How can women even compete?

How can women even compete?

I'm bisexual so I don't see the two as competition.

They can't. no woman could be that sickening.


more pls

they cant, women are better looking

add me on kik for dickpics : feetntoes2k15

you fuck and then play vidya afterwards







Women don't have assholes now?


add me on kik for dickpics : feetntoes2k15

most of them don't do anal, and vaginas are icky

I would disagree completely. Most girls try anal or do anal

Still sorry for whoring out this gif of me XD



fapping to most of the pics here right now, damn beautifull butts



The fuck is wrong with your chest?

weirdest boner I've ever gotten. for some reason my heart is rushing too.

Actually, that's a good question.
I have a flared and sunken ribcage. I'll probably have to have surgery :\

That would be its ribcage


love this one

d'awwwwwww anons in love :3


Pretty hot, but I can't help but think of the Benny Hill theme while watching this lol

I'm gay for this ass
9,5/10 - Would rim til tongue cramps




so hot






again :P


nice willy would bite

who is this???
I need the sauce now!!

so much fucking hair
hairy legs
boner is kill

Cant be arsed to shave my legs every other day :(



nice penis and body


I gotta say, I fucking love this. Very thick

here you fags go~

wax, friend?

nice. wax legs for bonus points

thanks lemme rape it hard and dry


Eh, don't listen to him. You're sexy enough, you don't need to wax or shave IMO

you can't be feminine with hairy legs user
please sort this out

it wouldn't be "rape" if he let you, ya dumb faggot

Thank you :)

Probably should yeah... I wish I'd be naturally smooth :(

I tried shaving earlier, but my razor crapped out. I'll try and get a new one soon

wrong thread fag

Let me ask. Who says you have to look feminine to have a sexy boy/man ass? Granted, I'm shave-crazy, but still...

>posts a blueboard

ye, don't listen to me. It's just another meaningless opinion on the internet.
Just throwing it out there.
Silky smooth shaven/waxed gets me going

by having a real vagina you faggot

cereal chest, like Cody Miller

This shit is fucking sickening.

Sup Forums has turned into a liberal cesspit advertising this bullshit. This isn't normal, and it's unnatural. Anybody who likes this is gay. Being gay is a mental illness. Make Sup Forums great again.

Hey, everyone has their opinions


Fuck :'(
I so wanna be in one of you's ass right now. In fact, i wanna have an harem of all of you

newfag bait

Double dubs of truth

Yeup! lol

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NAUGTYT BOYYYY ME FUCK U HARD! YEs pls

mine is ready user ;P



women can compete cause i'm not a fucking faggot kys

come and get it then~


mmmmmmmmm u like?

>Sup Forums has turned into a liberal cesspit advertising this bullshit
Not really, the actual reason is that becoming a fag is the only way how can those people have a chance of ever getting some action. It's much easier to get some guy fuck you as opposed to getting a girl that wants to be fucked.

hawt as fuck, he should've played with his butthole though would've felt way better

After seeing this thread.. I need a fucking boyfriend.

no problem you're tasty


We both have positives and negatives, it's down to opinion at the end of the day.
Like preferred sports teams, you straight guys like sports right?

eeeeh I'm single! ;3

come get a kiss and a nipplebite

same here, i am in need a of a good cock in me

how i feel every trap thread
how tf do people like get so lucky as to find someone as gay as themselves

some hairy dude puts his ass up and gets a cupple replies, I pt my waxed legs and ass up and no one says shit.

It really does help to be white.

>tfw girls won't fuck me
>end up fucking dudes that look like girls
I'm actually ok with this.
My dick will cum regardless

oooooh feck!

What's stopping you from installing shit like Grindr?

How old are you bby?

do you girls shave balls with razer or wax?

The fuck.
Same here.

Why is this happening.

Can't say I would not if offered.

If anyone rolls trips on me I'll suicide tonight.

jesus, is that you? kik?

24. You?