Cry thread

cry thread
when is the last time you cried?

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When my dog was breathing his last breath.

Men dont cry fagget

When I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2 years ago

post dick or gtfo

I don't remember the last time I cried. I think it was my 20th birthday or so. I always get sad around that time.

In recent memory I remember getting choked up listening to the lyrics to "Ocean Breathes Salty" by Modest Mouse.

I wasn't thinking of anyone in paticular when I was listening to it. Something about the way the lyrics are sung and written gets at me.

I'm a girl you "fagget"

I don't remember

> tits or gtfo


Sometime last summer when I tried weening off my antidepressants. Was bawling every other day for no identifiable reason.

same here, I thought I was the only one who cried to that movie.. I'm an alpha male btw

You're worth nothing here without tits and timestamp. Even then, you're still inferior

about 3 hours ago watching Trainspotting 2

About an hour ago, watching "Time Crash" and hearing Tennant say to Davidson, "But you know what, Doctor? You were *my* Doctor."

cry more, bitch boy


No, no you're not. Two reasons; 1) Alpha Males don't cry like bitches at a movie. 2) Alpha Males don't need to proclaim they're Alpha Males.

Stay gold, betaboy

the end of that movie Elf with Will Ferrel, when everybody gets together and sings, I can't help myself from tearing up.

I mean, I'm depressed half of the time now. I'm sad and I wanna kill myself and I haven't cryed once since my first depression episode but this movie juste broke me I couldn't stop crying

oops seems like I stroke a sensitive cord

are is u gril?

2 days ago watching Hachicuji leaving Araragi-san. But I did just start taking some antidepressants so I'm a little out of it.

At the end of saving private ryan. Every time I watch it. So like 10 months ago?

You definitely stroke something.

Are you a fat kissless virgin neckbeard living in his mom basement ?

I don't believe in war. is it a good movie to watch as fiction?

I get nauseous every time I watch the beginning.

After the last time I had sex. I could tell she was impressed by how alpha I was for crying.

you dont believe war happened?

hey tough man how about your post your facebook profile if youre so tough?

Last week when my dog died

>I dont believe in war

I cant believe I am responding to someone who doesnt believe in things that obviously exist, but its an awesome movie. Given your lack of belief you will probably hate it. Its one of the most realistic depictions of war that I have ever seen and is heartbreaking, fascinating, horrifying and enlightening all in one.

Trollocaust denier

Post yours bitch

did you just assume my gender faggot?

I mean, I don't believe in violence. war is super violent. armies are mean
just be peaceful man, eat a beer

Thinking about my family that's passed away. That's the only time I cry.

That's what russia wants. Then they fuck you in the ass with a nuke.

>eat a beer

When I got drunk a few nights ago and remembered the time before my life got fucked up.

Post moar like this

Also some spanking

last wednesday when a girl dumped me over the phone tbh.

fuck I want to see that movie so good

>I don't believe in violence

You are alive because of the victors of violent conflict in the past. You are among the first in your bloodline that never had to face violence. Lets hope you never do, because its a fact of life whether you like it or not.

Dad died three weeks ago.
Just watched the latest Simpsons episode and shed a couple tears a few hours ago. So.

Hows it compare to the original?

Today my man.

Girlfriend left me yesterday. Been crying on and off since it happened.

Everyone needs a good cry once in a while.

I'm actually crying right now.

>Everyone needs a good cry once in a while
respect that


I know I'm not the only autist.

I called my girlfriend and when she answered it sounded like she was sucking dicks on the other end. When I asked if she was sucking a dick she quickly hung up. I burst into tears right after that phonecall.

last week. watched a beautiful mind. cried like a little grill at the pen scene. good flick. you faggots should give it a go.

why dont u cry some more pussy ass faggot?

If you liked it you should watch The Imitation Game

I don't know if I do anymore.
A couple years ago I cried over some dumb thing that was stupid and hardly worth mentioning.

11 months ago a pet passed away and it's been very noticeable around home, and not once did I shed a tear. No shaking, just a stress of loss.
Is stoicism good, Sup Forums?

lol esti dfif ta un fb en francais mon esti dtapette

You're not going to convince me to like violence, noob

Real men only cry milky white penis tears.

You are. That movie was so stupid. I don't know how you fuck up an A+ idea like a remote that controls life but he managed
it might have been passable if it really had consequences and didn't get reset

I can't be alone on this, Sup Forums

I want to cry, I'm just too macho.


>I am le internet tough man trololol kys pussy!

your highschooler is showing

i saw the spanish version

that's not a sad movie at all though

I have no idea. When I was a little kid. And fuck China.

What, did Patamon die?

I cried during Gran Torino tbh

the pen scene at the end, brah.

Hey, fuck you too my man, what did China ever do to you?

You know the drill. Timestamp titties.


Holy fuck that is one toned up leg. /fit/ would be proud.


I cried during Schindler's List
Not even a jew

WTF is going on in this pic

>be me
>be 5 year old chinese girl
>some dick stands on my legs
>cry for the last time

Training future chinese gymnasts

Mmm the feminist rage in this thread. Feed me more of your frustration.

I almost shed a tear near the end of Logan. Prior to that, the last time I really wept like a fucking baby was when my last girlfriend and I broke up. That'll be two years ago next month.

You need to watch digimon tri, user. Fuckin nostalgic

i never saw schindler's list

when I thought I had just fucked up beyond belief and I was afraid my gf would leave me

thank god she didn't. we're married now (and no, you fucks - I didn't cheat on her)

Male feminist here. i hope you sleep with both eyes open, i'm coming for that ass

ITT: Losers

You're not the only one


Dunno because it happens so rarely. Hell, my father died last Wednesday and all I felt was relief.


Saw Logan. Middle and ending.

I know I'm a bitch.

For those curious about OP pic its Chinese gymnastics training

When Moot went bye and roodypoos were allowed to post again.

Oh yeah well I come from a line of draft-dodging Ashkenazi merchants, haven't seen meaningful conflict for as long as there's been a road to get the fuck out through

But she's cheating on you

>gymnast leotard rips mid air
>the horror

Macho and stoicism are different.
It feels wrong not to have cried.
I had her for 10 years, and I feel like I let her down by not crying for her.
Another is on their way out now, and I know it'll happen again.
It makes the pain bearable, but it doesn't feel right.