Just a reminder of how you've actually been lied to. And you bought it: hook, line, and sinker. But by all means...

Just a reminder of how you've actually been lied to. And you bought it: hook, line, and sinker. But by all means, please continue to profess about "fake news", "shills", and MAGA. Your salty tears are made all the more sweet by the impending impeachment.

Other urls found in this thread:



8 years

You're like a Hungry Hungry Hippo for Putin's cock.


Yawn. You faggots are like a broken record. The FBI will find nothing, like the last time, and then Democrats will go back to hating James Comey.


Yes...let the doubt fill and consume you. Your orange idol is falling.

You realize that you're being strung along in what is essentially the Democrats' version of Benghazi, right?

Shhhh.Shhhh.Shhhh, user. It'll be over soon. No more tears.

t. increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year

Look at those dates, user. When was his inauguration as President and protector of the USA?

Russian cock is better than Arab cock.
You must really love Achmed's, don't you?

Someone's mad that the house Trump built is crashing down.

President Trump seems like a mean person. I don't really like his personality very much.

Shhhh. He's tremendously benevolent. The best, really. There's no one better.

All these flavors, and you choose to be salty. Sad!

Deflect, user. It only stalls for so long and that bought time is rapidly disappearing.

4 months ago


>.001 Shekels has been deposited in your account.
>Thank you for working with CTR.


You bore me

No one has actually responded to OP's image. They've just deflected and used variations on 'umad'

It's telling.

Isn't it? Maybe I should dig up the Fox News article that also claims this is a bad move on Trump's part.


But..."White House official said.." And we know he wouldn't lie since everyone knows who he is.

It's so funny watching liberals project their anal devastation onto Trump-supporters.



Without Hillary, we missed out on all that refugee labor.

Deny what? Even if I told you Trump is the worst president to ever live you would still make this thread everyday.

For now, but it's crumbling, user. Just keep ignoring those widening cracks.

And? This is a non-issue.

Ladies, gentlemen, here we have a genuine example of a wild, illiterate Trumpian. Guaranteed right from the heartland of the good ol' US of A. Don't worry folks, you are perfectly safe as he's contained behind his impenetrable computer monitor and Cheeto induced malaise.

You're retarded. In 2018 Democrats have to defend more than twice as many seats as Republicans do in the Senate, and most of the ones Republicans have to defend are in deep red states. Literally the opposite of what you're projecting will happen, yet here you are masquerading as some smug soothsayer.


Ah, yes. Keep going, user. Assuage your fears.




For reasons

His daughter is pretty qualified to work for the government, as much so as that dumb cunt Hillary Clinton no? I mean what is her original qualification for any government job, sucked Bill Clintons crooked cock?

Can't even sell her clothes in major department stores

He'll be lucky if they only impeach him.
Crazy motherfuckers running riot burning down the country and the stakes are getting higher every day.

This coming from the failure who has to cope with his political side's utter collapse by shitposting on a Nepalese tea leaf forum.

The hate flows from you, user. Just let it course outward.

They were doing that years ago, even before Obama was encouraging rioting and shooting cops.

definitely an issue, user. Aside from the white house being a total joke because of Trump... Ethics lesson number one would be the serious conflict of interests. Daughter gets no official title for anything, but gets her own office in the west wing and top level clearance with FUCKING ZERO QUALIFICATIONS.


I think being a lawyer.

Versus being a high priced mail-order hooker.


Nah, I'm gonna enlist in Trump's space marines.

I was waiting for Obama to encourage that the entire time, where the fuck did you see that?

Reply to this or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

A lawyer fired from her first DC job for not being truthful. An MO she seemed to embrace.

Dude don't get me wrong I'm a leftist but I really think the probability of Trump actually getting removed from office is so low you'd have to be delusional to believe it.

you're fucking retarded. bitch wasn't qualified to have business with Nordstrom's, you think this dumb cunt deserves a sevurity clearance and an office in the white house? NEPOTISM. Look it up, user.


Good point. A lying lawyer, what a disgrace. Everyone knows honesty is the #1 quality in being a lawyer.

Fucking doofus.



Same. I'm just waiting for the much worse news to come in, that he's been taken out and we have... president pence.

who gives a fuck it's just an office

He didn't directly, but in every speech he brought up racist cops, even when it wasn't related.

Then Dallas happened and he stopped, his own mission accomplished. He was always just a community organizer given a huge megaphone.

I'm just hopeful that their fears of Trump blundering will compel Congress to actually govern for a change. The Democrats probably believe executive orders are laws by now.

*stands up and applauds*

try again faggot. that dumb bitch never had security clearance or her own office in the white house.

Say it with me: Non-issue

It was an investigation of Nixon. If you accept government investigations as being full of lies, why bother with them?



Point supported. Well done, user.

She's old enough to have been eligible, if having no experience at all. Had to wait for mom to fail again before they even talked of grooming her.

>try again faggot

Congress won't govern.
Systematically, it's not in their best interest to make any decisions, for fear of being held accountable later. Not when they've got as much money backing them up as they do now.

not even. I hated that stupid cunt too.


Like Ivanka? Yeah, there's a reason they never gave that to Chelsea.

he could still win


We shall see, user. We shall see.


Point proven. Well done.

Keep posting those sweet pics, fam. Got to commemorate the only political victory Trump will ever have.


Climate change is not the only issue of the day, and it's future effects are already inevitable.


"They won't fine nuffin'" kek sure


And again. Fascinating.

Did uh... did you have a point?


lol, the Trump shills are still loyal. I love it.


But I since this is inconvenient to your narrative, it's "fake news."


Insanity. Sheer insanity.


>losing to a bunch of shitposter
>act like he is smart on internet


The dems were giving those out to troll republicans dumb shit

