ITT life hacks

ITT life hacks


Hang a wrinkled shirt in the bathroom while you are taking a steamy shower. By the time you are done, your shirt will be wrinkle free and ready to wear.

an also wet

Diy drugs

can confirm works

Just dont drink more than two glasses or ull be trippin bawls

Throw a dry towel in the dryer with a load to dry it faster

Get up broken glass with damp bread

Cure enamel spraypaint on metal in a regular/toaster oven for a harder more durable finish

>drinking jenkem

what the FUCK are you DOING

Too intense for most.
You've got to be seriously hardcore for this.

tried it before, was a cool experiment, though concentration of bleach has to be strong

alright kevin perirer of the tv show life hacks... We see you've come to the best place on the internet for ideas

found this little gem as well. they work brighter than the usual ones.

They don't want you to know this!

If you are doing online dating make two profiles. One is the real account the other is the rude account. When you see a woman you like have the first account say explict and rude things to her. This will upset her and also get her thinking about sex. Then jump on your real profile and introduce yourself. She will be more interested in you.

I love making bombs.

user with the real advice itt

This makes nerve gas


Suicide will remove 100% of your problems and make it someone else problems

make sure you get a grass high in carbon for better yield


oh fuck you.


"lost the game," he said with his thickest dindu accent.


jesus christ life hacks on Sup Forums used to be actual life hacks with some interesting shit, not fucking mustard gas or breaking your thumb ligament

Who doesn't? Always print out bomb recipes, you can make it on the TV and Radio news that way.

Just had to hear that a few days ago on the radio about some dude having been rekt by the cops for no reason, other than having surfed and printed out the web

Of course they portrayed him as a school-shooter guy

good meme

when you stare into the abyss, you're basically fucked


Intriguing, what kind of success have you had doing this?



I have a folder full of these, but it takes WAAAAY too long to post them on mobile

Can of WD40 works better.
