French women cannot enter cafes anymore because Muslims don't want them in the shop

>French women cannot enter cafes anymore because Muslims don't want them in the shop

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shit go watch it for yourselves

"""""""""french"""""""" women

We are not safe either guys

Women have reduced rights in Muslim countries... shocker!

>doesn't even know that Sup Forums auto-embeds youtube videos

I'm not some paranoid guy who talks about conspiracies to raid us, lads, but...

they're right tbqh

What's happening in UK

>Teach mudslims how to speak western language
>They take advantage of you using it


What about rednecks who dont want mexicans in their restaurants?

Is just the other said of the same coin. Same close-minded retards, different approaches.

Your cherry-picked article on mexicans happen to other minorities here in the states as well


Don't think you are special little spic. Muslims are oppressive towards all women and all other religions, even the best of the kind.

god damn

First time posting on Sup Forums?

>Your cherry-picked article on mexicans happen to other minorities here in the states as well

>Muslims are oppressive towards all women and all other religions, even the best of the kind.

So, basically I was right

Even whites get bullied by niggers in this country, we have hostility going either way time to time.
Maybe it is hard to grasp for dirt poor mexican brain of yours to understand but Muslims are oppressive towards more than 50% of the total human population and gives no shit about opportunities like USA does. See the difference idiotic mexcian, just because you couldn't jump the border doesn't mean America does not provide opportunities.


>thread is about muslims
>mexican tries to play oppression olympics and make it about himself
kill yourself

well muslims at least are half-human, mexicans are just some... some proto-human

ah yes, and absolutely nothing of any sort is being done to curb this phenomenon

>""christians"" from out of town going to someone's muh heritage festival and saying their religion is shit

I hope president de blasio sends those people to syria

I persobnally don't want islam either, but I've met muslim people and contrary of what your american media tells you not all these people are radical extremists willing to blow up your country. The problem with americans is their massive ego, and just like radical muslims, pro-Trump "pátriots" are probably losers who have done nothing with their lives other than being born americans.

I just pointed out that this is not a muslim exclusive behaviour.

Says the monkey

>Le another butthurt sub-human Mexican who got triggered by USA making America great again.

Yes we all want to be billionaires but we don't. Yes we all want to kick the bad guys in the arse but we don't. Muslims all have little terrorists inside them dumbass.
>Le I have met a dictator and he was nice to me, all dictators must be nice Le ebin :----D

Jesus Christ

muzzies are actually a plague, aren't they?

> USA making America great again.
>great again.
Today it's the fucking 3rd time I see mudslimes in full hijab in Mexico City, they were clearly not mexicans, this needs to stop

kek US labor colony Mexico at it again

What the fuck happend to france?


Something bad true intellectuals always warned us about, but clouded by the empty words of pseudo intellectuals

The same what happened in greece between 1453 and 1821

I want to see if you keep that opinion when USA enters a new recession and Trump get's impeached or quit. But I guess I can blame Trump or their suportes are too dumb to understand why his executive ban orders were rejected.

This can be played the other way, you know. How many muslims you know in wathever isolated farm you live? But yet you still whine on internet about muh muslim problem, kek.

>Le Mexican thinking his country is any better than North Korea

Islam sucks donkey balls. What else is new.

Businesses have the right to refuse service to whoever they deem necessary

I'm sure judging my intelligence by the flag on my posts makes you feel superior and all, but evading my questions only reflects your lack of arguments.

Don't worry, I won't make you lose more time, so you can go back to watch american Idol, just make sure the crash of america's new administration don't catch you off guard.

>not being able to walk freely anywhere as a woman
France is truly becoming a 3rd world shithole

>This spic's argument is Muslims are good and Islam is good

user, sabes que eres un pendejo si?

I'll rather be a freedom fighter who is called upon as evil than to forfeit the high ideal civilization has showed us. Mexican logic will halt me not

Ignore them, they just don't get it.

>This spic's argument is Muslims are good and Islam is good


Like I said, just go watch American Idol

>This spic comes back again
gtfo and shiver from the fear of having corrupt police force.
Dumb half-assedly educated faggots like think you are some kind of hero defending the oppressed, but it is actually the opposite.

>Muslims are oppressive towards all women
Islam is more oppressive towards men.

multicuralism is fucking shit, I mean what's great about having one big mixed culture? If I went to england I'd want to experience their culture, the same aplies to france, siria or any other country on earth. whats happening to europe is really sad.

Nice formatting you faggot lol

If any country is going to reach boiling point, it is France. Anglo countries are complacent but protesting and riots are routine to the French.

All it will take is a spark...a catalyst, and the French are going to riot. I would not want to be muslim in France in the next few years, because things are going to get violent.

This video sparked a huge fake new company controversy.

When released the video made a lot of noise, every political figure talked about it. It then went silent for a while. 3 weeks ago a journalist (female muslim) came up with a counter coverage of the place.

A totally not staged video with totally not female actor cover this specific bar and explain that women are totally OK in this bar. A Jewish woman is even interviewed she claim to be a regular and she even drink alcohol!

The owner of the place is attacking for defamation the TV channel who originally broadcasted the segment.

I wouldn't want french people in my shop either.

Dats raysis

you do it to yourself, you do, that's why it really hurts

literally nothing wrong with this 2bh

This tbqh

>not wanting French women in your cafes
Muslims are literally gay faggots

This tbqh

I agree with this, but you know it's secretly used to have gay Muslim orgies right?

So what's a good country to escape to from all this, Sup Forums?