Don't say I never gave you nothin.


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you faggot the only good rekt sub is r/watchpeopledie



why was that middle guy ducking before the robber came in........

he saw him pointing the gun up. also he was black.

Foreman from house KEK

shot when he escapes


It's goru not rektu

fuck my crotch felt weird after seeing that.


That's called an erection user.






Curious, how many of you are medfags/policefags here?

CIA nigger

Former autopsy technician here.

The only shit that fucks with me is the animals.

CIA doesn't hire niggers.

>what is adrenaline

As if niggers would even attempt to get a job.

Would the term here be 'desocked'?

Cool, love to see some of your collection.

Respiratory Fag present.


la policia here

thats cool as fuck.

fuck you for ruining terrys live streaming
seriously, fuck you cia nigger


all of us


id fucking love to see that happen.



Living tissue over metal endoskeleton.



here's a tip guys, don't go for the knife. attack him. you're going to get cut. but you can take him out before he kills you if you focus on hurting him.

'Tis but a scratch

I thought about terminator also.

how the fuck does the boy get up fine when the mom is a pussy ass bitch. are like children 10x stronger than fucking adults?

combat medic here

God damn that's one tough kid. His mom not so much. ......weak bitch


Fucking coward.

he ran right into it lol

this is why they say "don't panic"

da fuq, kid gets up but mother doesnt?

More flexible, plus adrenaline. Kid was likely injured just didn't realise it.

no shit huh. no balls.

kid died of internal bleeding later on.

kid just had more adrenaline.

this song got me rekt

Welcome to the real world, boipussy

What the fuck happened there?

yeah but he was ran over on his head and back with 3000 pound car.


the boy, he died later for eternal bleeding

Pretty sure he will die of SDH later on I guess.

nerf kid pls

I think I heard that the kid died later, he just survived some more time because of adrenaline.

>poo in loo HAZMAT

I'm guessing something like this

President of the United States here.


we dont know the backstory though.. maybe the older dude was raping the kid or something

damn that bald headed guy acted like he been waiting for that moment his entire career.

i wonder what it feels like getting hit with bullets like that? like he rolls then stands up and collapses why? do you just lose all your energy after getting internal wounds?

this is why you wear a hardhat


What a waste of Ketchup

I read about this, he had a watermelon inside the seat compartment. He actually survived without a scratch.

Not a medfag, but I'm guessing adrenaline kept him going until blood loss/drop in blood pressure caused him to collapse.

wich country is this from?


reply to this post or you will die while crossing the street with you mum

he almost shot his own hand off with his 1st shot, probably a nd

At least he didn't lost his style...


look at the flag


naw i'm a neet but it was my ambition to become a surgeon so i could help people plastic surgery. i wanted to help people who had like messed up accidents to look kinda normal again.

the idea of surgery seems exciting to me. but there was no way i was smart enough or i guess academically inclined enough to go through with med school and all that shit. i'm 25 now so its pretty fucking late to even start shouldn't started when i was like 16 but anyways maybe another life.

ya but what you think it feels like? just like you're getting really sleepy? exhausted after a long ass run?

Punkers with mohawks lol.

4 less alcoholic scum bags in the world.

god i love seeing group darwin awards like this. humanity is still evolving.

Kek. Link? I call bullshit. He was Asian, not a nig nog.

wow that guy really broke the line at the worst possible moment. Spartans they are not.


And god says "don't drive your bike on the highway shithead"

he ded?


oh yess hes dead


"teach your kid to run out into the street. make sure not to look both ways, also don't hold his hand."

You may have saved my life user, thanks

he survived with minor injuries. i hear he now sells bleach and nerve gas in some corner in India.

was this a test?


sick fuckerrrrrrrrr