Just found out my crush doesn't like me back, any tips on how i can get over them?

just found out my crush doesn't like me back, any tips on how i can get over them?

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Fuck as many blokes as you can.


Find someone else to hopelessly obsess over.

Block her number and dont beat yourself up

Rape. You need to get that DNA of yours inside of her so she absorbs it.

::Get Over Them::

I love this show it's maximum comfy


It's scientifically proven that if you impregnate a woman she will fall in love with you

If she doesn't love you now you must take the necessary step known as rape to make her love you

yeah, this guy's got the answer. take a nice short walk off a tall building.



>just found out my crush doesn't like me back, any tips on how i can get over them?



enjoy the pain and shut the fuck up


>My crush
Try learning basic grammar. Girls like smart guys.

Gtfo you underage piece of garbage.



In due time OP, in due time...

Grow a pair and stop obsessing over women like a beta fuck so it dont happen to you anymore

Did you just assume her pronouns?

Time doesn't work. I still feel depressed about my ex who left me in september


I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows about this

Did you just assume her to be one of said person's pronouns?

There was a girl that I fell in love with in high school, and she knew it.

She decided to fuck my friend instead.

It hurt a lot for a long while, so it's going to hurt for you as well. Listen to sad music, have a long cry, distract yourself with your hobbies. The only thing that will heal is time.

just wait tell you turn 13

I have been rejected by 7 girls in my life and only one girl has ever fucked with me . So my advice , keep going with your life and think that you will have do the same if someone didnt attract you.
You cant force nobody to love you and you cant be force too.

two bearded men deep throating the same hot dog from opposite ends and kissing is less gay than what you just wrote.

you dont know the half of it honey

Actually let your balls drop before you start chasing after girls with your edge-lord status.