Sup Sup Forums, is suicide ever the answer...

Sup Sup Forums, is suicide ever the answer? Gf of 4 years left me yesterday so she could 'find herself' and it feels like the best thing to do.

>inb4 do it faggot
>inb4 OP cant inb4

Suicide is only the answer when is livestreamed.

the answer? the answer to what?

I would say no, but then again I'm a newfag that doesn't know shit about this place yet so what do I have to say

Just whatever.

doesnt work like that give me something real and ill respond

Nice crap going out of your ass, OP. Try changing your diet

sue side because you reach some new understanding about how meaningless the world is? debatable, but nah

sue side because gf bullshit? SUPER NAH

tldr: suicide because of gf reasons is ultimate faggotry and should be avoided

My recommendation would be to find yourself too.

But if all you had to live for was her, then I recommend killing yourself, you're not contributing anything to society and you'd be doing society a favor.

not over being dumped. an hero if total physical unending pain.

i was eating good as fuck and now i'm eating like 1 meal a day. going shopping is too much work and who the fuck wants to cook

>doesn't know things

Same thing happened to me. Also 4 years. "Finding yourself" is whoreish for "i found someone new" i know it might sound untrue and i couldnt belive it either but its the sad sad truth...if im right the solution is kill them both

Suicide is painless. It brings on many changes.

No. I'm reluctant to just say 'harden up' because I don't wanna be one of those assholes who's never been suicidal in their life and looks at that like a virtue rather than a great fortune, but ultimately you do just need to try and push through it, OP.

Things will be shit for awhile. You're not in a position where it won't get better though, so no, suicide is not the answer.

im first year at uni so currently contributing nothing is right

If you want to make her feel bad for breaking your heart, make yourself better. Sometime later she'll see you at your best and regret it.

By the way "find herself" means "fuck other guys".

suicide is always the answer
do it faggot

nah dude it gets better. I had to break up with my gf 7 days ago, i loved her more than anyone but i had to do it.

I'm heart broken, it sucks right now, but it gets a little better everyday.

Do 20 pushups, 20 squats and 20 leg raises every morning.

Don't jack off more than once a week.

i roll dubs, you kys

Nigga you gone kill yourself over a piece of pussy? Pussy ain't that special mang, like for real. Girls are some nasty ass hoes that want nothing but money and to hold power over you with their pussy and titties n shit nigga. My dude, work out, get a routine going and be alpha as fuck then get all the pussy you want.

Just because some rachet ass hoe wants to break you and destroy your life she knows she can because of the slit between her legs.

Think about it this way my dude, the only thing girls have is their pussy and it's weak mafuckers like you that let them have all that pussy power. Hoes aint got shit on a nigga that has game. What do you do if you run out of food? You get more. What happens when you need money? You hustle and get more.

Same with pussy, you can't just keep one pussy in yo pocket you got to keep your pockets full of pussy. Fuck a nigga sayin' that being all monogamous a nigga only need just one pussy that's some week white boi shit.

Right now you just pussy deficient, go get your head right and establish a bank of pussy you won't ever feel sad my dude just make it happen.

>Killing yourself over some dumb cunt

lmao dont be a pussy you'll get over it and think how retarded you were for considering an hero


>reasonable, articulate and logical answer

Fuck outta here

The best day of your life hasnt even happened yet faggot

dont end it soon

>The best day of your life hasnt even happened yet faggot
How do you know? Maybe his life is complete shit and his best years are behind him. You should kill yourself too for saying that gay shit

If I do you're going to jail for telling me to do so

is this what street knowledge sound like?
>good advice tho


op here, banging tinder sluts is option #2 but i have the social skills of a retard. any tips?

Permanent solution to a Temporary problem...........................................

Nah bro, bf of four years kicked me out of my house, turned out the shitstain had been cheating on me the whole way through. Four years on and I'm happier then I've ever been, finishing uni and in a new relationship with a wonderful guy. It hurts like fuck now, but trust me, work through the pain and it will be worth it. Just remember, there will be a time when you can look back on this from a better place and be glad that you pushed through it. Also she sounds like a massive cunt and she's not worth the pain she's caused you.