Trump is fucked...Impeachment train is rollin' in!

Trump is fucked...Impeachment train is rollin' in!

Agreed. Cue triggered anons and their "shill" name-calling

FBI is gonna nail his ass. I hope they line him against a wall and shoot him for treason.

We shall see, and if this is indeed the case, his supporters will still deny his wrong doing.
>Buh that's fake news!

what has he done that is bad so far?

The correct question is "What has he done that isn't bad?" matter what, we will always have the Alex Jones' fans


I really hope you're being sarcastic. If not, infowars awaits you

Facebook is cancer with the #fakenews shit shut the fuck up rednecks

I thought Sup Forums was snowflake free

No just smart people that are anti-trump

>Echo chamber
The language of conservative, traitorous sheep

im not shilling for trump i just want to know what things the guy screwed up on

aaawww...isn't that cute? Someone that repeats the same dribble just like every other trump supporter. So sweet!

I really hope we can set a new record for fastest impeachment

If you need to ask, you're not old enough to understand or have it personally affect you


Still alive?

You can't impeach the President just because you don't like him or because he's an idiot.
He has to do something very illegal to even be brought up for impeachment

Did something new happen?


Huh. Imagine that: there's an ongoing FBI investigation into something just along those lines...

bs Andrew Johnson almost got impeached because everyone hated him

ur aiming for /pol
stupid shills cant even shill right


Have you been in a fucking cave? Russia, you dolt.

What happend now?

I tend to not pay attention since there is something new that will be sure to impeach him every day and i just loose hope.

Seems like the FBI really have a hard on for him, he got the FBI CIA NSA the MEDIA, a lot of countries even Australia, I mean if youre a billionare you need to act mature instead of fighting in tweeter, 3 am saying he was wiretap was sorta like donnie aint right.
Who will have as president if he gets impeachment ?
serious question.
I dont even like him.

I refuse to pander to laziness. Educate yourself.

Only rednecks and moms use facebook.


Even if Trump is impeached, you'll have Pence. He's in the same party as Trump. What do you say about that?

>prohibiting refugees from mostly muslim countries
>amping up the war on drugs
>authorizing the mexico wall and increasing border patrol (even though most illegal immigrants came here on a plane and overstay their visas)
>reviving keystone xl and dakota access pipelines
>a ban on federal funds for abortions

i'd say all these things are bad, but its up for debate...
but when calling for impeachment, the possibility that Russia played a huge part in having Trump elected is the biggest problem for me.


Holy fuck! Do you read?

Oh its russia again?

I thought you guys were sill going on about his wire tap claims or tax returns or something.

Uh...No shit.

For 3 months, no proof. GG fbi


Nothing illegal required. Read the fucking constitution you supposedly fap over bro. Congress could impeach and convict him for taking a shit wrong if they wanted.

translation: I'm just making shit up because I'm a super troll and I troll you Sup Forums I troll you so good.

Pence is a bitch and can be controlled. Unless they find dirt on him. The GOP is crumbling.

The director of the FBI said under oath that the wiretapping claims were BS and confirmed that they were investigating ties between trumps White House and the Russians. Which isn't really very "new" information, it's just a big deal that such a high ranking official has said this publicly.

Trump is making America great again. Get on the fucking trump train or we'll run you over.

Almost like Hillary e-mails...but you'll want to talk about that too, right?

all russia did was show the world Hillarys dirty laundry.

>congress could impeach him if they wanted


The white nigger has an active federal investigation on his ass.......this usually leads to something

tfw its 8 years down the road and still no impeachment

No, why would we talk about something that is no longer relevant to anything? She can't win anymore, why bother bringing her up?

he was 1 vote off

_very illegal_

Typical trump THAT ALL you got? Pathetic.

>3 months
>no scrap of proof

keep dreaming cuck


Oh. Now a Cheeto supporter wants to stop talking about it?

It seems impossible, but I'd argue pence would be worse...

I trust the director of the FBI about as much as i trust tap water from mexico.

like it did for shillary?

Um...wrong. Dead wrong in your assumptions about me.

average guy in OPs pic is about 40 pounds overweight. And the women- excuse me while I go take a volcanic shit

More like Flint, Michigan

Do you live in a cave?

I believe there should be an investigation (impeachment) on exactly what role Russia played in Trump's campaign and election. There is quite a concern that they did much more than smear Hillary.

Probably the Russia thing can get him out of power, He even tweeted while they were in declaring that the FBI didnt had nothing on him.
The only thing that could help the orange guy is start war with North Korea, it was hilarious at first but now is kinda of scary hilarious anyway who would be president if he doesnt go after best korea or russia ?

But you'll trust Trump?

It transitioned to faggots once trump got all the smart people who were stuck on b jobs. Now it's just a bunch of faggot children that want free shit.

save yourself some time and just call him a degenerate next time

I don't think any of you idiots know what impeach even means.

he isnt getting impeached. have fun being a faggot

What are you doing then?

Yeah.....and Watergate took 2 years

I mean we can if you want, she deleted a lot of emails, found proof she did it, then the fbi declared her too incompetent to do anything this crazy, turns out she was just deleting emails about her dumb ass slush fund Clinton foundation. I miss anything..?

So basically nothing, no evidence at all is available and he's still POTUS. Got it.

Thread failed.

Ha ha.. Still better than: Safe Space, Racist, Misogynistic, Bigot, xenophobe, homaphobe, etc. etc. etc.

High crimes and misdemeanors, like knowing about a foreign government interfering with in the presidential election and not doing anything about it.

Flynn is a confessed unreported foreign agent of Turkey. Manafort oversaw the killing of Ukrainian citizens with his Russian pals.

Where are the tax returns?

Why is he proposing to build a half-trillion-dollar concrete wall? Could it have something to do with him being owned by the New York mob and its concrete companies?

He's already literally confessed to defraud the Trump University plaintiffs.

We aren't arguing about whether or not he's a traitorous fraud. We're arguing about exactly what crime or misdemeanor will be brought before the Senate during his trial. The best-case scenario is that he lies to the Senate, is found in contempt of congress, and they imprison him indefinitely.

Pic related: it's his grandfather, the pimp who was kicked out of Germany forever for being a scumbag.

What the actual fuck? Just a month ago shills were outnumbered and easy to spot, what the fuck happened? Seriously do tell me.

Do you people actually believe the agenda being pushed? Are you real people that were harnessed to the work for them?

Or is this some sort of setup to make it seem that this is what a majority of people here believe?

Trump is not a good president, but he isn't an idiot. He's a businessman and I have no doubt he will make business oriented decisions which will likely decrease you amerifags insane deficit. Not to mention his being elected prevented the Clinton Foundation and by extension the banks from controlling you for another four years. Seriously do edify me if you have valid reasons for pulling this shit.

Just like Hillary Clinton?
>get mad at trump, because the russians exposed hillary's corruption

Well, in 2 years I'm certain you fags will still be saying 'he's gettin impeached any day now keke russia putin'

this is bigger than Watergate...much bigger

Huh. How about that...

Why would you shoot someone over treason?


this is practically my father in law....just because i don't like trump, he says im a pussyhat wearing liberal. That guy is practically on his knees hoping for a load of trump jizz.

I still don't even believe it was Russia. The reports were BS.

He's actually a great president. Take your copy pasta elsewhere

Huh imagine that. It's been going on for half a year and guess's all still hypothetical!
>hurr trump didn't show proof of wire tap
>hurr trump is a Russian puppet and I need no proof to know that.

I can be subjective too

How about what? Anything else to discuss on that topic or what

Why would you bring him up in that context? As if not trusting the FBI necessitates trusting Trump. Protip, it does not.

Unless OP has that Sup Forums Milo insider fag shit, 8 long years of our glorious god king are coming


Waiting....except weak socialist name calling haven't heard anything. Interesting.

ProTip: Don't start with your worst example then. your fucking homework, you fucking dolt.

7.9 years

Sounds that way.

Dont imagine he's had a good day