Do you like Negan?

do you like Negan?

No, he's secretly gay.

like all man on Sup Forums


Not really. He's basically a NEET with a bat.

i think you're all butthurt bc of glenn tbh
Negan's awesome

I love negan
I'm negan....
Negan is love negan is life.

Not really. He's like a fucking cartoon character.

you know twd is based on comic right?
which is a drawn version of cartoon xD

He killed that piece of shit gook Glenn so yes I actually like him

damn right

That, and he's useless. I haven't read the comics, so I don't know how he got to where he is exactly, but he could be doing so much more with what he has. Could you imagine what could be accomplished if he let the communities he holds produce of their own accord and trade within his lands? Not only would he be in a position to levy some kind of tax (the currency would really be up to him), he would also be seen as an actual protector. He would have his peoples' sympathies, and they would fight for him were he to have a conflict with an outside group that poses an actual threat, which I assume is imminent. There are swaths of people every ten fucking miles, apparently.

his wife died just before the appocalypse and it drove him crazy, he's pasically a sociopath like you know, he went full bananas. Then he crafted his weapon which he named after his wife (Lucille) and yeah that's basically it. It's hard to be sensible and think long-term when you have anti social personality disorder

In the comic i think they say he was sports teacher, and had no own kids

Why hasn't somebody just poisoned him and his group? I thought that was what the Kingdom was doing earlier in the season, but I guess not?

Seriously, it would be pretty easy. Or maybe spread disease within his camp through a different means.

Another question here: do you think its legit, that character named "Jesus" had to be gay?
I mean it could be anyone, but they made Jesus gay.

Or shit, lure the Herd. There are still plenty of Walkers, right? Strategically place very loud speakers along whatever routes will lead them to the main camp. Who the fuck would go to save them?

>When another show reminds you of negan

He killed my boy abraham, don't give a shit about the gook, though

Or start a fire, fuck. Now I'm just making myself hate this show.

He's the only reason I started watching the show again.

Yet another question: how do you feel about the season so far?
I feel like all episods and even some individual plots down to conversations been very predictable.
Did they change the producer or something?

>drawn version of a cartoon

A villain who struts and chuckles to himself amidst acts of sadism and depravity. What fresh lifeblood this show needed so badly.

I stopped watching this idiotic circlejerk months ago.

Now that I think about it, this is really the best way. Soak key spots in a circumference of the camp thick with vegetation in pitch, set them alight simultaneously and run. Vacate your group and your allied groups beforehand. Fuck it, what's gonna stop it? What do they have, what could they do?

Yeah, but mainly for the reason that I'd ream JDM.

Plus he finally killed off Glenn. I wish he took out Maggie too. I'm tired of that unstable cunt. Fucking crybaby couple.

kek, i saw that too. i wonder if it was intentional?

>"What did they do to stop him? The man in Burma?"
>"They set the forest on fire."

Well he did say "dad loved this thing" in the episode. Pretty sure it was on purpose

escpiecially since it's the same actor lol, this should be obvious Sup Forumsro

I forgot he played their dad!