Whats wrong with me Sup Forums

Whats wrong with me Sup Forums

When i was a kid i always used to be happy, i used to enjoy video games, fishing, bmxing, motocross, sports, everything.

Over the past few years i have lost interest in everything, ive become extremely introverted and everything i do, mainly gaming and music, im only doing it to waste time. Im not getting any enjoyment out of anything and havent done for awhile.

Ive basically shut my self in for 2 years just wasting time, i have very little real friends and i cant talk to them about anything as my lack of interests prevents me from engaging in any real social situation.

What do i do, i feel like i dont know myself anymore, i dont have a favorite color, i dont know my sexual orientation, i dont know my interests.

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When you find the cure, pls tell me. We are pretty much in the same situation.

I think it's called getting older.

Dont worry - this is what happens to stupid people. It's natures way of keeping them from reproducing.

Sorry, but you were born stupid.

try working out or coding or some shit.
maybe try to get neet bux

Got a degree and a profession, but I'm in Ops boat, I even have a six year long term gf. Life still sucks, its boring, i hate getting out of bed in the morning. Everyday is almost identical.

Im only 19, i left school at 17 (completed it) and have just sat at home, getting sadder and sadder.

same here but for 4 years and im 20 now

Do you smoke a lot of weed?

Op here: No, i did i bit when i was at highschool, but i havnt done it for a long time

OP here: I feel you man, shit sucks

Op here: I might give coding a try, what language would you recommend ?

Also i assume neetbux means welfare? im unsure though

I'm not OP but i am going through the same shit. I used to smoke a lot of weed but can't really smoke anymore because it makes me feel like I'm guna have a nervous breakdown. Is weed the reason I'm depressed?

God you're a whiny nigger

obviously, you need to go start a career. Just try to pick something you might enjoy.

I'm the same. Went to the doctor about how I was feeling and he prescribed me anti depressants. I'm on week 3 and feel worse but the doctor told me I'll feel worse as they start to work then I'll feel better

Don't Worry, be Happy!

gay boy

I was in the same boat, OP. Last summer I decided to dose a lot of LSD and shroomies. It was like hitting the reset button on my mind. I've felt a lot happier since then. I recommend this to anyone who is stuck, as it provides you with a new perspective, as well as a lot of introspection. Good luck, op


How long have you been visiting Sup Forums? There's probably a correlation

I was on zoloft for a while, now I'm on lexapro. If you want to feel better try lexapro because zoloft sucks dick.

>i dont know my sexual orientation
You're a faggot.

Stop scrolling Sup Forums

You have depression, m8. Welcome to the rest of the world.

You grew up, fag
like we all did
not like adults didnt warn you it would be shit

I went through the same shit a few years ago.
At the beginning you may think and feel that you are worse , but in the next months you might notice that you stabilize.

That everything is ... meh, not terrible, not good either, but stable.

At least that's what antidepressant do for me.

And when I've been out of treatment shit hit the fan real hard (insomnia, obsessions, self-hate, even the first signs of being an hero ....).

Ofc your mileage may vary, but doctors + antidepressants is a start.
I'd suggest some therapy or ... ¿exercice? to just force you to keep going on, to move.

@OP : I felt the same way for the last 6 years. I feel like an impostor to everyone else. I might be a bit older than you, 28 to 29 next week .

But shit, If i felt something i'd say "feels bad man" . Dunno.

Im trying, its hard man.

Op here: Can you go into any further detail about the LSD. I heard from someone else about it and im considering it.

Seriously, Sup Forums is wrecking.

It's all fun and games in the start until you eventually start fapping while crying and screaming nigger at your screen.

Welcome to clinical depression, or "Major Depressive Disorder"!

What is it? It's quite simple, it's basically death. You simply live like a robot or any other animal (eat, sleep, repeat). You were probably frequently exposed to negative emotions, so as a defense mechanism, your brain shut down some connections.

The brain had good intentions. It just wanted to remove the bad emotions that were there for too long... but it had to shut down the good ones as well! So instead of having fluctuating emotions, you have NONE. Zero, nada, nicht!

Like I said earlier, negative emotions makes it hard for humans to reach their primal goals such as find food, shelter, protect kids, etc. So the brain just permanently turns off all the connections related to emotions.

No more fun with friends and family, no more hobbies, no more desires, no more dreams, no more motivation... for anything!

If someone came to me, and offered me the choice between going to prison for a year or going in an all-inclusive hotel in Mexico, I would tell him my favorite response: "whatever" or "I don't have a preference".

That's what it feels like. Everything is neutral. I don't feel sad, I am just bored because my mind isn't producing feel-good hormones like serotonin. I have motivation for NOTHING.

The worst of all is that you can't do shit about it. Here's why...

You can either seek treatment, which doesn't work in most cases, and if it does work, you'll depend on pills like an heroin addict depends on opiates. Not to mention the side effects of most pills, such as loss of libido, a loss of appetite, a loss of hair, a loss of muscle mass, reduced bone density, increased fat gain, insomnia, etc.

Or, let's say you miraculously get cured one day... and you start having emotions again... can you guess what will happen?

You'll come to the realization that life is actually good and that you just LOST 2, 3 , 4, 5, or more years DOING NOTHING. That's gonna hit you like a ten ton truck.

go with c#

Op here" So it is depression?
Should i, and how would i approach a doctor about it. I feel like they would just think im trying to get meds if i walked in there and just proclaimed that i was depressed.


Are u still on meds?

Watch this.


Exercise etc...

Wow, i never thought about it. But i think it might be depression. I would say my childhood was rough. parents broke up, 3 different foster homes, moved back in with parents and constantly moved between parents to suit there schedule. I used to have 1 best friend, my best and only friend. One day he just went away, he moved to another town and didnt even bother to tell me.

I just have this thought in my mind that if i go to a dr about depression that they would just think im after pills

so the diagnosis is "you're fucked" and there's nothing that can be done about it except wait for your brain to right itself? :/ going through something similar and not sure what to do

Yep, Depression Disorder (with a tiny bit of Obsessive disorder and plausibly something along autism - Aspergers probably)

My suggestion is to go to a doctor and tell him/her the symptoms. They'll probably notice all the flags and suggest a treatment.

Yep. Else nights can be an absolute nightmare to go through ( I don't know what can be worse, the insomnia I usually have or the nightmares i've had).

That being said, meds are only part of the solution.Healthy body + Healthy mind ... turns out it's a real thing. I still fail (overweight and lazy) but I have to try.

I know this will sound like a stupid self motivation video, but the moment you're fucked is when you let yourself fail.

If you feel unable to do things on your own, ask a professional. Forget about pride or pain, just notice you need to be selfish for once and take care of yourself.

While medication can greatly help (not without side effects, for me it's been blue-balling or as an expert would put it , "inability to normally reach orgasm") ... the long term solution is a therapy you can routinely mantain.

Because, well, in one sense you may actually be fucked: This shit doesn't go away on its own. Neither can be cleansed 100%.

Maybe start by looking up depersonalization and its causes.

If therapy is a financial option for you, go. Some therapists you just don't click with, but you might get lucky and find someone you can help. You won't be any worse off for trying.

Your situation can be solved, but trying to power through it with motivational quotes won't work. Neither will trying to kill your feelings.

I've had this shit for more around 7 years now.

I literally LOST what was supposed the best time of my life and I lost it FOREVER.

At first, I was like everyone else here. I tough I was simply growing up and that it was normal to lose interest in my passion and hobbies...

Boy was I wrong!

It's not normal to lose interest in your hobbies when you're 16... or even in your 20s. It's a sign you're getting to the point of no return.

I wouldn't even wish this to my WORST enemy. It's a real torture. It feels like prison.

One day, around two years ago, I don't know what happened, but I actually felt something again. I was smiling all day long, my mind was clear and every thought was positive. When I went outside, I was shocked. Why?

Because for the first time in 5 years, I could actually notice the sun and enjoy it. I could feel the wind caress my skin. The colors were way more vibrant then they were ever before. I could actually smell the grass. It was probably the best day of my life, no joke.

It was so fucking amazing, I can't even describe it. It was exactly how I was feeling everyday when I was a kid and didn't have depression. Everything felt good and I was motivated to whatever I wanted to do.

Even if I was happy, I realized that I WASTED 5 years of my life that could have been spent this happy way... and it almost made me cry.

Anyways, the next day I went back to my neutral state of depression. But I was now reminded of how fucking good life can be when your brain is producing hormones normally. It was a shock, because such a feeling was a long lost memory in my head. I have been numb for 5 years and now I felt real life again for one day.

I was wondering, what did I do to actually make my brain produce these hormones again? Well, I analyzed my behavior of the few days before and there was nothing different I did.

**Max words**

Continued below...

You should probably kill yourself it will make everything better

Op here: You seem to know what you're talking about.

How did you pick up that i was on the autistic spectrum just from what i said ?

Also i think i have anxiety, but im unsure. i hate self diagnosing but i always feel awkward in social situations, i have panic attacks if something goes wrong that forces attention of a group or something like that. Because of stuff like that i avoid going outside as much as i can. do you think that would be anxiety or something along the autistic spectrum?

Sounds very much like depression buddy. Get yourself a therapist and some antidepressants. Book an appointment with your doctor in the next two days or as soon as possible otherwise you won't go. A psychiatrist is desirable to handle your medication choice and titration, but not necessary, and we are expensive. Schedule in social time and exercise, and force yourself to do it. All these strategies will set you straight in about 3 months. Good luck user.

Literally, start doing party drugs and getting fucked up, you'll force yourself into a state of confidence and eventually become a natural extrovert

same, i did start hitting the gym tho but its the only thing i enjoy

>doesn't work in most cases
Reach remission? You don't need to reach remission to see vast improvements in quality of life

>Bone density
In older adults..

Again, even with conservative managment of sleep and circadian rhythm you still end up with improved sleep. The problems arise mostly in older adults (60+) where co-prescription of sedatives/benzos is common.

Thats social anxiety disorder w/panic. It's one of the garden variety mental illnesses in young people and there are good treatments around. Again, most medications inprove these symptoms as well as depression. And as you get better you (usually) naturally get more exposure to social situations, which reduces those feelings you described. With some breathing exercises for the panic symptoms you're already halfway there to re-engaging with society op.


Thanks man, im going to make an appointment at the Dr for a few days.

Do i just tell him that ive been feeling really depressed and anxious recently and he will understand/know what to do.

I dont know why but for some reason when ever i think about going to see a dr about my mental health issues i always think that they will assume that i just want the meds. i have no idea what.

So for the past few days of that day, I've been doing and eating pretty much the same stuff as usually. Except for one thing...

The day before, I drank some effervescent magnesium tablets I also drank a glass or two of sugar-less soda. Now, I've been having these magnesium tablets every day or two... because I found them reduced at the store and they give taste to water.

Anyways, I don't think I have ever drank both magnesium tablets and diet soda on the same day, but I did it that evening.

Did this cause a reaction in my brain? Maybe. I've searched online and I've actually found some studies saying that magnesium deficiency causes depression and something about sweeteners/ acesulphame K that could affect the brain.

I'm not sure about all of this. I don't think I was deficient in magnesium in the first place, because as I said, I've been having these tablets for some time now PLUS I had some dark chocolate I was eating almost everyday (100% cacao, good source of magnesium) for weeks. So what caused that reaction in my brain?

I think it's a combination of the sweeteners and the magnesium, but I have never been able to do it again...

But one thing is sure, that one day, was worth more than the last 7 years with depression. Hands down.

My goal is to somehow find a natural way to cure this shit so I can help everyone in this situation. Because this is truly hell, if not worst. I'd honestly rather be chopped in pieces by some mexican cartels, than keep living like this.

By the way, don't listen to people that tell you to "meditate" or "exercise" and take "medication". Does that sound like life to you? To wake up, and HAVE to meditate for 30 minutes, then HAVE to exercise for 40 minutes then HAVE to take this one pill at 8:00 am, this other pill at 1:00 pm, this other one at 9:00 pm, etc. All this to feel slightly better...

You might as well hop on heroin at that point.

Get a job you fsggot.

I think this is the first thread in ages that actually has some worth while posts. Fuck about.

I'm chiming in with no context here, but man, I relate- Apathy is the pits. Nothing matters, so inaction or action- all the same. I suppose however you want to cut it, you've reached out here, so I guess that might be step one- and it sounds lot like you would like to change your situation. I guess you gotta go bare-bones on this- apathy is fine and all, but ultimately you'll end up doing -something- to survive in it- a shitty job or something. you'll feed the apathy, the cycle will go on. Cool. Option 1 is sorted. complete nothingness until you die. Option 2. Do something. That sounds kind of vague and almost empty, but starting is key. Take a long hard look into yourself and work out if there is anything you like. Even if you just have a scale of intollerable nothings, work out a heirarchy for them. Do something with the first one- just get some momentum. Or, better than that- work out who you want to be and go be that. Radical change. The worst that can happen is you'll end up back in your basement playing video games- option 1 will always be there. So radical shift. It will be uncomfortable and it will suck, but it's worth doing. Someone said they felt the same and they went to the gym. Do that. seriously. Go and move your body and get tired. it will regenerate and with it you go do it again. do it for a while and it becomes a thing you like doing because there is genuine effort you can quantify and results that you can quantify. Apathy is a bitch man, I know. You just gotta get some momentum

>guys why does life suckered so much?
>19 years old


Yes buddy just tell him youve lost interest in things you used to enjoy, have no motivation and feel down and depressed, and get extremely anxious and have panic attacks in social situations. The drugs are not really abusable that we prescribe for these types of problems, and are some of the most prescribed medications in the western world. There will be no problem with the doc. The biggest obstacle is just booking an appt and turning up. If you feel better in the afternoon, book it for then when you have more control and can communicate a little better. Importantly, tell the doc all these symptoms are stopping you from doing what you want to do, and ruining your life - because, they are.

Thanks for your help man, are you a Dr, or at least at med school. Because even tho we have never met i feel like you understand my situation more than anyone. The fact that some days i just simply cant do something, while other days i could force myself.

The only other people i have told are my parents, they said they understand, i can see they want to help, but they really arent.

I honestly cant thank you enough.

This may sound like a reasonable advice, but it's not in this case. Here's why...

Your brain isn't producing chemicals like for normal people. You can't just start something and then get motivation, because your brain's reward system will release jack shit on day 1, day 2 or day 365. What do you get when you multiply something by 0?

Yep, that's right... you get NOTHING.

Same with your brain, connections are long gone, no more serotonin. In some cases of mild depression, medication can help, because your brain is actually still producing some. Then you could try to find a new job, hit the gym, meet people, and so on.

But if you've hit the bottom, your biggest concern is not if you are going to kill yourself...

It's actually, WHEN and HOW you're gonna do it!

Let me give you an example. I've had the chance to be "mentored" by some rich people on a yachting forum I was browsing to pass time. He told me pretty much the path to follow and gave me detailed tips. Sounds exciting?

Maybe for the normal person, but if you have clinical depression, you won't be able to do jack shit. You have ZERO motivation to do basic stuff like say "hello" to your family, so imagine trying to learn stock markets or whatever job you want to do.

You'll start and force yourself, but you'll NEVER, EVER succeed in this state, because your brain doesn't produce the "feel-good" hormones responsible for motivation.

Look, I was literally given a blueprint on what to do to have a great passive income in a fair amount of time. All I have to do is... DO it. Well, doing this or staring at the wall all day makes me feel the same. Even then, I'll force myself to actually do it and see how it goes.

Then in maybe one week, I'll achieve what a normal person would achieve in two hours, simply because my brain doesn't reward me at all for doing whatever I'm doing. So when I read a sentence, I won't memorize it... and I'll have to read it another time, and another time.

Yes, I'm a psychiatrist so I do this day-in day-out. Im actually an old-age psychiatrist but I have seen all age groups and have been depressed myself, so sympathise with young guys going through the same shit. Its difficult for people to understand how bad it feels, but also when you don't get out much you tend to focus a lot on the symptoms and problems that you are having, and they can feel like your whole world. I hope you make the right choice from your post and use the treatments available. They might not all work out first time but years of life wasted in a malaise, and stuck in rumination is really bad at your age. You'll be socialising and pounding some pussy in a few months and wonder how you dealt with this crap for so long. But i urge you to get some talking therapy if you can afford it in conjunction, as that helps people get better faster, and stay better for longer.

Thats sounds so familiar, in my final year of high school i found it so hard, just like you said, i couldn't remember shit. I would read my economic notes over and over and over and i couldnt remember anything.

that's fine man, but handing out a diagnosis doesn't sound even remotely responsible- I think, have a mindset to try options yourself, but also seek professional opinion. Any definite answers you get from strangers on the internet re probably worth being wary of- If people claim to relate, that can't be verified- they aren't you. take on board good suggestions, but adhering to a 'do this, don't do that' approach is probably not in your best interest-

Don't read these long ass posts.

Find some reason to get out of the house: Job, school, sports club, political party, church, whatever. Go there and do it.

Getting all fucked up on drugs or Muh Brain Chemistry is only going to transfer your problems from one area to another. If you wanted to be a drooling simpleton you could do that right now: Buy some weed and beer. But you don't because you made this thread.

Find a reason to get up and out, any reason at all and go for it.


fuck the sjws and their normie allies. Embrace your true destiny and follow the Path Of Light otherwise known as

Thanks bro, tomorrow im going to book an appt with my dr for sometime in the week and force myself to go. ill try book it that day if i feel good.

You've helped me so much tonight, hopefully i can get my problems fixed and go back to not feeling so shit

Being happy is the goal of a child, and the child finds responsibilities along the way. Being a man is about shutting up and taking care of responsibilities, and finding happiness along the way.

You can chase happiness with video games, trap porn, and pills. The Jew has plenty of things to sell you to get you by. But a man's happiness comes from purpose, and purpose comes from selflessness. To be a happy man, first you must be a man.