Ylyl pls

Ylyl pls

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You can't make it to the end. - youtu.be/ZT--tvvfOdY




more like i rage i lose


Agreed. Some1 has to strike some sense into those whores.






that's just sad...









wait, is this what I think it is? She's gonna put that in her pussy in and out, right?

vinesauce memes kek

This feels as if its something spidermans boss would say


Fuck this pussy ass faggot. You dont wear a shirt like that and not expect to piss someone off. He should have stood,tall and owned it instead he folded like a little bitch.

>My wife said we had to cut back on expenses, so I should stop buying beer.
>I said "what about all the money you spend on makeup?"
>She said "I need the makeup to look pretty"
>I said "that's what the beer is for"
>I don't think she's coming back.

How to get high with Wick Medinait?

Heard that junkies buy that stuff in order to get high. How they do it?


Wie kann man mit Wick MediNait high werden?

Habe gehört, dass Junkies sich das Zeug kaufen und daraus was machen.




nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

just find another brand without paracetamol


atta boy


bump, haven't lost yet


moot's pics finaly leaked !

I'm going to jack off so hard m00t will feel it

No nude gook m00t?

DXM Google it
Ratiopharm Hustenstiller z.b.

I just blew a load to this. I think I'm done with Sup Forums for now. I'm actually disgusted in myself. I'm covered in dust as well which made things worse.

>Not including second gen refugees
>Deciding these numbers aren't high enough, gotta increase the chances!
Fun fact, taking in refugees will never solve the problems in the middle east.

the actual punchline here is that according to these statistics refugees would kill at most 2 ppl even if American population would be 7bilion. as in, the whole world population.
now i wonder who's behind this post...

Cheeto dust or have you not moved for a while?

Besser mit Jägermeister zulöten

You shouldn't be, we've all done it

Pls in english, no speak nazi


He's right tho. The guy shouldn't have apologized.

>What is that thing?

Its a red tegu. Like, a big lizard. She's got an Instagram called MacGyver the lizard

>taking in refugees will never solve the problems in the middle east.
Of course not. What is your point?


Fuck me I lost so hard to this. why.



Fucking feminism!!

I don't really agree with what happened to the guy but this is a false equivalence.


Femanon rapist detected

What, precisely, the fuck?



Trips trump dubs, slut

Every fucking thread this is posted now, it was Facebook/email forward funny st best

Its cute that NEETs have opinons on workplace damage control

Relax. I'm so old that my cum is dust.

Newfag get out


>>votes for Trump
>>calls germans Nazi

Samefag girlfag tits or gtfo, snowflake ;)

Why is this a problem if he voted trump.
I don't get,





No no no. I haven't cleaned my house in about 6 months. I've been sat at my desk for about 26 hours now. I've jerked it more times than I can remember and yet I still can't stop. There's is so much dust that I can write my name on my jeans in it. Fuck man. I eaten about half a sheet of acid since Sunday. You guys thought that sour cream in the mircrowave was bad..

Nice to meet you all though. I'm Bongo Bill. Same fag.

>nigger uses a fake MAGA hat in their shitty memes

It's disgusting, that's called an asian


I came to contribute this picture, and call someone a nigger. You ready, nigger?

fuck off niggers

im no nigger

You're the nigger.

Fuck off, you are the nigger. Trips get.

Trips dodged my nigger arrow. Well done, nigger-man.

You stole my trips faggot

Funny monkey

Niggerest nigger.

Trips acquired, mission accomplished, return to base all troops.


>P O S T P I C S