Expat Thread

Post countries you want to expatriate to and post 3-5 reasons as to why.

1. Beautiful Mediterranean climate
2. Food
3. Culture and language
4. Is in Europe which is the greatest continent on earth.
5. Beautiful nature

Please don't hate on my choice and meme on me. Just choose your preferred country and post it. If you don't want to expatriate then just say you don't. Thanks.

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Awful thread.

I guess you just don't comprehend my thread. If you need clarification, please kindly advise.

>english speaking(at least partially, the most of all cold countries)
>existent healthcare
>has areas without civilisation

Our health care is pretty poor bro. I've been waiting 9 months now for the to remove a very inconvenient cyst.

your expats are ok,. your tuorists are the worst you Nigel


>live in poland
>need a very important surgery, you either get it soon or you can end up on wheels soon
>you have to pay more you make in a year or wait two years
And you dare complain about a cyst

US, Minnesota
>Great swedish influenced culture
>The 2 above

That may have been a poor example..but here is another one.

My good friend in high school was one of the best soccer players you'll ever see at his age...scouted over and over..was supposed to get a paid scholarship to go to USA at an amazing school.

>Tears his acl.
>Waits close to a year for surgery.
>Gets surgery.
>Waits another 8 months to recover...tries to play after pt etc...can't play pain etc.
>Goes back to hospital.
>They didn't repair his acl properly.
>Had to wait another year to do it. And then they finally fixed it.
> Doesn't get scholarship.


I'm sure our shit is better than Poland but trust me...it's pretty fucking bad.

>That windmill in Bilbao
>That football in Zaragoza

1. Is not Spain
2. Is in North America but it's not the US nor Mexico

>1. Beautiful Mediterranean climate

No, it's too hot

>2. Food

Oh yeah 99% of your food will consist of the same shit from thje market than there

>3. Culture and language

since when being drunk is culture

>4. Is in Europe which is the greatest continent on earth.

we ressemble more africa than europe

5. Beautiful nature

yeah desertification is beautiful


pero si los mas "patriotas" de españa son sudacas y moros, si te fijas en el ejercito solo hay sudacas, moros y gente tan retrasada que no sabe aprobar la eso

dime a cual de los 3 grupos perteneces tu

>stay where I am
1. Beautiful Mediterranean climate
2. Food
3. Culture and language
4. Is in Europe which is the greatest continent on earth.
5. Beautiful nature

>d language
>4. Is in Europe which is the greatest continent on earth.
>5. Beautiful nature

You must be from Murcia

Shit, I wanted to quote the whole post

>The army is filled with sudacas, ergo being a ""patriot"" means that you are a sudaca

I truly wonder why there are so many sudacas in the army...

Try visiting Asturias, Jordi.

From Spain to Sweden because
1. Like the country and the cities I've visited
2. Language
3. Swedish summer > Spanish summer
4. Work
5. I just like living abroad



It's practically it's own fucking country if you've ever been down there, unique culture, politics (Texan Conservatives), and so on and so on.

¿Los de Almeria no salen de alli nunca ?

Sorry, my aneurysm burst.
I meant to say: so you'd trade Sweden for a shitty Sweden where no one speaks Swedish?

>TFW you will never live in the netherlands

I feel like portugal have little Spaniard territory above them.

kys faggot

should have*

that little territory above them where the ones that reconquered it from moors so if anything northern portugal should go back to them
