I find it absolutely fascinating how naive Americans that voted for Trump are...

I find it absolutely fascinating how naive Americans that voted for Trump are. To be that easy to fool to the point where they actually thought a crude, dumb as pig shit reality tv billionaire businessman from Queens was this crusading hero out for the little guy and would actually "Make America Great Again"

It's staggering! It was so patently obvious he was trash and it still worked!

And millions fell for it. The authoritarian populist shtick that's been used so many times before in history and it STILL works and people fall for it hook, line and sinker.

I just find it very funny and intriguing that he actually did it and got all these angry white people to vote for him.It's fucking impressive really.

Other urls found in this thread:



Yeah, it's difficult to understand how it came to this, I guess the alternatives were shit


Any day now Trump will make my life awesome! I just know it1

Any day now...

Fuck off, Mike!

This a million times.

If you think Trump is a pile of shit what does that say about Hillary?

The real question is, how fucked up does a person have to be to lose a popularity contest to him even knowing he's such a shitty candidate?

OP is a stinking cunt.

Nobody thinks he's a hero, he's a wrecking ball aimed at your nuts and he's doing great

She won the popularity contest

She just didn't win the election

bet you didn't know your nuts were in the way, too, did you?


USA electoral college is dumb


I'm amazed at how many people voted for a criminal, 65 million plus did I think. It's the reason why the EC is so important in this country.

This, otherwise the dumbfuck libtard states California, New York and Florida would decide every election. Our fore fathers saw this and put the electoral college in place to prevent it.

Because no one thought he would win! Which is why none of us voted. Oh well



aww, poor ickle snowflakes (:

>politifact not listed as one of their weapons of choice

Love him or loathe him Trump's an accomplished businessman, certainly not a criminal

>It was so patently obvious he was trash
sources cited:
1: feels

I'm not American but reveling in the other sides defeat like politics is some sort of sports event seems.....hmm, misguided.

Not Trump, the spirit cooking witch retard

I'm not naive. He's doing everything I expected of him, and more. Albeit I didn't expect him to so blatantly commit treason, nor to go full retard from the very start. That's more of a happy accident. Anyway no one else could or would be sinking the GOP and the Tea Party and Alt-right movements as hard and thoroughly as he is doing, and that's why I voted for him. The best part is that the Tea Party and Alt-right faggots are completely oblivious to this, and still support him as unquestioningly, loudly, and unironically as possible. It's fucking magical.

Sources cited: Objective reality.


That's not quite accurate, although fake news is a thing there's two expressions, the left uses fake news to mean "news I don't like." The right use the term to mean "news that is literally made up"


No they didn't. Our fore fathers didn't even conceive of CA. - which btw has the worlds 6th largest economy.

You should read about how & why the EC was put into place.
It was to prevent someone as unqualified as Trump is to be elected.
It was also put into place because at the time there were 1M people scattered up & down the east coast who didn't have the communication system in place to keep them promptly informed.

It's outdated and needs to go.

One man one vote - not this bullshit of minority rule in Trumps case.

You're knocking the States that CARRY the weaker ones due to their politics that can't pay their own way.

Says the European mocking the Brexit group.

>inb4 im australian m8

>You should read about how & why the EC was put into place.

>It was to prevent someone as unqualified as Trump is to be elected.

>It was also put into place because at the time there were 1M people scattered up & down the east coast who didn't have the communication system in place to keep them promptly informed.
Evidence? Although that's the only part of your claim that appears feasible.

>One man one vote - not this bullshit of minority rule in Trumps case.

>You're knocking the States that CARRY the weaker ones due to their politics that can't pay their own way.
And there's liberal bigotry and xenophobia, it's always right beind a semi-reasonable post.

Repeat after me. Liberalism is re-branded...


Show some respect their empty land and rows of corn have a voice too.

>You're knocking the States that CARRY the weaker ones due to their politics that can't pay their own way.

This. The arguments in favor of the EC are ridiculous.

>Not American

Hopefully a butthurt EU member then


Hey it's that guy samefagging on 3 virtual machines or whatever.

Mfw he admitted it last night.

Mfw no face because on phone.

What an obviously reputable source.


How many lies can CNN get caught in before people stop defending them and believing all of this bullshit.
I think there are valid concerns with Trump but if you watched them all day, you'd think Russians are hiding inside your walls, listening to you talk.

Probably more accurate than CNN or NBC

Yeah, no.

You seem paranoid, user.

Why the hell would ypu use multiple virtual machines to samefag?



On par with Fox, infowars and Breitbart

CNN is crap but it's also easy to just yell "fake news" at things that work against you so the whole thing is a mess. The Russian thing is a thing though. It has to be investigated and there is a lot of smoke. I'm not going to taker CNN's word for it alone but something proper proper shady went down.

LoL. Right on time. I could set my PtP server by you.

So they don't show up as (You) when you screencap yourself, ala what this samefag did like a textbook operation from a CTR shill:

Your bait fucking sucks. Try harder, newfag.


So ifmultiple people has similar opinions your only thought is that it's obviously one person? Seek mental help dude.

Except Fox didn't post a story about the president having a fetish for russian golden showers.

CNN did.

That's the difference.


All I care about is the % of non-white people in my country. And he's the candidate that would lower t the most.

Hillary was the lesser evil here and if you disagree, you're retarded.

It's hilarious how outraged people are with CNN for being blatantly biased. I think it's because liberals are held to a MUCH higher standard than conservatives. Ironically also by conservatives themselves. Fox, Infowars, Breitbart, talk radio, etc. Literally factories of 24/7 right wing claptrap propaganda that have been blaring nonsense for decades and then CNN comes along and tries to smooth the path for Hillary and is seen as biased and everyone loses their fucking minds. kek.


Suck it, liberals

AKA Swamp is being drained
dow is up 3 trillion (That means jobs)
Debt is going down
Illegal criminals are going to jail
Schools are being improved
What bad is happening here?

pretty much. they wanted to believe it. they all see themselves as "trump". they all think they can be billionaires. they all think they can have model wives. its just the blacks/muslims/EPA/liberals/obama that is stopping them.

Of course they wanted to believe trump.

What? Trump changed the meaning of the words by using them incorrectly. Look it up. Every single time he has said "FAKE NEWS. SAD!" it has been real news that he hasn't liked. He even used McCarthyism incorrectly unless he was referring to his own bullshit.


how about none of those things is true, and we are still in Obama's economy so...

Shill detected. I think someone who promotes child rape is a little more evil then someone who hurt your fee fees dont you

See that's the biggest problem. Once trusted news organizations start destroying the public's trust, everyone stops believing that news can be trusted.
For example, they should always make sure Presidents aren't controlled by foreign powers but the way its being reported... I just really hope everyone realizes soon that all of this is hurting not just the country but the whole world.

Ultimate cringe.

That is so obviously bullshit

Sup Forums wishes paid shills actually existed so fucking bad

Oh so the dow is not up 3 trillion points?
Illegal criminals are not leaving more then before?
Debt is not going down?
What did i miss here shill?

>promotes child rape
Does anyone unironically take this pizzagate meme seriously?

I'm sad you fucking retards decided to fuck everything up. It's like working hard to bake a cake and you take a few minutes to sit down and rest and your neighbors retarded child runs in and shits on the cake.

They do. Sorry to burst your bubble

Kill yourself and live stream it

The only people who actually say that are ones who have not looked at any pizza gate related evidence. Its real or mr.podesta just likes having fun with pizza for 2 hours.

>obamas economy
Right. I like how you think that's a praise-worthy attribute.

Just FYI tho, liberal news reporting in America has long since been a joke even before CNN was exposed as the retard news network.


>AKA Swamp is being drained


>dow is up 3 trillion (That means jobs)

Thanks, Obama.

>Debt is going down

Thanks, Obama

Illegal criminals are going to jail

As if this is new.

Schools are being improved

Devos wants to push the bible back in to the classroom by destroying public education and forcing it through charter and private schools. She wants a Christian theocracy and intends to start the indoctrination as young as possible. "Improved"

Okay Alex, that's enough 4chins for today.

if he is baiting and switching it still sent a very clear message to the government people arent very happy with how the government is letting big corporations ruin the country in the name of slightly higher profit margins.

What's worse is that Trump really was the lesser evil.

Liberals. They will die before they face the fact that their Black Saint president could do any wrong.

Christ, Obama almost ruined the country, it's true what they say, he was the worst president in US history.

Sawmp is being drained. All of obamas appointed staff are getting boot.

Dow is up 3 trillion AFTER trump takes office and vows to fix economy. Its an indicator of faith in the economey that wasent there during obama. SRY

Obama increased debt 10 trillion, so if you want to thank him go ahead.

Illegal criminals were being released back to the streets under obama. Not anymore.

Schools are being improved including the college debt bubble.

Devos wants to let schools do what the fuck they want while we get to pick the best ones. Whats wrong with that?

Sorry shill but it doesnt work here

Dow is up, glad to see wall-street is making money. that isn't more jobs. That is just paper money fag, made by top 1%ers. I've made like 6,000 in stock gains since he was elected. I guarantee you the shit-heels who voted for him haven't.

yes they do. And to be honest there are some questionable things, or things that seem weird. But it is conspiracy bullshit, was started specifically on Sup Forums as a joke, and idiots lapped it up.

>Illegal criminals are not leaving more then before?
no idea what you are talking about. speak english.

>Debt is not going down?
no, it isn't

"The exact amount of the debt bounces around that trend line because the Treasury borrows money by selling securities with maturities — or repayment dates — ranging from 28 days to 30 years. That creates an irregular pattern of inflows and outflows from the federal cash box." If you wanted to give anyone credit for that, it would be Obama -unless you can tell me what specific actions Trump has taken to impact the debt. He hasn't even passed a budget yet.

You know that the audio from her talking about that case is public, right? She doesn't advocate, and her"laughing about it" was her chuckling at how ludicrous it was that this guy passed the lie detector.

You voted Trump because you do no research on anything. I voted Trump to let morons like you win so we can show this country what it's like to "hurr durr, not have a corrupt politician in the Whitehouse".

You're an idiot.

While people like you like to sit on the high ground without any real reason or evidence supporting your claims. If you think obama is a saint your an idiot.

you arent very smart are you. Almost every single news source including the newspapers are liberally biased. The Assosiated Press is completly liberal and thats where every one of those stations gets their actual transcripts. its why you will hear the same buzzword or headline across almost all of the news channels all across the country. they literally say the exact same words the AP puts out.

Fuck you you sharia blue baiting piece of shit

itt: disingenuity; children who don't know a single thing about pol or econ
in other words:

>notice the shill calling everyone else shill. Just repeats copy/paste.

>swamp being drained
puts goldman sachs in charge of economy

ok buddy.

Typical shill repost. Im talking about her foundation and how she has ties to so many different pedos.

No i voted for trump because i have a degree in econ and not a degree in reading headlines/Shiling

send me a check george soros i wanna buy a gaming pc

Notice the shill doesnt even know what hes talking about when he says that.

>I voted Trump to let morons like you
self-proclaimed lmao
this is why no one talks to you :)


gr9 b9

>ignore evidence

>ask for evidence.

>destroy evidence
Repeat after me. Conservatism is re-branded...


>Shill detected. I think someone who promotes child rape is a little more evil then someone who hurt your fee fees dont you
Google "trump rapes 13 year old girl".

Repeat after me. Out of 1500 of commets, you show us 30 that were deleted knowing shareblue posts anti trump shit on every post and claim fascism.

We are not stupid. you have to try harder.

The median household income on that is wrong. It's slightly up over 2009. I know this for a fact so straight off the bat this is peddling bullshit and why should I trust the rest?

>Sawmp is being drained. All of obamas appointed staff are getting boot.

More billionaires than ever in his cabinet. Shell executives and massive donors among them. That is objectively not draining any swamp.

>Dow is up 3 trillion AFTER trump takes office and vows to fix economy. Its an indicator of faith in the economey that wasent there during obama. SRY

they rose because of the potential deregulations and oil deals with Russia mainly. They are now faltering and dropping due tot he political turmoil currently going on. This point is bunk as fuck.


>Illegal criminals were being released back to the streets under obama. Not anymore.

illegal criminals? LOL.

>Schools are being improved including the college debt bubble.


>Devos wants to let schools do what the fuck they want while we get to pick the best ones. Whats wrong with that?

Don't be this naive, user. What's wrong with defunding public schools with the SINGULAR agenda to force faith based teaching back in to school through charter and private? Quite a lot. She wants a Christian theocracy and to blur the lines of the separation between Church and State due to her being a crazy billionaire fundamentalist Christian with ties to blackwater through her brother. Add to that the fact she has never taught in her life and has ZERO qualifications for the job? What's wrong with that? Hmmm.

>libshits still this triggered over losing the election

Gonna be a tough 8 years :^)