I'm really fucking baked. Ask me anyhing

I'm really fucking baked. Ask me anyhing

Drugs are for niggers and hippies

if you sweat while wearing a sweater, do you not become a sweater?


Jaden Smith?

I can't read that for some reason

shooot ur eyes

im not at all suprised

are you really fucking baked


holy FuCK

So how is being shit at life going?

I don't fuck with supreme. I like pepperoni

Pretty shitty.

not op, but what in fuck is even on that pizza

Top tier webm. Got me.

Whats your credit card number/name/pin/numbers on back/ home address?

You literally have 100% of your answers, nigga.

op you should try consuming mangos before you get high next time; they increase the effects of the high.

FAKE NEWS! The only thing that will get you higher is a weed break.


you're underwater

I've heard this before. Mango juice

Is that a mole or a zit on your lip?

If mole I'm so sorry.

If zit good god pop it and post pics.

It's a coldsore

What happens if you touch your dick??

Did you know that if you were to kill yourself right now, you will go into the afterlife stoned? Tis true.

What time is it? How long has it been? What's that noise? Are you sure? What if it is? What if it isn't? Are you hungry? What time is it now?

should i take a sick day today

how big is your cock?

I got 1 word for ya partner, kill yourself


A light switch?

Go smoke some more fucking drugs. They'll kill you eventually.

>nigger detected