Love my Girl *.*

Love my Girl *.*

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how old is she


Full frontal?

Chubby chaser



More please

me too

11 why?

she looks pretty "heavy" man
are you sure she's worth fucking? unhealthy ppl suck

she fat

How insecure must be all those guys who post private pictures of themselves all over the internet, like if theydesperately want to prove something

just turned 12 last week lol

want to see her bitch face

Yeah I know right shits pathetic. Hey take a look at this. What you think?

that you're desperately want to prove something to yourself

But what am I trying to prove?

I live every moment of my existence in existential dread. How I or you feel means nothing at all.

she looks awfully familiar
name? or first letter of name?

And you still feel need to post it online to others to see

maybe some deep inner unresolved conflicts?

Not in particular. No more than most I would assume.

I just like to share and see what people think. Call it a reinforcement in reality.

Is my cock objectively attractive? 1/10 scale preferably.

not fucking kidding,mate
i might "loved" her a week ago and i know she has a bf

You're insecure about your life, so you post it here hoping that others will reaffirm your flawed views

Who doesn't have flawed views?

Also my life is pretty good right now actually. I'm a tall, fit, intelligent, mostly white male, making 82k a year, and I'm engaged to a beautiful girl 7 years my junior. I had no insecurities. Only questions. I'm in the 1% of the world as far as quality of life.

So from 1-10. Objectively. Forgetting our conversation. What do you think? Are you capable of objective opinion?

hey man
you said earlier you live in existential dread
i recommend you looking up Dr Jordan Peterson and listening to his youtube videos.
maybe start with his Joe rogan video. good entry level video

Watch this, quick 3 minute video.

I feel bad for you. Deflecting like you are can't be good for the psyche.

If a person can't be objective then what's real?

I have no idea what you're talking about.
That was my first post, i just like spreading Peterson videos around.

Thought you were op I was talking with sorry. Thank you for the links though.

it's cool

Jordan Peterson vaporwave?

He must be legit. Hopefully he can help me.

he's spreading the green pill

I can't have one, since those things only have value in the system you live in, and, as a fully self-aware being, I know that the truly rich is the one who needs the least.

I'm just convinced that you're insecure.