Faces of Sup Forums

faces of Sup Forums

You look familiar. What's your first name?

Jesus is always with me

This isn't spam. Anyone who sees this should check out 4chans official kik group. Just search soursociety. We are repopulating. Join today you know you wanna.

Wow I joined and it changed my life.

sup nerds

methfriend, beerfriend.


>Goes onto an ANONYMOUS site
>Faces of Sup Forums
>Being this retarded

So much for being fucking ANONYMOUS huh?

Sup Forums is full of impotent faggots nowadays. No danger

we're not ugly and comfortable to show our faces. Hbu user?

i have the same poster nigger

I'm not showing my faces because I known wtf anonymous means unlike you tards

It doesn't matter. All the faggot websites who are constantly achieving threads anyway. This isnt your special snowflake safe space any more.

7/10, try out a smile
Jesus has blessed my dude, 8.5/10

I don't think you know the name of a person just by seeing his face

you look like a blonde and more handsome Benedict Cumberbatch

Fuck it want to see me? Here.

So a Benedril Cuminhersnatch?

You're a real life meme


Rate me, Sup Forums

Why thankyou kind sir.

What is it

What is what?

Thanks for what!!!

Hey babe


What is an meme

Javi from Mexico


Jair from Mexico!

Oh I find being called a real life meme a kind thing to say
.I'm a meme


No prob

So you pretty much want to get rid of Sup Forums then?


Damn dude you actually look pretty good

8/10 you're cute. look like a puppy


how so?

this guy is hot

You gay!!!

Correction I'm Bisexual therefore making that comment incorrect sir.

average white girl reporting in

you're better than average

timestamp or gtfo

excuse me

six six six

are you a trap?

lets make sure she's real before we start asking questions of "it"

Dubs you look like a butt boy 9/11


You are indeed excused now run along.

Was about to send you a meme then you said that



you are a solid 7.5/10, but your beard is a 4.5/10

what does it say?

You have 2 choices

1. tits

pick one

do you have a femenine dick?


Choose one

take it up the ass haters

shit i wish


not my problem you can't get laid

i have a really big female boner right now

r8 pls

I'm straight and this guy is making me question my sexuality

Old meme is old

But no, I have a masculine penis.

Y tho

>Y tho
you are a really handsome man

Yes, he is!
I like that guy


Hello, I believe you posted this thread on the wrong board (what we call subreddits here). we have a board titled /soc/ for cams and meet-ups. you'll find much more of a verbose response there. goodluck

Rate me guys

Chad thundercuck/10

I hope I get good rates, I'm really self conscious

Post a timestamp you Swedish faggot

Thanks. I appreciate it.
Kinda sleepy tbh

No, you will just have to believe that I am Marc Fitt posting on a Sup Forums thread


Then you are a Dude/Legit

Wasn't this from yesterday? 8/10

Omg its you again Hipster pothead piece of shit fucking kill yourself


You post something then faggot

Fappamania is running wild Sup Forumsrother!
Whatcha gonna do?!

vola file dot io /4_Y716

No tho, smile and style the hair and you'd be a 10/10

sup Sup Forums

I did lol

You look like my highschool roommate. My highschool roommate was cute.





BEAUTIFUL eyes and skin, 9/10

timestamp or gtfo

damn girl id let you suck a log of shit out of my asshole like i was Andy Sixx and like you were someone who was wondering if they could suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole

Timestamp or btfo

Didn't we ban you.