Is this diamond real? It sinks in water so idk

Is this diamond real? It sinks in water so idk

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Try shoving it up your ass


try to smash it with something heavy, if it shatters, no diamond

All metals sink in water, duh.

Can you see through it? Real diamonds are opaque. Also try breathing on it. Real diamonds will not fog up. If you have a UV light, shine it on the diamond. Almost all diamonds glow under UV light. Final test. Heat up the diamond in a lighter flame for about 30 seconds, then immidiately drop it in cold water. A real diamond will do nothing, while a glass or cubic zirconium will usually crack or shatter


diamonds are carbon and can burn glass and zirconium do not

FALSE. Real diamonds can be broken easily. Source: My grandfather is a jeweler and goldsmith. He has broken many diamonds in his career.


Are you actually taking this seriously? Do you see the size of that thing? Do you have any idea how rare and expensive a diamond of that size would be?

>diamonds are carbon and can burn glass
Diamonds can't burn glass, retard.

Work out its' refractive index. around 2.417 is diamond
If it's around a bit bigger than 2 its diamond

turkish royal blends are my shit, i can't find regular turkish royals anymore.

It's Cuban zirconium.
>5 years working pawn shop
>can instantly tell.
Do you have a lupe? Get some close up shots of it.

It's possible it could be real. There was a treasure hunt on Sup Forums a few days ago with the holy grail of Sup Forums. Some user from /fit/ found it and disappeared.

yea tards think diamonds are strong as in impact strong. But they are blade strong and their edges don't dull

Scrape down your PC screen if it cuts it it's a diamond or you can try on a window
>diamond is best metal

kill yourself


Archive link? was camping

reported for antisemitism

You don't understand Sup Forums do you?

Found the newfag



>Cuban zirconium


>not getting the joke

A Cuban? I'll give you five bucks for it op, but that's the best I can do.

Like's like we've got an infestation of jews in this thread. Don't worry though I know the cure.

OP here just gonna take the shits to jeweler, I've already tried heating it up and dropping it in water, it was fine

How much would it be worth if it is real?

The way it refracts the flash is indicative of Moissanite.

But the only way to be sure is take it to a jeweler.

Yeah I only smoke these ones love em

>How much would it be worth if it is real?

That depends on the quality of the diamond if it even is real at all. Experienced jewelers like my grandfather can tell a real diamond from fake just by looking at it.

But can steel beams melt jet fuel?

711 was a part time jawbbbbb

Use a magnet and if it does nothing then your on the right track
Get some salt and heat up a spoon , you take the diamond and throw it at a window and if it breaks it's a REAL diamond

Jesus christ what kind of monster is that guy fucking?

np fam

put it on your hand. if you can see though it its fake