We've bombed and bombed and bombed, and there's still no peace in the Middle East. In fact...

We've bombed and bombed and bombed, and there's still no peace in the Middle East. In fact, the violence is worse than ever and spilling over into our own backyards.


Well, I guess the only thing to do is bomb some more...

Other urls found in this thread:


now it's time for the nukes.

And they wonder why everybody hates america.

When you are a bomber everythings a bomb.

Bomb is love, bomb is life.


For fuck's sake.

Taking out military targets and taking out people with Hellfires from a drone is not "bombed and bombed and bombed".

It's the same stupid shit that didn't work worth a shit in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Viet Nam.

*Actually* bombing and bombing and bombing worked just fine in Dresden and Tokyo and would work fine again.

Only want to do it once or twice?

Then go all Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

That worked too.

stop using the obama bombs and use bombs that work

Actually, everybody hates the US for interfering everywhere for personal gain, creating a/more mess and then acting all offended when it's actions backfire.

This kind of sums it up: g.co/kgs/wQP6nu

It wouldn't work fine again, you moron. Do you even know why Dresden and Tokyo were bombed? To destroy the war making capability of those two nations. Bombing a civilian city to counter a terrorist threat is like setting your house on fire because you found a mouse. It's fucking stupid. It would also create millions more who would be willing to fight and die just to get back at the United States.

we are just using the wrong bombs and are too wimpy to take out entire populations.

fucking liberals.


People that hate the US hate them because they pretend to act like the Roman Empire, fuck it all up, and then try (and fail) to clean up the mess they made.

If they actually acted like the Roman Empire: stomped then shit out of whatever/wherever they wanted, visited total devastation upon upon anyone that harmed US citizens or interests, and killed anyone who complained they'd, at the very least be respected.

And then, who gives a fuck if anyone likes you?

but it would make them think twice.

the victors write the history books.


Right now retaliation is thinkable.

Once it becomes unthinkable it won't happen.

Sell that Gandhi shit to the tourists.

It's not spilling, it's being imported in,

They already hated us, we just gave them the added tools, access, and ability to bring their goat fucking terrorist actions onto our own soil.

Time to bomb more and and to deport every non citizen/un-vetted refugee back to their country of origin

I'm not setting my house on fire. I'm setting their house on fire. Not my fault they cannot take care of their own rats, need other ppl to step it.

It wouldn't make them think twice, it would enrage them and fill their ranks with recruits willing to die for them. The EXACT opposite.

I can see you're a Trump voter. Want to kill their families and relatives, as well?

You people are too stupid to fix. Please just kill yourselves so the gene pool can be cleansed of your abject stupidity.

US is just the current actor in this play, the Brits tried to set up a "Democratic" system in the 50's and thought gave us Saddam Hussein,

Barak Hussein, just caused us to lose the I initiative therefore allowing ISIS to rise to power.

Those assholes will be killing and bombing us, their own people, and whoever else doesn't worship that child molesting prophet of theirs well into the future

They've been at it for a few thousand years

You're actually setting the entire neighborhood on fire then wondering why the now homeless people have nothing to live for and want to kill you.

You seem to know absolutely nothing about the Roman Empire - any version of it.

I'm not in the US nor do I vote in US elections, but nice try.

As for killing their familes and all the other "collateral damage": yes.

If you know your history well, you'll recall that this was how the last Assad dealt with the Muslim Brotherhood when they took up shop in a small city several decades ago.

Actually, he just erased the whole city.

It worked.

Kept those assholes out of Syria for the rest of his lifetime.

This is me.
Let me tell you a little about my history and working with Pakistani and Indians(dot).

Indians hate the Pakis because they are ruthless and heartless.

When I worked with a Paki he confirmed this.

Yes if you leave one heir alive they will breed and come back at you.

So that being said, the only solution is genocide because we have left generations alive to hate America.

We just need to beat the population into complete submission and then it will take another 1000 years for them to get uppity again.

It sounds evil and cruel but it is exactly what they want to do to America.

Or we could secretly fund the state of Israel and let them loose on the region.

Oh wait, we are doing that.

That's not collateral damage. Find a fucking dictionary if you can't even grasp basic terms like that.

Also, you know what caused this civil war? The Assad family. So you claim it worked, yet here we are. The entire country is in civil war with multiple parties involved, including the US, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Boy, Assad sure did a great job tamping down those elements in his country.

The truth is he hid them underground until they had their opportunity to rise up. Then they did.

Or are you really going to also argue that the US an UK did a great thin with the Shah of Iran? Because that ended up just as spectacularly and we ended up with a theocratic government in Iran because the people would have accepted anything to rid themselves of a tyrant.

So you want complete and total genocide. Well, guess there's no point in discussing this shit with you any further then. People like you should be taken behind a building and shot.

>oy vey, better just have open borders goy

kill yourself OP, you salty faggot

You're blaming the "civil war" in Syria on the new Assad?

The entire Assad family, actually. But yes, this current Assad has completely pissed off much of the population to the point that they will never accept being under his rule ever again.


You think the Assads were/are single-handedly responsible for what's happening in Syria and putting quotes around a term makes it literal, but in your world I'm the idiot.

Islam should be made illegal, all mosques should be destroyed and all religious texts burned.

There should be no reminder of what once was a religion.

Who else is responsible for the crack down on his people and any dissent? Are we going to blame that on someone else, now? You can only be an asshole for so long before people fight back, and the Assad family has been a long line of assholes and murderers.

And sorry you don't know what collateral damage actually is. You'll learn, though! Maybe. Actually, I won't hold my breath.

So you keep saying.

Feel free to say whatever you want as long as you stay confined to the fucked up world that passes for your head.

As opposed to wanting to commit genocide? LOL Will do.

>islamists start the arab spring
>countries falling left and right
>people open fire on your police
>military cleans them up
>punish the military who did it
>somehow its your fault the islamists want to overrun your counrty

Millennialfags have no idea what would happen with a real nuclear strike. There is no winner.


>too civilized to take out entire populations.

Ameritards rarely think of consequences. They're too busy with their victim complex

He's probably someone who ironically calls the Rwanda genocide "a bunch of primitive niggers"

Can't happen until we throw Christianity on that woodpile too

Try this.

>Whole religion based on Kiling infidels
>Attacking us in our own country
>cheering and bragging about it
>We fight back

>People like you should be taken behind a building and shot.

Well isn't that hypocritical?

Rwanda is a completely different situation.

Muslims have one goal; destroy the infidel.

I am being realist.

Use a real bomb, say one that can wipe out all their important cities, also gather the ones from around the world and gas them, basically let's just exterminate islam.

Nothing would happen if multiple nukes went off in middle east. everyone would just go on high alert and try to find out who detonated them.

>cuts out before "It's beautiful"


Suck it up faggot.
muslims deserve a slow painful death and killing them quickly is a mercy.

People who talk about people needing to be dragged into the street and shot should be dragged into the street and shot.

it won WW2.
nuclear weapons also don't have latent radiation because all the energy is expended as heat.

If you're referring to them firing back at us, the middle east doesn't have ICBMs.

Are you trying to say that none of the muslim countries have ICBMs? Why do I find it hard to believe? Also the nuclear bomb technically didn't end the war, it just ended it sooner, the war was very close to coming to an end, Germany had basically lost already.

As if Russia and China wouldn't exploit the mass hysteria and strike us after Israel and India take the opportunity to wipe Saudi Arabia and Pakistan off the map.

When Jews and Aussies stop fucking children provided by Sharjah & Dubai rulers.

Germany had already surrendered. Truman weighed his options, and let Oppenheimer's brainchild do the legwork that would likely have cost 250,000~ more lives. Bloody nips would have fought to the last.

It's not like this shit is hard to read up on.

Russia isn't THAT bent on destroying America you fuck.
Truth is the world needs Russia, it's the only balancing force IMO, you Americans don't realize that most of the world doesn't like you, and I'm not saying this because I dislike America per se, but the American government sticks its nose in EVERYTHING.

Iran JUST LAST YEAR was given permission to build a nuclear power plant.

do you not rmemeber the whole Bush fiasco with "they have weapons of mass destruction" and then we went to war and then THEY DIDN'T.

please remove tinfoil hat and learn to google.

pakistan has nukes

iran is working real hard on getting some

which is a pretty bad idea since israel would wipe them from the face of the planet as soon as they finished one

All I'm saying is that the Japanese didn't pose any real threat at this point in time cause the americans had already beaten them to a sorry mess. Sure to finish the war they would have to push for longer and the bomb may have been the better option, but my point is that with or without the bomb the outcome of the war was already decided.

>what is radioactive fallout

>not understanding how modern nuclear weapons work.

That's rich, like there isn't a slave trade in the middle east. Also who the fuck comes up with that? You think australians have shitskin children sex slaves? What the fuck is wrong with you?

The bomb showed the rest of the world that we had it and would use it.

I mean nowhere in the middle east? Not even the arabs?

>I don't realize that most of the world hates Burgerland

In the event of a global nuclear exchange, you'd better bet the fledgling superpowers would truly consider knocking the chip off of our shoulder.

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were firecrackers compared to where we are with nuclear weapon technology today. Ever heard of Mutual Assured Destruction?

>what is the middle east
looks like fallout anyway

meaningless self-aggrandizing speculation

Russia was prepared to attack from the east and it would have been over. The bombs were unnecessary

>what is japan

Nuclear fallout is a fantasy concept. latent radiation means that energy was wasted during detonation. Nukes dont waste energy and all the energy is fully expended as heat.

>not posting the youtube link directly




Bomb it until the sand is glass and turn it into a tourist trap.


"the sea of glass" sounds pretty cool actually

You must have studied nuclear physics at Trump University

you must have learned to debate there.

Ornate, dismissive poppycock leveraged to elucidate just how much more intelligent you are than the teeming masses arguing amongst themselves


That isn't saying much, when every country has had influence from one country or the other they tend to not like them. America being basically the biggest super power tends to be the biggest instigator, now if russia didn't exist there would be basically nothing to stop america from fucking shit up all around the world. Sure, when you're from america it's easy for you to be all like "we the strong the brave the burgers" and be all like you invented everything good in the world but the truth of the matter is that like all large countries your government bullies smaller countries and takes advantage. You aren't so different from the others, and I am glad that russia exists because its the closest thing we can have to balance.

>English major thinks hes relevant in science or politics.

anybody notices this one bomb falling faster then the plane is flying?

In his defense, I really don't think they would have taken a single Jap alive.

>cuts out before "It's beautiful"

Here you are.

Why do you think we did it? How many bases do we have in Japan now? How economically friendly are they with us? The bombs were unnecessary?

Not to a country that wanted itself to be king of the hill once the war was over. Russia needed to know where they were going to stand in the pecking order. The bombs outlined that perfectly.

That being said, I feel like they ought to have let Patton and MacArthur continue their campaigns until the soviets collapsed completely.

Imagine a world where there had been no cold war.

Taking a dick major learns to greentext.

You're a doll. Have a tsar bomba.

Imagine a a world were America wasn't run by a bunch of greedy scumbags.

'Fraid that's rather impossible, my friend.

Our country was founded on enlightenment philosophy and funded by greed.

It's in our blood.

that again would be an immoralic reason to drop an atombomb

"We've bombed and bombed and bombed..."
"Well, I guess the only thing to do is bomb some more"
Sounds like Muslim terrorist logic.

>war is moral

Imagine if germany got the nuke first user, you think they would have stopped at 2 cities?

>English major does not even know how to greentext while writing about greentext.

Then you agree with me.

If Muslims tout the end of America by your definition we should end all Muslims.

They don't care either considering they use themselves as bombs.

It depends on what point in the war they got it.

Pakistan have nukes,iran has them secretly i think and turkey got 50+ small nukes at some nato base

>autists online thinks he's relevant in science or politics
The irony with you shit posters


There are also SCUDs all over the middle east.

When it's all the civilians committing the terrorist acts then yes.

gr8 b8 m8

Scuds can be prevented easly with aa defense systems. Its not a big concern.

Here, let me fix this for you:
>Whole religion based on killing infidels, but only if you are a fanatic/fundamentalist
>Get mad because we invade and destroy their countries because oil and strategic positioning
>Our politicians create and train paramilitary groups that use their religion to instigate hatred towards each other and make us look like the supermen that are going to rescue them from their barbaric ways
>They get fed up with our warmongering politics and attack us on our country.
>cheering and bragging about it
>we fight back because our puppet leaders canĀ“t get the job done and we want oil and dollars.

>Well, I guess the only thing to do is bomb some more...
Or tell bleeding heart Liberals to "go suck a dick" and stop trying to fight a "politically correct" war.