleep like a baby even knowing that his baby went hungry that night.

I don't know what happened to me, Sup Forums. I got old, and I got soft. Now I see their faces when I try to sleep, the hungry babies, the weeping fathers, everyone I've ever wronged just staring back at me from the blackness.

Feels bad, man. I know there must be a hell; it simply has to exist, if only because there are people like me.

I think I fucked my back front squatting. Also just really lonely

I jumped into mine first few months were the best I ever had, Last 1 year has been the worst. Been thinking about just finishing it, I know shes having a good time but I just wanna play league of legends and csgo all day not having to go to hers 5 times a week

In 100 years your gonna be rotting 6 foot underground, And so will they. Who fucking cares, Go hungry cunt

Nearly everyone I know is in a fulfilling, loving relationship. For over half a decade the thing I've wanted the most out of life it the thing that always stays just out of reach. I'm well within most of society's standards, and yet I am completely unwanted. My crippling fear of rejection certainly isn't helping either.
The killing blow that pushed me over the edge into complete autism was the time I finally asked a woman out. Gorgeous, good with kids, and she seemed level-headed. Asked her out for coffee, she said yes. I though it went so very well, she was engaging and enthusiastic in conversation for the good hour that we were there. I thought for sure she'd say yes to a second date.
Not so. She said she felt more comfortable as friends. I thought that sounded cool too, I had just moved to this new town and I didn't have many friends.
Not two three weeks later, with me trying to have a conversation perhaps once a week, and she essentially said she cared about all of her other friends more than she cared about me. It truly broke me.
I am as Tantalus, neck deep in fresh, cool water, and ripe fruit just overhead, never able to eat or drink.

She already shared cunt pics with her 'friends.'

Those damned edges.

Gf stopped putting out

My wife is a shitty mom, makes the kids feel bad about themselves all the time. Then I have to fix it. Then she gets mad at me because I'm taking their side. I can already see they are going to have issues with self esteem when they get older. Sucks man.

Slap a ho


literally everything