Communism doesn't wo

Communism doesn't wo...

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China is more like a single-party dictatorship police state free economy

they ditched the idea of communism back when USSR collapsed

>Boris Yeltsin's faith in communism was shattered when he visited a grocery store in America for the first time

makes you think, doesn't it?

name any country on earth and I guarantee it's more communist than china

Hong Kong

>Trix pops

how can stalin even compete?

China is just dictatorship country. It ain't communism no more.


I know this is a shitpost thread but shanghai's wealth is unironically due to it's non-communism

>Fascism doesn't wo...

>Still think China is economically communist

China is the most Fascist country on earth after tiny tier countries like Turkey or Saudi Arabia

>Fascism works

To be honest, two party system is just a small step away from one party system.

USA is more communist than China nowadays sadly.

I don't think there's ever been a system that has pulled more people out of poverty than market capitalism.

>I don't think there's ever been a system that has pulled more people out of poverty than market capitalism.

You can vote for anyone you like in this country. I voted for Gary Johnson.

China is a slightly updated version of Russia prior to ww2.

They are just copying the West's path to modernization with capitalism mixed with government planning, but they have yet to even scratch the surface of problems that exist once you're a 1st world country.

They are already suffering a younger generation lack of masculinity problem and they aren't even close to 1st world status yet.

We have 4 "major" parties and a ton of other 3rd parties. We just got cucked over the years as Republicans and Democrats became the only significant parties. The electoral college also prevents any minority vote from mattering. Hell, even voting for Reps or Dems, if you don't live in a swing state your vote means fuck-all.

Pretty much just fuck the electoral college and media

The electoral college is there so New York and Los Angeles don't decide every election.

Meet Sidney Rittenberg. Born into the Jewish community of Charleston, South Carolina in 1921, he became involved in leftist politics while a student at the University of North Carolina. An impressive figure on campus, he soon became involved with labor agitation in his home state. Like most leftists, he supported pacifism and opposed US entry into WWII, but the German invasion of the Soviet Union and Pearl Harbor changed his mind, and he enlisted in the US Army. While there, Rittenberg obtained passage to Stanford where he took up a Chinese language course. This resulted in him being assigned to China as part of a US delegation to the Kuomintang. At Stanford, he picked up the nuances of Mandarin at an impressive rate, soon moving onto the complex Chinese writing system. After arriving in China near the end of WWII, he instantly became smitten with the country and its people.

Given his political proclivities, Rittenberg not surprisingly became won over to the communist cause. He reported being impressed at the discipline of the Red Army compared with the Kuomintang army, a largely undisciplined mob that robbed and raped at will. When Rittenberg was recalled back to the US, he was determined to stay in China, feeling that life there would be more exciting and rewarding than going back to South Carolina as a union activist. He cultivated contacts with the CCP leadership that led to him being placed in charge of the New China News Agency in areas controlled by the communists. Rittenberg took to this job with great relish and was having an immense amount of fun when he found himself in a huge heap of trouble.

>Communism works fine, just look at this country whose wealth comes from special economic zones that function more like capitalism.

Like many American communists, Rittenberg was a close friend of CPUSA leader Anna Louise Strong, who was then in the Soviet Union and got denounced as an American spy. Rittenberg ended up being accused of the same thing due to guilt by association, since at that time, the CCP relied closely on the Soviet Union for advice. The Soviets passed down the word that anyone associated with Anna Strong was untrustworthy, and so Rittenberg was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. When the PRC was established in 1949, Rittenberg celebrated the event from a jail cell. After Stalin died in 1953, the new Soviet leadership apologized to Anna Strong and Rittenberg was released from jail. He received a personal apology from Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, although his treatment in jail was actually very mild and he had plenty of food and access to any reading materials he wished.

After being released, Rittenberg was hired by Radio Beijing as their only English language foreign expert and once again took to the job with immense relish. He spoke excellent Mandarin and unlike the CCP elites, he was not afraid to get out among the masses. He also studied extensively on Chinese history and art, and had accumulated a fine collection of artworks and furniture in his Beijing home by the time the Cultural Revolution broke.

In the late 1950s, Rittenberg married his boss's secretary Wang Yulin. After she was at first appalled by the idea of marrying a foreigner, as well as his aggressive courtship, a friend reminded him that Chinese ideas of courtship were more subtle than American ones and not to be so bombastic. The two would go on to have three children together. When the Cultural Revolution began, Rittenberg knew it was coming well before most people did, thanks to his immense and varied connections to the masses. To avoid being denounced as bourgeois, he donated his collection of art and furniture to the state and took up a much more modest, proletarian lifestyle.

Rittenberg became actively involved in factional struggles as the CR unfolded, but like nearly everyone else in China during that chaotic time, he too fell victim when a Red Guard poster in Canton denounced him as a "counterrevolutionary swindler. The bourgeois newspapers in the US have made light of the fact that Radio Beijing is run by an American (not actually true of course since Rittenberg was never the head of Radio Beijing). If this is permitted, there's no limit to what else can be." Although he was not the head of Radio Beijing, he certainly wielded huge power there for a while and there was a concerted campaign to remove him.

Rittenberg became involved with a political faction who advocated what in Chinese parlance is known as "ultra-democracy", generally a codeword for multiparty Western democracy. Although this seems quite ridiculous, as were the charges that he was plotting to undermine Zhou Enlai, he refused to denounce his faction, which landed him another stint in jail, this time lasting 11 years, six of them in virtual Hell as he dwelt in solitary confinement and experienced mental and physical abuse. His wife and children became pariahs, and the fact that Rittenberg survived with his health and sanity intact is a testament to the man's fortitude.

Why is that bad though? Why are you against a voting system based on the actual popular vote?

California is a guarenteed 55 votes for Dems and New York is a guarenteed 29 anyway.

Among other accusations leveled at Rittenberg by the Red Guards were that he was a supporter of the disgraced Liu Shaoqi, dubbed "China's Khrushchev" although he had repeatedly criticized Liu. His downfall could be attributed to the fact that he was part of the old guard leadership of Radio Beijing, all of whom the Red Guards had targeted for destruction.

Although most of the foreign experts in China were rehabilitated at the 10th Party Congress in 1973, Rittenberg was not among them. Only after the 11th Congress met in 1977 was he at last freed from gaol. The reason why he wasn't rehabilitated in '73 are unclear, but are thought to be linked with Zhou Enlai, who apparently had a strong distrust of him. Thus, Rittenberg's freedom had to wait until after Zhou had passed away. He was considered too controversial to regain his old job at Radio Beijing, but received a job at the translation service of the New China News Agency. After the US and China established diplomatic relations in 1979, Rittenberg was able to visit the US with his wife. He moved back to the US in 1980.



>Why is that bad though? Why are you against a voting system based on the actual popular vote?

Because he supports a party that has repeatedly only won because of the college over the popular.

The president is supposed to be elected by the majority of the states, of course you're a butthurt leftist who can't accept that you lost just as you couldn't accept it in 2000.

>Can't accept that your "democracy" is as democratic as a chamber vote in North Korea
>Scream leftist and call it a day

Making a person's vote matter less because of where they live is the exact opposite of democracy.

>f course you're a butthurt leftist who can't accept that you lost just as you couldn't accept it in 2000.
I am not
The system is how it is right now. We all knew how the college worked before the election. Trump won fair and square.
The electoral college is still a broken system that needs to be done away with.

You have to get democracy over there before you can criticize ours, Wang.

It mitigates the value of everyone's vote and can lead to results that go against the majority opinion.

As a Marylander, if I were to vote Republican, my vote doesn't matter at all as Maryland will almost definetly have a Democratic majority and thus all electoral votes go to the Dem candidate. My vote is fucking useless. Even if you are a Republican in say, South Carolina, your vote still doesn't matter that much as South Carolina was probably going red anyway. Your vote is practically useless unless you live in a swing state.

If the main purpose of a democracy is to be sure that the power lay with the people, why would you advocate for a system that deprives the common people their vote? Why advocate for a system that goes against the majority?

Yes it's much better when Florida decides every election.

Americans are fucking retarded.

Pretty good

Also, places like California, Texas, Florida and New York need to be equal with delegates. California does not fucking need 55 delegates. I say level the playing field, and no...population of the state should be irrelevent.

>I say level the playing field, and no...population of the state should be irrelevent.
What, why?
Why should the 39 million in California, 28 million in Texas, and 20 million in New York matter the same as the 7 million in vermont, 4 million in Conneticut, and 1 million in Rhode Island?

Not OP

Because by that logic, states like Rhode Island or Delaware that have tiny populations compared to CA,TX, and NY should have high numbers in the electoral college. How is it fair that Cali having 39 million get an insane amount of votes while small states get less?

Potomac reporting in

>If the main purpose of a democracy is to be sure that the power lay with the people, why would you advocate for a system that deprives the common people their vote? Why advocate for a system that goes against the majority?

The US isn't a direct democracy, it's a republic with a federal structure.

>"free" economy
Does arresting shareholders for betting against the interests of the country count as free market in your book?

because it's democratic?

Hm that sounds a bit gay mate. Btw the constitution is just a piece of paper

It's fair because one man gets one vote

The trend throughout American history has been toward direct democracy though, with unlanded people, women and african americans getting the right to vote. The question isn't if we currently have a republic but should we in the future. When the structure of the current system was explicitly set up to protect the rich, and slave owners, I don't think it makes sense to keep it.

China is a capitalist country pretending to be a Communist country because they figured out capitalism is much better but don't want to admit it

>At the opposite end of the spectrum during the Cultural Revolution were the countless thousands of people persecuted merely for being artistically talented. Millions suffered during the CR, but artists got the roughest end of the stick. A great pianist had his arm broken to teach him a lesson, young composers were sent to the countryside to pick vegetables and dig ditches, a veteran author, Ba Jin, the writer of the great revolutionary novel "Family", was forced to lay down on shards of broken glass in a sports stadium in Shanghai. Others were driven to suicide, such as Lao She, the author of "The Rickshaw Boy". All contact with outside and most pre-1949 culture was prohibited to the masses, although Jiang Qing was a fan of Greta Garbo and often conducted screenings of her movies, which were denied to the masses deemed not smart enough to handle them.

>Standard CCP propaganda maintains that "Art rests with the people", yet rarely have the people been allowed to express themselves artistically. In fact, culture is whatever the CCP imposes upon them, its every action a supposed manifestation of the will of the masses, but which anyone with an iota of brain function knew had become a classic Stalinist dictatorship.

>So it was natural that after Mao Zedong died and the Gang of Four were purged, that many foreign observers rather naively and optimistically assumed that Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping would usher in a new enlightened era of democracy and free expression, when in fact they merely wanted to turn the clock back to the situation that existed in the early 1960s, right before the Cultural Revolution. A lot of Chinese were certainly fooled as well, especially young kids who'd grown up in the Cultural Revolution era and did not remember pre-1966 times. History is one of the best-kept secrets in China, as all too often the past would expose inconsistent ideologies or outright disasters caused by the CCP.

>During the initial thaw in the late 1970s, many banned books and stage works, including the traditional Beijing Opera, were allowed once again. In addition, select Western movies and books were also permitted. However, the effect of the Cultural Revolution had been terrible. China was severely lacking in artists and intellectuals of any worth. Many veteran artists became gunshy and refused to create any new works for fear of future retribution by the CCP. The youth population were more naive and idealistic than their elders, not fully comprehending the artistic restrictions imposed by the state.

States get electoral votes and Congressmen proportionate to their population.

Republicans don't get elected in Maryland because the GOP never seriously contests that state.

>Vanguard part dictatorship
>Hurrdurr not communism
>Socialism in one Country
>Hurrdurr not communism
>State enforce monopoly by state enterprises that carries the bulk of chinese economy
>Hurrdurr not communism
Just because they participate in the International Market economy does not mean that the entire economic structure is based on the individual firm creation and innovation.

name means nothing
>Democratic People's Republic of Korea

The Chinese learned everything from you, Ivan. They copied your political system to the letter. :^)

Communism works if you have smart leaders. Once china gets a Trump or a Bush to lead they'll fall apart ASAP

and this is why Tienanmen happened

not because of "muh freedom"
but because the commies wanted to protest against free economy

and another historical myth destroyed

no free education, no pension, no shitty planned economy
china has just autoritarian goverment
most communist countries now in EU

You can take your communism and shove it up your ass until it bleeds red like the marxist faggot you are

my cock is one smal step from ya mother

And Russia learned and copied from germany. They copied some german ideology to the letter just like YOU copied german rocket science :^)

like YOU're so pure. internet is made of DARPA.


>starving a shit ton of people
people dead or dying can't work too good amerifag

Well, that's what communism brings to people kraut

The 28 million in Texas don't matter at all

>staying communist ruled made china rich, so that chink manlet could get a smoking hot white girl.

>turning back from communism and chasing western capitalism and democracy made the smoking hot girl's home-country poor as fuck, so that she has to offer herself to a communist chinese who is several times richer than her.

really makes you think

End of USSR was a mistake.

It counts as being intelligent.

Bankers and speculators fucking destroyed my country

They are where the US GDP per capita and HDI was in 1965 actually.

So, technically first world.

If I could, I would go back in time and shoot Lenin to prevent his asiatic despotism from redefining communism for future generations.

Private business controls 80%+ of the economy and 90%+ of the jobs.

It isn't 2005 anymore. Unironically France has more state-run companies and public sector jobs as a % of the total than China.