Hunger Games

Hunger Games

48 tributes

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Judy Hopps

Lucy Loud

Kang Wewuzz

Loli Squad


Black and Zamasu



Lincoln Loud



Punished E


Hillary Clinton

Strong Independant B.Woman



The entire brazilian army

Fedora Hitler

Hisui and Kohaku

Giga Snek

smol chaik

Mom Gote

God Emperor Trump


World-Class African Hacker

Shekels McMugger


RCA Dome

Hugh Mungus

Ben Shapiro


Vladimir Putin


Black Magic

spooky scary skeleton

Nazi Dog





John Wick


A Cat

Anton Chigurh



Best girl

Bloody Lawbringer


Super Predator


Worst girl has left mane

That's fake, right?

Nah man, I talked to her at first hand, she's done with Sup Forums.


W-what? How did this happen? :(

Who dat anyway

Did that depressed guy weird him out or what

According to her community was too toxic, people were acting like stalkers, others being assholes. I'll ask her later in more detail. For now she's gonna do her own stuff now
Him too

if it was because i called her retarded for getting top sneks gender wrong pls tell her i didnt mean it

orange looks really good on him

time to get a new best girl, fags, cos she is done, kek
anyway, im done i kekd, this community suck ass

who is he?

What depressed guy?

what depressed guy

She felt uneasy at the time but damage's done already.

Get on with it OP

Some guy who kept talking about how Aria cured his depression and desperately wanted to do something to repay him/her

Kek that was me

If he went on and on about it, yea that sounds creepy as fuck. Not surprised given its Sup Forums tho.

This shouldn't happen again
That doesn't sound right

where the fuck is op


I enjoyed her, but what's she doing here without thick skin anyway? Oh well, if it gets to her then she's doing the healthy thing by leaving. Good on her. Or whatever.


Well that was refreshing

If he doesn't respond, someone else can take over

Oh shit, I just noticed this guy posted with my banner. I doubt if he's coming back. That's certainly not me, Virginiaposter.

I cant believe she actually fell for it tho, i bet it was the 'not even memeing' part that convinced her lmao what an idiot

I probably should not have posted my banner. Kek.

you guys are mean

kek, implying you guys can even get pussy irl, without paying

implying they can even pay

I, will go, master.

I was just having a giggle with her m8 its her own fault for being so gullible and thin-skinned

I'm not mean, but if you come here you have to maintain a certain distant levity about anything and everything, or people like depressionfag will fuck you up.

If this place takes a toll on her, I'm glad she's doing what's best for her by removing herself from it. That's not exactly a mean sentiment.

Who the fuck calls it a giggle?

>be me
>come to this cesspool for the first time in ages to see whats going on
>game doesn't even start and its just a discussion about drama
never change HG, never change

Also, will you host? That guy's nor Virginia.


eye do, problem?

Waiting some more
You could just wait like the rest

Newfags to HG usually take ages to host

so who is taking over?

I'm just throwing that information out there. I hope he's not rusing us but it seems suspect to me. Hopefully it's just a new host who's starting with an image from the previous thread, rather than a troll.

Should atleast reply to this thread…

a shame. i remember when newfags took up hosting pretty fast. ah well, cant circlejerk about "ye olden days" forever.