Femanons: Please do this and post pics. We need to learn whether these boobs are real or fake

Femanons: Please do this and post pics. We need to learn whether these boobs are real or fake.

keep bumping if interested

Other urls found in this thread:


Whoa holy shish

fake as your mother's love for you

Iron Tits

I'm pretty certain that those are implants, which are transparent.
normal flesh does not have that degree of translucency. (if it were, you could shine a light through your arm, or the likes. )

this seems likely

but I for one am pretty fucking interested to get some comparisons

I think the inclusion of a solid substance called bone within the human arm may have something to do with that, you fucking dolt.


I think I found my new fetish....

all my gamer instincts tell me these are about to blow, guys get down.

Fake. Look at her hands. Too wrinkled to have perky ones like that


what would one call this?


more femanaons pls!!! we must do this for science!!!!!

If the light was strong enough it could theoretically pass all the way through the breast tissue.

Gonna need much stronger flashlights than those however.

how many people actually own two flashlights? wtf is this

Absolutely fucking terrifying


redface V:

Tried this with my GF before and it didn't work. We ended up stretching my balls over the light and you could see all the veins. Pretty weird.

this pic was proven fake. she had holes under her boobs plus fake tits

One flashlight would work fine.... though i own 6

A lit tit fetish

>holes under her boobs

I've always found the veins in a girl's breast sexy as fuck. This is instant diamonds.

Make it something cooler. Like "TorchTitties"


I, personally, do not like these red boobs.

>I think the inclusion of a solid substance called bone

are you trying to say that bone fills the entire arm? I dont know about you, but my humerus is about an inch wide. my bicep is about 5 inches wide. my thigh is about 9 inches wide, and the femur's about an inch and a quarter. and my flank, below my ribs? there's no bone there. but I know a torch isnt going to shine through that.

But you know where it does shine through? My hand. if I stick my hand, which is full of bones, on a bright halogen bulb, I can see a pink light thorugh the back of my hand.

so, who's the "fucking dolt"?

not me, dolt.

the second sentence is straight out of a YLYL thread

blazing boobies

If this were a boss I'm pretty sure both tits would have to be taken out first before damage could be done to her main body. After 30 seconds though they would regenerate and you have to start again.


Also you would have to wait for her to do a heavy charge before they become exposed for you to attack

i liek this


Show me your GlowTits™

best nightlight ever.

>Underrated post

I would legit buy a tit nightlight. Someone get a kickstarter going!

I assume it works on real boobs if it's done to check for tumors, not positive though

She's got electric boobs

Her mom has too

You know I read it in a magazeeee-hine...

Okay, that's pretty impressive.

Boob Bulbing?


shiny boobs

bone and muscle in the arm dont allow for transillumination.

the tits are basically fat (blocks light), arteries/veins/lymph/cutaneous nerves, glands (probably dont transilluminate), and that's about it.

doubt real tits transilluminate like that.

but yeah, anyone that believes tits = arms are pretty fucking dumb.

fuckwin :D

I could see "Bulbing" being the obscure fetish name. Like "sounding"


im doing this with every woman from now on so they know how cool their tits are.

They are called boob-o-lanterns, Opie and Anthony made them popular for.halloween years ago

>5 inch bicep
Are you a woman or a child?

Boob candling.

Farmers put a light behind chicken eggs (or any bird egg) so they can see how the chick is developing, and this is called "candling" the egg, because they used to use a candle to do it.

hm so i guess fat and glands do not block light, after all.

fuck yeah, science.


I second candling.


>We ended up stretching my balls over the light

I think I have a new fetish
I want me some lightboobs
like lightbulbs but boobs

Than your instincts are shit. They're clearly weak spots you fucking casual.


You're ruining it

I'm watching a new porn genre be created and i feel like I'm witnessing history. This is why I come on this site



veiny, so these are real right.
>not trolling, actually that new to this concept. how can you tell which are real or fake?

i got you user

i posted what to call it and boob candling it is. dubs win

Hello this sucks I have DD cups and no light passed through also I could only find one fucking flashlight and it's not even that good so yea I'm going to need to try again when I have a better light source :/

im about to put a flash light under my balls

It's settled. I'll call Webster's Dictionary in the morning.

Well, show us what you got anyway.

post current results anyway. we need datapoints!!

Exactly. We need controls. This is a brand new science, still in its infancy. Any data we can get is essential!

this. what the fuck are you talking about? all tits light up. doesn't mean they are real or fake.


I think we should expand this thread. Lights are cool and all, but what about General titty science? What happens to a titty if exposed to a powerful laser? What about changes in temperature? Does a cold tit react differently than a hot tit?

These are questions we need answers to!

Would like to witness a breast with a small magnet surgically implanted, being moved with other magnets of varying strength. You know, for research and such.

Yes! Magnetic titties! Brilliant!

Still no volunteers for science? Shame. Women always have had trouble getting into STEM fields.

>Women always have had trouble getting into STEM fields.

I never knew i needed this in my life. Now i want to see those red tits in the dark flashing on and off.

Whos this goddess??????

Excuse me, are you opressing her?

fucking lol


Isn't that that coalburner attentionwhore who wound up getting stabbed by a nigger?

God have mercy, what have we done?

kekky kekky kek

So, what the actual fuck is an "interaction engineer"? Am I correct in assuming it's some made up bullshit?

she likely makes more than you do

Tubby custard machine, motherfucker!

oh yeah?

Settle down, Francine.

And no, she likely doesn't.


>femanons please do this

Who dis?

Me likey



I am tits, destroyer of threads.