I am happily married to my best friend whom I've known and have loved for 8 years

I am happily married to my best friend whom I've known and have loved for 8 years.

A very close friend of mine and I have always had a flirtatious and back-and-forth dynamic. We'd probably be together if I hadn't met my wife way back then. This friend and and I have known each other for 10 years.

Sometimes, my friend and I just get into these conversations and it's like....fuck. Why can't I just live in two separate universes and just teleport back and forth?? Please.

Both are so hot. Friend of 10 years is just so tempting. She's respectful but she's very tempting...like she subtly puts it out there that if I was the one who initiated things....she'd be down.


pic related - always kind of reminds me of my friend. Like super cute and friendly but dangerously beautiful and close with me.

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bamp. give me shit for it. talk me into it. do something Sup Forumsros


Obviously that's the ideal....but it's kind of a high stakes game. Even if friend was down for it, how the fuck would I bring that up with my wife? Also, how does she know and how do I even know that after a threesome happened, that it wouldn't ultimately spiral out of control and my friend and I wouldn't start having liaisons left and right?

Having a threesome with your happy wife and your old friend who is also friends with your wife just sounds more complicated than just mindlessly rallying around the word "threesome!"

Joke about it with your friend, see if she brings it up around the wife when you've all been drinking and gauge response.

When you put it that way the answer to the question seems obvious. The social dynamic isn't right for that to work out. Don't get involved, just imagine her while fucking your wife like normal


That looks like a good beer

I know, right? I feel like I can't just be that blunt, but if I float things that far in that direction, my friend might just end up being like "well, ask your wife....but if she doesn't understand or if you don't want to ask her....i'm sure we could work something out about it all together".

Good job, you learned a word. In all seriousness...yeah.....my friend and I have always been close and she is in a vulnerable state right now so she's always available to chat even after wife has gone to bed.

RIGHT!? Looks like an IPA that I'd gladly share with that blonde girl.

>I want to cheat on my wife

Stop beating around the bush, faggot.

Go fuck her.

And then watch your marriage and friendship get obliterated in slow motion

all because you can't keep your dick in your pants

You're getting a divorce OP, one way or another. You just don't know it yet.

This is why men and women can't be friends.

I came to post this.

You're gunna fuck this up OP, all out of greed.

Perhaps getting married while having a flirtatious relationship with a girl you've know LONGER than your wife wasn't the best idea OP

Don't fuck 8 years of your life OP.

Don't be a fucking nigger.

Then youll be back on Sup Forums after your wife leaves you for it asking us not to kill yourself and I don't want to deal with that 6 months from now.

Better yet, fucking kys yourself so we don't have to deal either way you bastard.

what was the point in getting married if you want to cheat with a bitch you've known for ten years aha... why didnt you fuck her in the two years before you met your wife ?
your wife probably turns dick down on a daily basis

whats your problem? Does she have a family of her own? If yes, fuck her. I assume you know how to go about it.
If she does have a family, she won´t want to fuck that over, especially if you make clear that you don´t want to lose your own family and you won´t leave them for her.

If she doesn´t, then don´t fuck her cuz she might turn batshit and tell your wife in some stupid attemt to win you from her. In this case this applies.

The thing is, I'm an old enough man to know that y'all are right. I literally can see how it COULD happen but I know I'll never let myself do that to my wife. I LOVE my wife. But man...don't y'all ever feel tempted? Like you know you could at least get away with the actual encounter....but you can't run from your own guilt and shame.

Shut up, retard. You don't know what you're talking about.

Nah she is just a friend. She was even at the wedding with her own long time BF. They're broken up now, but he came over the other night.

Calm down, Sup Forumsro. I'm not going to actually do anything. I just wanted to talk about it hypothetically and also just...I dunno...talk it out with y'all.

I'm very drunk at this point tonight too.

don't fuck up the relationship you have spent a bunch of time doing for a little extra fun

kek if you read this you're a faggot

>I'm very drunk at this point tonight too.
Go to bed. Like no joke, this is probably the alcohol speaking rn. Hop in bed with your no doubt voluptuous wife and get some rest.


listen OP, i was in a similar situation. i had a 9/10 friend who is fucking married. a total doll and asian (japanese). cute face, hot body type. and we got along so well. we were friends for about 12 years. been wanting to fuck her for all those years.

after so much pretending i finally just said fuck it and i made a move. she was surprised but did not resist. her bj was some of the best head i got in my life. and putting my hands all over her and fucking her was like my biggest fantasy come true. it was all that and more.

problem is when the fire dies out. she started getting weird and started causing problems for me and my family. so........ my advice is... if all the other shit in your life are things that you hold dear, then don't do it. if you don't give a fuck, then do it. it all comes down to how much you have to lose.

>Don't get involved, just imagine her while fucking your wife like normal
Bad idea. Doing this creates an emotional dissonance, which will just estrange their relationship and make it awkward for all three of them. Did this with a girlfriend on a smaller scale (making out with her) and dumped her a week afterwards because I just didn't feel anything for her anymore.

I hate this argument about so much time spent on building a relationship. If you spend so much time building something which whole basis is supposed to be to provide fun, you're doing something wrong.

Do whatever the fuck you want OP.
Talk to your wife about it, it's a completely normal thing to think about and want. Go for polygamy, or something similar.

oh, i forgot one small detail. she got divorced because of me. of course the guy has no idea why.

>with your no doubt voluptuous wife
I don't know why you felt the need to project your hope that my wife is a fatass, but she isn't. She's pretty fit - we both ride bikes, hike, and work out together. We also are very clean eaters and cook our own meals. Honestly, we're very happy. That's why it sucks.

Yeah, I am drunk. But sometimes you just wanna....I dunno........bang other women. And sometimes there are women who have been left unbanged in your life and as you get older you realized you probably could've squeezed them in maybe even if your life would've changed. Hindsight is 20/20 lads.

I guess I would just say - I'm not going to bang my friend. But you. Yes you - reading this now - if you have a girl out there that you're wondering about and you are half convinced would do it with you if you would only ask...

You. Just go for it. So you don't have to wind up happily married to the first girl who said "yes" when you finally embraced that mentality, plus 8 years, and be wondering...."oh...man that other girl....I should have fucked her too and she's making it pretty obvious that we could now too even though we both know i'm married."

tl:dr - fuck as many girls that you know who you know you can before you marry one of them

would take this advice if any of my female friends ever showed any amount of interest, but is probably never going to happen unless I make new friends

>tfw dance partner is innocent and cute as fuck but a relationship would never work out

I appreciate your wild, hedonistic angle, but you sound like someone who hasn't ever been in a truly amazing relationship. I'm talking about the kind of temptation that comes after you've met, won, and ultimately married the girl of your dreams. Yeah...temptation still happens after that. And it's not so easy as "well, you know wifey, this was supposed to be in the spirit of PROVIDING FUN, so since I can't have fun with any other girl anymore, the bet's off and I'm gonna go fuck this other girl."

You'll understand someday when you are older.

That's on you, mate. Just be more clear and ultimately BE HONEST with yourself; that's the best advice anyone could ever give you right there (be honest with yourself at all times). If you're only friends with them because you hope one day one of them will reward you with her love then you're friends with them for the wrong reasons. Tell them how you feel and then move on. Nobody in this world owes you a thing except yourself, faggot.

bump....why is this thread sliding so fast?

the fuck makes you think thats the only reason I'm friends with them? Being honest is realizing that a long term relationship would not work with any of them despite enjoying their company and knowing that they aren't the types to have casual sex. I'm a horny motherfucker but keep it in my pants

You might be right.
I never planned on marrying, and I still don't at 32.
Had plenty of great partners whom I respect and love in each their special way even today.
I just always took this approach and I'm happy with my life so far.
I guess I try and be in relationships where it doesn't matter what you do when you're apart (to a limit of course) and only focus on the things you do together, while valueing the other person's privacy and urges (without having to know about them, cause why would you)
Often my relationships end when the certain way of spending time together isn't fun for one or both people.
Relationships range from a week to 3-4 years, so take from that what you will.

>claims being honest with himself rules out the possibility of hooking up with his female friends
>pretending girls aren't also horny motherfuckers
>thinks "keeping it in my pants" is some noble stance that might cockblock him from the real chance of getting laid by his acquaintances in real life in exchange for meeting that pure, japanese anime waifu who will reward his celibacy with his wildest dreams
>not realizing that if you want to get laid you just have to play the game and not be autistic as fuck and thing that trying to have sex with a girl means you're asking her to redefine herself from the classy girl you have her built up to be in your retarded head.
>implying that unless you're morbidly obese, your girl friends aren't wondering why you haven't made a move on any of them and are probably wondering how they can set you up with a gay guy

You sound like a drifter. If you ever settle down in one place for long enough, you're still young enough to find the right person. I don't know what you're doing for a living, but you're too old to be saying that your average relationship is between a week to 3-4 years. You're going to be 40 before long and most women have had their share of self-worth time too. Time to get serious, buddy. It's a man's market now, but if you keep playing the gypsy card, you're only going to have desperate 35+-year-old women who are ultimately trying to settle down with a man who has some money.

>not realizing I've already had several girlfriends
>not realizing that walking around asking every girl you meet if they want to have sex is going to get you rejected from every social group near you

Fuck dude, you think every girl wants to be hit on constantly?


Did I say that they want to be hit on constantly. Every girl?? Make sure you read before you respond.

Listen to political and social philosophy (Epicurus, Socrates, Plato, Marx, Adam Smith, John Rawls, Henry David Thoreau) and understand where where your wife is at. Mariage is about improving yourself and your spouse, not merely accepting them for who they/you are. Get counseling and stop talking to your friend of 10 years if it's putting a damper on your relationship. Also Superbad from 2007 was unrealistic because there were so many hot chicks in that high school and at mine with 2000 students there were piratically none. Total bullshit.

Hah, I explicitly mention none of them have interest and you assume they're wondering why I haven't made a move and I'm the one that can't read?

Lol thanks. Yeah there is a lot of content within the works of the writers you've suggested. I've read a lot of them. You've left out Aurelius, Epictetus, Emerson, Kant, etc....

It's not about who you read. But damn 8 years is nothing I'm going to waste with my wife so rest assured, lads. Mrs. user isn't going to be single any time soon. But dod-gammit - Ms. user's friend from ten years is so singe and has always been there and depended on Mr. user for support and man...she's so fucking hot..............gahhhhhfahaahgbrvrhvrjrvjjbrbrbhrbhbrbhrbhrbhrbhbhbrhbrhbrhbrhbr


Okay, bud. I mean yeah, I don't know you and the girl friends you mentioned. Maybe they're not interested? You're probably right. My main point was to get out there and don't be afraid of opportunity. I was trying to be uplifting and inspire you to get out there and maybe find your own special lady. She's out there, mate.

Not going to that link, mate.

Phuk Yu OP

>look guys, I found the secret message in OPs picture ah-hyuck-k'yuk-k'yuk

I'm just venting a bit of frustration to be honest. School has a 70/30 gender ratio so its hard as fuck to even find an opportunity let alone have one work out.