Did you know 70% of americans only use toilet paper when they wipe...

Did you know 70% of americans only use toilet paper when they wipe? Most disgusting people (if you can even call them people) on the planet. How do you rationalize smearing shit all over your ass hairs and crack?

I dont know they do things in the buttfuckingham palace but we americans can wipe our puckered assholes with the best of them.

The 30% are immigrants from India. They are finally able to poo in the loo, but because of culture reasons they wipe with their hands. Even if they work in a restaurant.

Don't eat Indian food.

Well they voted Trump into the white house. They're pretty retarded..

What's the problem with trump tho?
I think he's awesome

Well he is a pathological liar for starters.



When do the other 30% use toilet paper?

Americunts all need to learn to use a damned bidet. It's gross to do nothing but smear your ass with shit. At least use sanitary wipes.

Start with paper and finish with wipes, they're expensive.

I don't use any toilet paper when I wipe

Hey Sup Forumsro, western people have invented a few things, included bathtubes

Here is a simple rule : take a dump in the morning right after your coffee and then you take a shower, in this order you're ready for the day

Meanwhile most of the dark world wipe their ass with their hands and pretend they're clean enough to pray their god, lul

>memes on the internet and CNN told me he's bad lol

Back to back.

World War.


Having jets of water squirt your butthole is literally gay as fuck. Besides, anyone whose not an idiot uses wet wipes.

If you don't run the toilet paper under water before you wipe, you're doing it wrong. Smearing shit into your skin with dry toilet paper is just as bad as not wiping at all.

2.Take toilet paper
3.Run it under water
5.Dont smell like shit all day

Hey he's not ruining my country so have fun getting fucked.

that's good thinkin, you must be europeein

Okay let's be honest, the russians won WW2. We look at casualty numbers and length of time. We, the Americans pretty much just overwhelmed a tuckerd out resourcless Germany. We lost what, 250,000 men? The Russians lost 8 Million. Like Jesus fuckballs. That said, I use wetwipes, because I; a fellow American am no barbarian.

You shit, shower then shave. In that order.

that roll is on backward!

You're not even trying.

>only use toilet paper when they wipe
When the fuck else am I suppose to use it fuck face?

>wash my ass with water
>wash my hands
>don't smell like shit

personal preference, brah

I don't even shit